September 11, 2007

Recap by Sassy

Comments in italics by Sassy

We see the recap of last week’s win of the ECW Championship by CM Punk.  Punk beat John Morrison with a pin fall.

ECW is being broadcast from Minneapolis, MN

Ringside announcers:  Joey Styles and Tazz

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

Armando Estrada, ECW General Manager,  is in the ring and he announces CM Punk as the new ECW Champion. CM Punk enters the ring to the enthusiastic approval of the live audience. Estrada tells Punk that as ECW GM, he is proud to call Punk his ECW Champion. Punk tells Estrada he always knew he was a fan of Punk. Punk then gives Estrada a brand new official CM Punk t-shirt. Punk then autographs the shirt for Estrada.  Punk then insists that Estrada don the shirt in the ring. Punk tells Estrada that now is not the time to be shy and Punk asks if Estrada is bs’ing him and just saying nice things to suck up to Punk like some sleazy promoter. The fans demand Estrada put on the shirt as well. Estrada takes off his jacket and puts on the t-shirt. Punk tells Estrada that now Estrada is the biggest fan. We hear the music of Elijah Burke and as Burke walks to the ring, Estrada tells Punk that Burke is his opponent at Unforgiven this Sunday. Burke said he came to the ring to congratulate him on being the new ECW Champion and that Burke was the first person at ECW to believe in him. Burke says he will beat Punk at Unforgiven and win the title because Burke is more athletic, more physically gifted and more charismatic than Punk. The audience does not approve of Burke’s statement. Punk tells Burke he needs to stop looking into the future and he needs to look at the here and now.  Burke pushes Punk back telling him that he is in his private space, three times, before Punk delivers a high kick to the back of Burke’s head.  Burke rolls out of the ring and Estrada helps Burke to the back.

I am glad to see CM Punk with the gold.  I like John Morrison, although I'm not fond of his character.  Morrison is an athletic, agile athlete who will do well in the ring.  I am not sure he is hardcore or extreme material. I do believe Punk can do well in a hardcore setting.

Commercial break.

We see a commercial for WWE 24/7 on Demand.  Get one month free when you sign up for this channel.

The Miz, weighing 231 lbs., from Cleveland, OH

Accompanied to the ring by Extreme Expose


Tommy Dreamer, weighing 255 lbs., from Yonkers, NY

Audience Favorite:  Tommy Dreamer

My Favorite:  Tommy Dreamer

Winner:  The Miz with a pin fall.

I read a column the other day regarding how great The Miz was in the ring.  I just don’t see it and I don’t understand the push he is getting, along with Extreme Expose, in ECW.   Dreamer should have beat The Miz without breaking a sweat. This match was terrible. It was a waste of talent for Tommy Dreamer and a waste of time for true ECW fans. You can quote me on this:  The Miz is not ECW material.

We see a promo of Matt Striker with Big Daddy V.

We see a recap of the John Cena and Randy Orton battle scheduled for Unforgiven, including the clip of Cena’s taken out by Orton and William Regal taken out by Cena.

Commercial break.

We see a promo to vote on the newest Diva in WWE’s Diva Search. You can see the information on all the divas in the running at www.wwe.com.

Back from commercial break and Balls Mahoney is approaches Kelly Kelly backstage. Mahoney has gotten Kelly a big stuffed teddy bear. Kelly thanks Mahoney, tells him she has to go and then wanders off.

Matt Striker, from New York City, NY

accompanied to the ring by Big Daddy V


Nunzio, weighing 170 lbs.

Audience Favorite:  Nunzio

My Favorite:  Nunzio

Winner: Matt Striker with a rollup and a three count.

Big Daddy V enters the ring and proceeds to beat on Nunzio. This match could come close to being the shortest match in history and appears to have been nothing but a push for Big Daddy V. The Boogeyman’s music comes on and we Boogeyman on the monitor to recite Humpty Dumpty for the audience before eating a handful of worms. Again, I don’t understand the push for Big Daddy V.  I don’t think beating up on a 170 lb. Wrestler doesn’t make V impressive to me.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Styles tells us about Unforgiven next Sunday. We then see the Raw Rebound with the clip of Hornswoggle being named as McMahon’s illegitimate son.

Balls Mahoney, weighing 310 lbs., from Nutley, NJ


Mike Knox, weighing 260 lbs., from Phoenix, AZ

Audience Favorite:  Balls Mahoney

My Favorite:  Balls Mahoney and at least he's not in the ring with The Miz again! 

Winner: Mike Knox with a pin fall after a distraction from The Miz coming to the top of the ring.

Kelly is seen backstage with her new teddy bear and Extreme Expose watching this match on the backstage monitor. Knox and Kelly were previously billed as a couple. Kelly is seen again backstage. The other members of Extreme Expose have disappeared with her new teddy bear. Kelly doesn’t have the best luck with workplace romances.  Perhaps she should try looking outside the squared circle.

Another useless match is over quickly.  It’s nice to see Mike Knox back in action but this match was another waste of time and talent.  Mahoney can be easily associated with hardcore wrestling and I believe Knox could work his way into hardcore with a little work.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a preview of next Monday Night Raw and Hornswoggle as the newest member of the McMahon family. Styles tells us about the matches scheduled for Unforgiven, including Henry vs. Undertaker, Cena vs. Orton, Triple H vs. Carlito, Khali vs. Batista vs. Mysterio, CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke.

We see another clip of CM Punk beating John Morrison for the ECW Title.

Elijah Burke & Kevin Thorn

At a combined weight of 500 lbs.


Commercial break.

Stevie Richards & CM Punk

Audience Favorites:  Stevie Richards & CM Punk

My Favorites:  Stevie Richards & CM Punk

Winners: CM Punk and Stevie Richards as Punk puts down Thorn with a GTS and gets a three count.

Punk did an excellent job in the ring but I don’t want to take away anyone else who worked it.  Stevie Richards is just plain hot no matter how you look at it, He’s not a large wrestler but he is tough as nails. Burke is athletic in the ring and Thorn is a powerful presence.  Thank goodness for this match.  It was the highlight of the night.

Is it just me or does it seem the ECW hour has become nothing but a springboard for Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown?  We see more of what happened on the other shows and more commercials for everything else than we see action on ECW.  I am glad CM Punk is getting a push.  He deserves it.  Unfortunately, Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards and Balls Mahoney seem to be getting either very little airtime or wasted airtime.  Richards and  Dreamer are ECW originals and now that Sabu, Sandman, and Rob Van Dam appear to be history, they should be in the spotlight. I was under the impression ECW stood for Extreme Championship Wrestling. The only extreme I can see is the lack of clothing covering Extreme Expose. Morrison is a good wrestler but is not hardcore material.  Kevin Thorn could easily be worked into hardcore wrestling with better matches. I think Burke could handle it too but since the matches lately are so scattered and unfocused it is difficult to tell.



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