TNA News Bytes

TNA News Bytes

September 6, 2007

by Sassy

The last few TNA News Bytes make me feel as though all I have been talking about is the World Wrestling Federation.  Although I am thrilled that only one name from TNA came up in the course of the Signature Pharmacy investigation, I am surprised that TNA has not mentioned Kurt Angle as being involved with drugs.

Keep in mind Signature Pharmacy is not the only Internet pharmaceutical company.  The full extent of other Internet pharmacies, wrestlers, and wrestling organizations involved may not be known for some time.

TNA Seeks Stylin’ and Profilin’ – WOOOOOOOO!

Wade Keller of PWTorch  reports that TNA will be offering Ric Flair a deal since Flair has quit WWE.  It’s all speculation at this point, but let’s face it:: Flair would be worth ten times more than Pacman or Mrs. Angle.  Even if Flair no longer wishes to be in the ring, his years of experience could raise TNA to new heights.  And Christian Cage would be able to add to his Second Dirtiest Player in the Game bag of tricks with Flair around to coach him.

iMPACT Rating

The rating for last week’s iMPACT was 1.1.  It has been at the same number three weeks in a row.  This Thursday’s iMPACT will be the final one before the No Surrender Pay per View.  Ryan Clark,, source PWInsider.

Possible Injury

Posted regarding the TNA house show in Syracuse by Adam Martin,, which notes that Tomko appeared to have suffered a shoulder injury during his match with Abyss.  It seems the TNA wrestlers were a big hit in Syracuse.

Cowboy James Storm Talks TNA, Bar Hopping and Rhino

Monday Night Mayhem conducted an interview with Storm.  He talks about AMW, the break up of the tag team and the aftermath, his current story line with Rhino, and his career in TNA. Follow the links to the actual interview

Alex Shelley News -- Or Not

Reported by Ryan Clark,, Alex Shelley’s contract with TNA has expired or will be expiring soon.  If TNA lets Shelley walk, they are losing a major roster member. Later today Wade Keller, PWTorch noted that Shelley has over a year left on his two year contract.  Shelley was seen at PWG Indy show last week and rumors began to fly.  Keller assures Shelley fans, Shelley is not leaving TNA.

TNA Tells Andrew “The Punisher” Martin To Lose Muscle Mass

Andrew "The Punisher" Martin previously known as Test has been told he must lose muscle mass in order to work for TNA. According to Brian Cantor,, source PWTorch, claims that Martin’s contract was short term and he was told if he wanted to come back he must lose a sizeable amount of muscle mass.  TNA felt that with all of the controversy surrounding the use of growth enhancers in the industry, it would be sending the wrong message to outsiders. It has been rumored that he was not getting along well with other roster members and that could be another reason he was not kept on the roster.

Does Kurt Angle Have Any Weaknesses?

Check out Funk’s Corner at for Dory’s take on Kurt’s abilities in the ring.

Brock Lesnar Headed for UFC

From, Dave Melzer is reporting Brock Lesnar will not be signing a deal with TNA in spite of Kurt Angle’s trying to broker a deal.  Dana White of UFC feels confident that they will be able to get Lesnar to sign with them for MMA action.  Lesnar pitched a part time contract to WWE. Vince didn’t like the short schedule Lesnar would have gotten.


It has been reported that TNA has offered Lesnar a six figure part-time deal.  Brandon Lau, source  Did they decide to get rid of Jones?  A six figure deal and part time sounds too good to be true. It does not state whether or not TNA will be paying Lesnar if he is injured during his MMA matches while under contract with TNA.

What About Vito?

In keeping with Total Nonstop Angle, Kurt hasn’t given up on getting Vito hired either. Perhaps TNA should pry the championship belts out of Kurt’s hands and put him to work in the booking department.

Current TNA Events

Bound For Glory, Atlanta, GA, tickets go on sale September 7.

No Surrender is September 9.

TNA house show at Zamora Shrine Temple, Birmingham/Rondale, AL, October 11.  Tickets go on sale September 10.

Information on  Bound for Glory Fanfest starting October 13 can be located here: or

Bound for Glory, Atlanta, GA, October 14.

TNA is releasing a Christian Cage DVD which should be available October 16. See for Instant Classic:  The Best of Christian Cage.

Genesis is November 11.

November 20 is the scheduled release date for the TNA DVD "TNA: Year 1". You can read a preview of what the DVD contains here: It sounds like it will be worth a watch.

TNA iMPACT tapings are held at Universal Studios, Orlando, FL.

For information on pay per view, TNA house shows, TNA merchandise, and ticket information, go to

Current TNA Talent Events

Pro Wrestling Syndicate, Garfield, NJ, September 7. Matches include Lanny Poffo vs. Jay Lethal, Abyss vs. Steve Mack, Sabu vs. Trent Acid, Necro Butcher & Chris Hero vs. Eddie Kingston & Samoa Joe. For more information, go to

Meet Rhino and Christian Cage for autographs and photos at Team 3D's Power Blendz from 3 PM to 6 PM on September 8.  Location is 1882 North Wickham Rd., Melbourne, FL.  Admission is $5.00, children ages 4 and under are free.

Auction for Autism information is posted here:

For further information, see

Fans will be bidding to manage their favorite wrestlers.  There are many talented wrestlers to bid on.  The TNA talent list:  Scott & Rick Steiner, Dustin Rhodes, Elix Skipper, Hernandez, Homicide, AJ Styles, Abyss, Senshi, Gail Kim, and Earl Hebner.  You can also Bid to Guest Ring Announce a Match!

Did we miss any TNA or TNA talent events?  If so, let us know by contacting the Webmaster with the information.

Not Necessarily TNA News


Monday Bytes Follow Up

Steve Gerweck Provides Konnan Health Report Update

Konnan was released from the hospital on August 18, however, he has developed diabetes so he will need to have insulin shots to regulate his blood sugar levels.  He contracted mild pneumonia and at this time he needs treatment four times a week to keep his body from rejecting the new kidney.  Konnan hopes to return to  AAA as a heel manager in two months.  Source  I don’t care what anybody says about Konnan, he is the toughest wrestler and/or manager in the business. You can’t be soft and do what he has done, even if it was outside of the ring. Keep getting better Konnan!  

Hulk Hogan on Nick’s Accident quotes Hogan as saying Nick was not speeding at the time of the accident.  I’m not sure he can sell that.  The Hogans ran out and got a criminal defense attorney immediately after the accident.  That usually means someone thinks criminal charges will be filed and if Nick was not at fault why the big rush?

Latest WWE Wellness Policy Updates


Who is Facing Suspension

Who is Not

Who is Looking for Work

Maybe Eugene Wasn’t Acting

Latest reports indicate Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore was terminated due to a failed drug test. His bio was immediately removed from the WWE roster page.

Developmental Talent Gone

At the same time Nick Dinsmore was being released, Chris Cage, a former developmental talent was also escorted from the building during the Smackdown tapings.  He had previously been released due to a wellness issue and even though he was booked to work as an extra, WWE sent him on his way.

Cryme Tyme’s Dismissal – Not Wellness Policy Related

It is being reported that Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch and Cryme Tyme had words before the match that cost Cryme Tyme their jobs.  The final straw was Cryme Tyme attacking the referee.  Even thought they were careful and no one was injured, the assault on the ref was not a planned part of the match and was a dangerous maneuver. Cryme Tyme is not speaking about the reason for their release or loss of their WWE roster spots.

King Booker T and WWE

King Booker was on Signature Pharmacy’s client list and it is rumored he has  been suspended.  According to sources, Booker T is angry about the changes in the drug testing policy and may take a walk.  His wife, Sharmell, isn’t concerned about walking away from wrestling.  Booker T just signed a contract with WWE.  He may have problems if he decides to go.  Article by Brian Cantor,  John McDermott of goes all out and bets that King Booker is the wrestler facing the 60 day suspension.  Someone else was betting on Mr. Kennedy.  I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Rob Van Dam and ECW

Rob’s profile has been removed from the ECW Superstars page. Rob was previously in trouble after being arrested for drugs along with fellow competitor Sabu.  We will let you know when we find out where Rob surfaces.  

Jason Sensation Interview

I don’t want to tout a book written by a guy I don’t know, but I did find part of this interview interesting.  I was aware Charlie Haas’s brother, Russ, had died at a young age in what was released as a heart condition.  According to Sensation, Russ was told by WWE he needed to get bigger or he and his brother would never make it to the big time.  Sensation claims Russ was using steroids to do just that but, unfortunately, during one of these times there was air in the needle.

You can read part of the interview here: and there is a link to the actual recorded interview on the site.  Steroids aren’t all he talks about but that part of the interview does fit in with the way WWE appears to be handling talent.

On the Flip Side

Mark Henry, WWE star who was rumored to be leaving this year, recently signed a new contract with WWE.  It is suggested he was made an offer he could not refuse.  Posted by Ryan Gray, Source Wrestling Observer. Anyone on the WWE roster who is drug free, not a client of Signature Pharmacy and has any draw power at all may be able to write his or her own ticket.

Every website that carries wrestling news has been reporting that HBK Shawn Michaels and Y2J Chris Jericho are on their way back to WWE.  The general  consensus is Michaels is not ready for a return but Jericho may be return soon. Hardcore Bob Holly sustained an arm injury, had surgery, and has no feeling in part of his arm.  It is believed he may not be able to return to the ring.

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Many people believe Vince didn’t realize the Signature Pharmacy client name list would be released to the public.  Big oops. Vince’s plan was to not post any names until November 1.  That kind of ploy wasn’t to protect wrestlers…it was to protect corporate WWE.  WWE’s idea of not suspending everyone immediately due to wellness policy violations in order to keep their titles and story lines intact won’t make WWE look good in the eyes of the public and, most importantly, in the eyes of any congressional committee.  Vince needs to understand you can treat the fans like idiots as part of your character and storyline, but not in the real world.  

Batista Speaks Has His Say Regarding Accusation

Dave Batista has been very unhappy since his name was linked to the drug scandal.  He assures his fans and anyone else who will listen that he was never a client of Signature Pharmacy and is in complete compliance with the wellness policy of WWE.  ESPN screwed up and Batista has every right to complain. He has posted the denial on his website. Here is the link:   Article by Tim Brown, source WrestleZone. It is further rumored that Batista may be taking legal action for the error.

Ric Flair Wants Out

Ryan Clark at reports that Ric Flair gave his notice to WWE on August 21 but the news was just released. It has nothing to do with the drug scandal and WWE has not given Flair a release at this time.  Flair was allegedly unhappy with his current push or lack thereof.  WWE has offered him a new program in order to keep him, but no word yet on whether or not the two sides will work it out.  WWE has roster positions to fill due to suspensions and having Flair walk could be a major problem for the organization.  I was under the impression earlier in the year that Flair was close to retiring.  It appears the Nature Boy is not quite ready to leave the spotlight.

Hearings Haven’t Even Begun -- Rep. Stearns Already Unhappy

Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) has stated that WWE’s drug policy is “not worth a flip”.  He goes on to say that WWE did not even provide the committee with their actual drug policy and many other pertinent facts.  Source:  Wade Keller, PW Torch. Does Vince not understand the congressional committee isn’t inspired by wrestling if it illegitimate drug use is leading to early deaths of employees?  This is serious stuff and if WWE insists on trying to sidestep the issue, they will only make matters worse.

NWA Says No To Drugs

Promoter Dave Republic has put his foot down regarding the use of body enhancing substances and other illegal drugs.  It’s nice to see someone taking a stand before a Government office steps in.  Mr. R. went one step further to advise his talent if anyone attempts to pressure them into using any of the aforementioned items, they are to contact him immediately.  If anyone is in the dressing rooms under the influence, they will be removed from the premises immediately and law enforcement could be involved.  Let’s hope the other promoters and organizations play follow the leader.  Source:

Michael  Benoit on His Son's Actions and Head Injuries

The father of Chris Benoit is making it known that the actions of Chris Benoit can be attributed to the steroid use, the other drugs he had taken and damage to his brain due in part because of his wrestling style.  Read about it here: While no one will ever be certain as to the reasons behind what Benoit did, constant head trauma is not something to be taken lightly.  While it may not be the only reason someone would go off on a tangent that was so unlike him, it could be an underlying cause. 

Michael Benoit, Chris’s Dad, was scheduled for the Good Morning America program Wednesday morning and the Nightline program Wednesday night  to discuss his son and the actions that culminated in three deaths.  I will pick up the story in print and post it if time allows.  I don’t feel comfortable watching Mr. Benoit have to try to come to terms with what his son did in a public forum.  I am not saying that it isn’t something he needs to do for himself and his family and I hope he finds the answers he is so desperately seeking.

You can find a recap of the information covered here:  Julian Bailes of the Sports Legacy Institute conducted tests that indicated Chris Benoit’s brain showed such severe damage it was equivalent to an 85 year old  Alzheimer’s patient’s brain. The damage was caused by multiple head traumas developing over the time Benoit spent in the ring. While the Bailes states he can’t be certain Benoit’s actions were caused by the damage throughout his brain, the apparent dementia could have played a major role in sending Benoit over the edge.

Michael Benoit said he wanted the tests done after finding a diary his son kept that was extremely disturbing.  Human heads are not mean to take the constant punishment of chairs, direct hits to the floor, mat or turnbuckles, or the high diving head butts that was one of Chris Benoit’s famous finishes.

More Alleged Benoit Family Members Want Cash

This from, the National Enquirer is reporting that Benoit had a relationship with a female wrestler in 1986 and that they had a daughter.  The article says Benoit never denied the child was his and now the mother and daughter want their share of Benoit’s estate.  I never take anything the Enquirer says at face value.  We had better wait for verified information before we go looking for the recently discovered child.

Nancy and Daniel Benoit Foundation 

Nancy and Daniel Benoit Foundation
c/o Decker, Hallman, Barber and Briggs
260 Peachtree St.
Suite 1700
Atlanta, GA 30303

The foundation was set up by Nancy Benoit’s family to aid battered women and children. I personally feel that Nancy’s family has not been after any thing these days but the money, however, since this foundation is for a good cause we would be remiss in not reporting it here.










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