TNA News Bytes

TNA News Bytes

September 13, 2007

by Sassy

A Note From Sassy

I visit several websites daily and was appalled to find that one wrestling news website had the No Surrender results up with a picture of – you got it – Adam “Pacman” Jones.  Jones is NOT a wrestler.  I saw every living second of No Surrender and there were many, many talents who deserve a photo spot next to No Surrender.  Jones is not among the talents.

Sherri Martell’s Autopsy Results

If you didn’t read WWE News Bytes for September 11, we reported that the toxicology reports for Sherri Martell are in and that she died of multiple drug toxicity.  The investigators are ruling the death accidental.

The TNA House Show Numbers

The TNA house show in Syracuse, NY drew 1,300 fans. Source: Daniel Pena,

No Surrender Debuts

Jimmy Rave, Ring of Honor Fame, made his debut at No Surrender in the tag team gauntlet match.  Rave had previously been with TNA.  Rave was teamed with Lance Hoyt (and accompanied by Christy Hemme) but no word yet on how TNA plans to use Rave in any story lines. 

Judas Mesias, that devil of a son James Mitchell has been promising, debuted at No Surrender.  That’s not exactly the truth.  His hand debuted. We don’t know how soon we will be seeing the rest of Judas.  Or James Mitchell – he was only shown on the monitor, not in the ring.

Two-Hour Time Slot for TNA Official

As previously guessed by many rumor sites, TNA’s big announcement during the No Surrender pay per view is the two-hour time slot they have been working on for some time. You can read the official press release here:

Along with the debut of the two-hour time slot, it is rumored that Jeff Jarrett will be returning at that time and the X-Division wrestlers will get a bigger push.

Still No Drug Testing Policy in Place

There should be a drug testing policy in place when TNA goes to two hours.  Source: Daniel Pena, Is TNA waiting for the Congressional committee to show up at their front door before they act on this?  If they haven’t been keeping updated, Konnan has already talked to the committee.  If there was anything to report, you can bet it was reported.  (And that is not a put down, Konnan, we don’t expect you not to speak up!) TNA tossed Andrew Martin because he needed to lose muscle mass and they still don’t have a drug testing policy. They might as well flip the Congressional committee off and make them even more determined to put a stop to illegal drug use in professional wrestling.

If You Thought This Writer Didn’t Like Sting/Angle/Killings/Jones


You must read this review:  Bob Magee pulls no punches in his scathing criticism of TNA and the use of Adam “Pacman” Jones. The review is toward the end of the As I See It column.  Bob has some not so nice words for Spike Dudley mid way through the column.

Steve Gerweck tells us that TNA promised Jones a title which is why he got half of the tag team title and didn’t have to wrestle to get it.  Source: I’ll bet the writers had a tough time coming up with that story line. I don’t understand why Ron The Truth Killings went along with this.  He is a talented wrestler.  Aligning himself with Jones, even if Killings likes to play heel now and then, doesn’t do anything for his wrestling image.

ESPN actually covered No Surrender and Jones’ no wrestling allowed match.  You can read the article here:

Unlike TNA, the article reminds us why Jones isn’t playing football. Of course the article notes Jones isn’t wrestling either.

Source: Sports Illustrated

TNA Has New Roster Member

TNA has apparently hired a new talent, however, the name has not been revealed. Source:   Some sources are hinting that it’s a former WWE superstar. 

Could the New Member Be…

Rakishi/Fatu was at the TNA tapings on September 10. The Rakishi name is owned by WWE.  Rumor has it that he will be working for TNA.  Source:

Since the Entire World Has Been Informed

We will blab the story as well.  Former WWE wrestler Rikishi did, in fact, debut in the TNA iMPACT tapings that took place after No Surrender.  Since Rikishi’s name is owned by WWE, he is now wrestling under the name Junior Fatu. It’s nice to see TNA hire a talented wrestler for a change. Source:   WWE did not, however, have the foresight to retain the rights to the Stink Face!

Another Backstage Guest at No Surrender      

2 Cold Scorpio was backstage during No Surrender. He is the current Pro Wrestling Unplugged Champion and resides in FL. Source:

No Surrender Temper Tantrum

Kurt Angle was furious at TNA over the winner of the X-Division belt, Black Machismo Jay Lethal, being sent out later in the show to be thrown out of the ring during Samoa Joe’s match with Christian Cage. It appears Kurt didn’t take kindly to the guy he put over in a match being treated like a jobber later in the show. Source: Tim Brown, I don’t quite understand this.  We are used to Jay Lethal being an all around player in TNA and I don’t see how his being involved in Joe’s match lessens credibility in any fashion.

Bill Goldberg Interview

Bill Goldberg was interviewed on a Texas Radio station.  He told everyone returning to WWE was out of the question – he wouldn’t put another penny in Vince McMahon’s pocket.  When asked about TNA, he stated that TNA doesn’t have it together and they have no idea what people want to see.  He was not impressed with the hiring of Adam “Pacman” Jones.  He also discussed the deaths of Curt Henning and Brian Adams.  You can hear the interview here:

The Return of n W o

Kevin Nash is pushing TNA to hire Scott Hall and bring back Sean Waltman.  It is reported that TNA has already sent out feelers to Hall and has shown interest in Waltman. Source: Ryan Grey,

Women’s Wrestling at TNA

With the upcoming two-hour iMPACT, it appears we may get to see women’s wrestling in the near future.  Source: Sources report a women’s gauntlet match will be held at Bound For Glory.

TNA Gives It Away and Then Some

TNA taped three shows in one night giving everyone a heads up on what matches will be on and who the winners will be. I don’t mind knowing what matches are up each and every week, but I hate spoilers. I never read them although I will read through a recap if I have missed a show for any reason.

Bound For Glory Giveaways

PW Insider is reporting that there will be a Monsters Ball Match and an Ultimate X Match.  There is also to be a Kurt Angle vs. Sting match.

Alex Shelley and the Independent Circuit

TNA had made the decision not to allow contracted workers to work PWG or ROH shows because they release DVD with matches involving TNA talent.  Alex Shelley recently worked a PWG show with TNA’s knowledge and the understanding that his match would not be put on a DVD, however, Shelley took the mic at the show and told the audience PWG was his favorite place to work. Source: Daniel Pena, 

Current TNA Events

TNA house show at Zamora Shrine Temple, Birmingham/Rondale, AL, October 11.  Tickets went on sale September 10.

Information on  Bound for Glory Fanfest, starting October 13, can be found here: Or

Bound For Glory, October 14

Instant Classic:  The Best of  Christian Cage DVD available October 16.

Genesis is November 11.

TNA: Year 1 DVD to be released November 20.

TNA iMPACT tapings are held at Universal Studios, Orlando, FL

For information on pay per views, TNA house shows, TNA merchandise and ticket information, go to

Current Events Involving TNA Talent

Auction for Autism information:

Additional information:

Fans will be bidding to manage their favorite wrestlers.  There are many talents up for bid. The TNA talent list:  Scott & Rick Steiner, Elix Skipper, Hernandez, Homicide, AJ Styles, Abyss, Senshi, Gail Kim and Earl Hebner.  You can also Bid to Guest Ring Announce a Match!

Is there a current TNA Event or TNA Talent Event that we have missed?  If so, please send information to the Webmaster.

Leticia Cline’s Playboy cover has been released. You can see the cover here:

The issue will be released next month. Source:

Christian, billed as Jayson Reso, has a small part in the movie “Shoot ‘Em Up”. His acting gig was not hyped by TNA.  Source:

Samoa Joe is scheduled to be working Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan on October 25th and 27th.

Not Necessarily TNA News

Konnan’s Interview

Konnan’s first interview since his life saving kidney transplant can be found here:

Konnan talks about his surgery and the difficulties he has had since the surgery. He has much to say about drug use in professional wrestling.  WWE and TNA are both mentioned. There is also a link to donate to help cover medical costs for Konnan. Although it is a written recap of the interview, the article contains a link to hear the actual interview. 

Bill McDermott’s MySpace

Former WWE/WCW wrestler Bill McDermott has posted on his MySpace page that TNA is not interested in his services. You can see it here: He now says he will be retiring from wrestling.

Previously on Bytes

Signature Pharmacy Investigation Update

Prosecutors are working to prove that Signature Pharmacy provided prescriptions to clients without said client ever having seen a medical doctor.  Signature Pharmacy’s attorney has denied any such wrong doing.  Source: Ryan Gray,

Kurt Angle Not Guilty

It appears there was an error in naming Kurt Angle as a client of the Internet Signature Pharmacy.  Kurt was not a client of Signature.  His name came up in an investigation of Applied Pharmacy Services, Mobile, AL, a year ago.  There are no records any TNA wrestler linked to Signature Pharmacy. Source: Brandon Lau, ProWrestlingFans.

Steroids and Divas

Wrestling Observer reports that when the names of active wrestlers were being checked, they were only checking males and they were only checking the WWE active roster.  If a big name TNA member showed up, the name would have been recognized.  The article suggests women over the age of 30 may use steroids to maintain their figures.

If this is true, then after all the loud clamoring of “innocent” wrestlers popped up all over the Internet, the prosecutors may just decide to go back and have another look, especially after some of those screaming NOT GUILTY were clients of Signature Pharmacy.

Benoit Family Fund For Brain Injury Research

Michael Benoit, father of Chris and grandfather of Daniel Benoit, has set up the above fund. 

Donations can be sent to:

Sports Legacy Institute

Benoit Family Fund for Brain Injury Research

230 Third Avenue

Waltham, MA  02451-7528

Make checks payable to Sports Legacy Institute.  You can also make a contribution via Paypal here:




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