August 12, 2008 – recap by Sassy


Last week on ECW


Evan Bourne & Ricky Ortiz defeated Bam Neely & Chavo Guerrero in 6 minutes.

Armando Estrada defeated Tommy Dreamer in 3 minutes after interference from Colin Delaney.

Braden Walker defeated James Curtis in 4 minutes.


WWE’s ECW is broadcast on the Sci-Fi Channel from Norfolk, VA


Ringside announcers: Matt Striker & Todd Grisham

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel


Summerslam is five days away.


Extreme Rules Match


Tommy Dreamer from Yonkers, NY weighing 265 lbs.


Colin Delaney from Minnesota weighing 173 lbs.


Colin Delaney opts not to enter the ring and heads back up the entrance ramp when the referee signals for the bell. Delaney trips and falls and Dreamer catches up with him. The action moves back to the ring. Delaney does put up a fight but Dreamer has been doing extreme matches for years. Time: 4 minutes. 


Winner: Tommy Dreamer with a DDT on the stop sign


I can guarantee that match was four minutes longer than Delaney would have preferred. Lena Yada is backstage with John Morrison & The Miz to discuss their match tonight against The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry with Tony Atlas & Matt Hardy that came about because of the way Morrison & Miz disrespected Henry & Hardy on the debut of the dirt sheet on last week’s ECW. Morrison & Miz don’t appear to be worried about their match since their partners will be facing each other at Summerslam. We go to commercial break.


Evan Bourne from St. Louis, MO


Bam Neely weighing 275 lbs.

With Chavo Guerrero


Last week Ricky Ortiz & Evan Bourne defeated Neely & Guerrero in a tag team match. On Friday Night Smackdown, Bam Neely & Chavo Guerrero were taken out by The Rated R Superstar Edge. Bourne is staying in the air, which will be a necessity if he is to beat Neely. Bourne goes up to the top and a distraction by Guerrero gets Bourne shoved off to the floor. I just noticed Guerrero has to tell Neely to cover Bourne. Bourne kicks out. Neely misses a knee drop and he’s got Neely reeling. He delivers a back flip and goes for the cover but Neely kicks out at the count of two. Bourne manages to deliver a DDT and goes back to the top turnbuckle. Bourne delivers the shooting star press, goes for the cover and gets the three count. Time: 3 minutes.


Winner: Evan Bourne with a shooting star press


Bourne continues to get airtime on ECW but a longer match would be nice now and then. ECW General Manager Theodore Long is backstage with Tiffany. Tiffany leaves and Armando Estrada appears to make Long sign Estrada’s contract. Long does sign it and tells Estrada that they are going to celebrate. Tiffany delivers a bottle of champagne. Long says that tonight Estrada will have his first official match on ECW against Finlay and tells Estrada that his match is next. We go to commercial break.


Finlay from Belfast, Northern Ireland weighing 233 lbs.

With Hornswoggle


Armando Estrada from Havana, Cuba weighing 232 lbs.


The live audience goes wild when Hornswoggle enters the arena. I’m not sure what that says about the state of WWE’s ECW. I’m a Finlay fan but Finlay does have Mike Knox stalking him and Knox appears and stands at the top of the entrance ramp. Finlay appears to have seen Knox but he doesn’t let that stop him from taking down Estrada in the ring. Hornswoggle has spotted Knox and he looks worried but Finlay delivers a splash on Estrada. As Finlay gets back to his feet, he sees Knox and stops to lock eyes. Estrada takes advantage and Estrada now has control of the match. Finlay has Estrada up for the Celtic Cross and he smiles at Knox before dropping Estrada and going for the cover to get the three count. Time: 6 minutes.


Winner: Finlay with a Celtic Cross


After the match, Finlay invites Knox into the ring but Knox turns around and heads back to the back. We go to commercial break.


Long and Tiffany are interrupted by Ricky Ortiz. Ortiz is bragging about being undefeated. Long says that Ortiz needs to prove his ability and next week Ortiz will face a new opponent.  Hardy & Henry are backstage and Henry says that the only reason he is teaming with Hardy tonight is because he wants to get his hands on Miz & Morrison. We go to commercial break.


Tag Team Match


The Miz from Cleveland, OH weighing 231 lbs.


John Morrison from Los Angeles, CA weighing 220 lbs.


The World’s Strongest Man from TX weighing 392 lbs.

WWE ECW Champion

With Tony Atlas


Matt Hardy from Cameron, NC weighing 236 lbs.


Henry & Hardy have a problem deciding who is going to open the match. Henry wins the disagreement and faces Morrison in the center of the ring. Henry takes down Morrison and then pulls Miz over the top rope in order to involve him in the match. Hardy enters the ring to take out Miz as Henry sends Morrison out of the ring and we go to commercial break in the middle of the match. Back from commercial break, Hardy tags in Henry to take on Morrison. Henry tags in Hardy but Hardy misses an elbow drop giving Morrison a chance to tag in Miz. Hardy delivers the bulldog and goes for the cover but he only gets a two count. Hardy and Miz take it outside the ring and Hardy is sent into the steel steps outside the ring. Morrison is in the ring with Hardy and Hardy is having trouble staying on his feet. Hardy takes Morrison to the mat from the top turnbuckle. Henry is begging for a cover but Hardy goes for the cover and gets the three count. Time: 5 minutes.


Winners: Matt Hardy with a side effect & The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry

With Tony Atlas


After the match, Henry sends both opponents out of the ring. Henry helps Hardy out of the corner and raises his hand before slamming Hardy on the ECW belt, which was on the mat.



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