July 31, 2008  – Recap by Sassy


Last week on iMPACT


In a four-way match, Consequences Creed defeated Jimmy Rave with Lance Hoyt & Christy Hemme & Johnny Devine & Showtime Eric Young in 5 minutes.

The Blueprint Matt Morgan defeated Kory Chavis in 2 minutes.

In a Tag Team Strap Match, Cowboy James Storm & Robert Roode of Beer Money with Jacqueline defeated Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machine Guns in 8 minutes.

Taylor Wilde retained her TNA Women’s Championship by defeating Velvet Sky three times.

In a six-man elimination match, Kurt Angle & Brother Ray & Brother Devon of Team 3D defeated War Machine Rhino & The Instant Classic Christian Cage & Phenomenal AJ Styles in 12 minutes.


TNA Wrestling




iMPACT is broadcast from Universal Studios, Orlando, FL on the Spike TV Network


Ringside announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West

Ring announcer: David Penzer

Ringside valet: SoCal Val

Backstage interviews: Jeremy Borash and Lauren


The show opens with Booker T and Sharmell in Booker’s dressing room with Jeremy Borash.  I wish TNA would decide whether they are running a wrestling organization or a strip club. Sharmell’s dress was the worst I have ever seen.  Are she and Karen Angle in competition for who can show their boobs on national television first contest?  Throwing crap like this into the show gives it even less of a professional wrestling look that it had before – and I am not bragging….I am complaining.


Number One Contender’s Match

For the TNA Tag Team Championship


Robert Roode


Cowboy James Storm

With The Pride of Tennessee Jacqueline

Beer Money, Inc.


War Machine Rhino from Detroit, MI


The Instant Classic Christian Cage from Tampa, FL by way of Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Referee: Earl Hebner


The bell rings and Rhino faces Roode to begin the match. Rhino goes for an early cover but Roode kicks out. Rhino tags in Cage and there’s a little bit of double-teaming before Cage comes off the turnbuckle to take Roode down to the mat. Cage goes for the cover and gets a two count before tagging in Rhino. Storm nails Rhino and tags in Storm. Rhino goes to work on Storm with punches to the face and head. Rhino tags in Cage. Storm pokes Cage in the eyes but Cage fights back and brings him off the top turnbuckle, then goes for the cover but Storm gets a shoulder off the mat. Storm tags in Roode. Cage sends both opponents over the top rope and Rhino comes around to deliver a few shots while Storm & Roode are out on the floor. Storm spits beer in Cage’s eyes and Roode sends Cage off the ring apron and into the guardrail and we go to commercial break in the middle of the match. Back to the ring, Roode & Storm are double-teaming Cage and they deliver a suplex before Roode goes for the cover but Cage kicks out. Cage comes back and delivers a DDT off the top turnbuckle. Both men are down on the canvas and Jacqueline is pounding on the ring apron. Cage tags in Rhino as Roode tags in Storm but Rhino hits the ring and takes on both of them. Rhino catches Storm in a spine buster and goes for the cover but Roode enters the ring to break it up. Cage comes into the ring and takes out Roode. Cage is in the ring but Brother Ray shows up and Cage goes out after Ray. Rhino takes on Johnny Devine who has a kendo stick but Rhino manages to catch Storm with a gore and goes for the cover. Brother Devon appears to pull the referee out of the ring and into the guardrail. Devon goes in after Rhino but Cage is back in the ring and it’s two on one with Devon getting a beat down. Now it’s a big cluster **** and the ref is up in time to save Jacqueline when she interferes in the match. One of Beer Money got the win but it was too much of a mess for me to even watch the end. What I considered actual match time: 6 minutes.


Winners:  Robert Roode & Cowboy James Storm with Jacqueline of Beer Money, Inc.


I don’t have anything against stables but this is going just a little overboard. After the match, Rhino is still down but Cage is going to save the day – CAGE HAS A MIC IN HIS HAND! He tells Team 3D they aren’t going to screw with them anymore. It will be a New Jersey Street Fight with Team 3D against Cage & Rhino. Ray looks a little upset but Devon is all smiles at the thought of a Street Fight. We go to commercial break


Lauren is backstage with Jimmy Rave & Christy Hemme. I’m not sure what that was about.


Six Man Tag Team Contest


Johnny Devine from Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Lance Rock

Jimmy Rave

The Rock ‘n Rave Infection

With Christy Hemme


Curry Man from Japan


Shark Boy from the Deep Blue Sea


Black Machismo Jay Lethal from Elizabeth, NJ

With SoCal Val


Referee: Andrew Thomas


I thought Val was mad at Lethal. Before the bell rings, it’s a brawl in the ring. Shark Boy seems to have a lot more fun since he stopped being Mr. Nice Guy. Finally it is Rave against Curry.  Can someone explain to me why Lance Rock has a tramp stamp? This match is moving fast and when Lethal hits the ring the audience involvement picks up. We’re back to six men in the ring at the same time again. Curry sends Shark over the top rope to take down Rock & Rave. Lethal hits Devine with the lethal combination to get the three count and the win. Time: 4 minutes.


Winners:  Black Machismo Jay Lethal & Shark Boy & Curry Man


This was a decent match for the allotted time. Lethal calls Val into the ring to propose to Val again. He drops to one knee and then notices that her engagement ring is missing. Val tells Lethal that she lost the ring but Lethal says he can take a hint and that she never wanted to marry him in the first place. He leaves her standing in the ring and heads to the back.


JB is backstage with (I didn’t hear what his name was). Super Eric appears and says that they must find the ring and save the love because a marriage hangs in the balance and we go to commercial break.


Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe is backstage with Samoa Joe. JB says that Booker says he will have the six sides of steel set up tonight because he wants to give Joe a personal tour of the cage before their next big match. Joe says he hopes that Sting shows up with Booker tonight so he can take them both out. Mike Tenay introduces a video of the history between Booker and Joe. JB is backstage with Big Sexy Kevin Nash. JB asks Nash to talk to Joe and calm him down. Joe says that every time he gets close to Booker, Sting is in the way. Nash tells Joe he has his back but they have to have a plan and Joe says they will do it Nash’s way. We go to commercial break.


Booker enters the six sides of steel with belt and mic in hand. Booker announces that he is in his six sides of steel and his weapons. Booker says that tonight he will prove just how much of a gentleman he is by inviting him out to the ring but he wants Joe to know that he’s the man and he promises that the lights will not go out tonight. Joe enters the arena and heads to the ring. Joe has been making a habit of coming to the ring through the audience and not via the entrance ramp. Joe has a mic and he tells Booker that he will give Booker a tour and if he gets in the cage, he will beat the hell out of Booker. Booker says that then the lights will go out but Joe says that the lights that go out will be Booker’s. Joe enters the cage and the audience begins the “Joe’s gonna kill you” chant. Nash appears at ringside at hold the door as Booker starts to back up. Joe has a security baton in his hand and as Booker tries to talk to Joe again, Joe goes on the attack. Sharmell appears down the entrance ramp and heads to the ring. Sharmell beats on Nash and Nash takes her out of the area but Joe has turned around to watch and a bat comes down from the rafters. Booker takes the bat and nails Joe in the back of the head. The camera pans in the rafters but Sting is nowhere in sight. Phenomenal AJ Styles and three referees are in the ring with Joe and we go to commercial break.


Styles is in the six sides of steel and he has a mic in his hand. Styles addresses Sting. Styles complains that he has been on Sting’s side for three weeks and now he wants to know what is going on with Sting. Styles calls Sting a coward and the lights go out but when the lights come back on, Kurt Angle is in the ring. Angle blindsides Styles and delivers an Olympic slam. Are we going to have any more matches tonight?  The build up for the next pay per view is getting a little boring. JB is backstage with Shark Boy, Curry Man, Angelina Love & Velvet Sky. Shark & Curry are there to look for Val’s ring. We go to commercial break.


Lauren is backstage with Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams and Rhaka Khan. Williams will be facing Consequences Creed in the ring tonight.


Consequences Creed from Atlanta, GA


Maple Leaf Muscle from Ontario, Canada

TNA X-Division Champion

With Rhaka Khan


Referee: Slick Johnson


Hermie Sadler has joined Don West & Mike Tenay at ringside as a guest commentator. The bell rings and Williams sends Creed to the mat. Creed returns the favor. Creed seems to be a big fan favorite in this match up. Creed goes for the cover and gets a two count. Creed goes for a second cover and again gets a two count. Creed delivers a bulldog by spring boarding off the top rope again going for a cover and again getting a two count. Creed ends up on the floor and William comes off the top rope to deliver a hurricanrana on the floor. Back in the ring, Williams goes for a cover and gets a two count. Williams delivers a dropkick and again goes for the cover but Creed kicks out at the count of two. Creed delivers a drop kick and takes Williams down to the mat. Creed has Williams on his shoulders, but Khan is up on the ring apron. As Williams charges at Creed, Creed sends Williams into Khan, picks up Williams and slams him to the mat. Creed goes for a cover and gets another two count. Creed misses a leg drop off the top turnbuckle, Williams goes for the Canadian Destroyer, Creed does a quick switch, goes for the roll up and gets the three count.  Time: 5 minutes.


Winner: Consequences Creed with a roll up


Petey Williams is a great ring performer but Consequences Creed is all showman and has the ability and the agility to back it up. I’m looking for a major push for Creed in the near future.


JB is backstage with Shark & Curry who are trying to find out if LAX has Val’s ring.  Super Eric shows up and says there has been a break in the case and we go to commercial break.


Lauren is backstage with Styles. She wants to know if Sting was involved in what happened to Styles tonight. Styles says that he was and he is going to take out Sting and he wants to take out Angle but he wants Angle in a Last Man Standing Match.


Jim Cornette has joined Tenay & West at the announcer’s table to preview Hard Justice, TNA’s next pay per view. I will not be purchasing the ppv, but will provide the winners of the match at the next iMPACT. Now it’s Karen’s Angle with Kaz and I skipped it. Tomko appears at the end of the show to say he’s there to make her life a living hell and unfortunately for TNA fans, Tomko has parted ways with TNA and gone to work in Japan. We got to commercial break.


Lauren is backstage with Nash. She asks Nash about Sting and what is going on with Sting right now. Joe appears to tell Nash that he is going to find Sting and he is going to break every bone in Sting’s body.


The Blueprint Matt Morgan from CT


Sal Rinauro (already in the ring)


Referee: Shane Sewell


These matches remind me of someone else somewhere else who is doing short matches to show how bad he is. Morgan delivers an elevator and gets the three count. Time: 1 minute.


Winner: Matt Morgan with an elevator


Morgan has a mic. He addresses Tomko. Morgan calls out Tomko. Tomko appears and heads to the ring. Tomko takes off his shirt but security appears. Tomko shoves Morgan and it’s on in the middle of the ring.  Security breaks them up but it doesn’t last as Tomko gets in another shot before exiting the ring. Morgan calls Tomko back into the ring and as soon as Morgan turns his back, Tomko charges back into the ring and Morgan delivers a boot to Tomko’s face. Morgan picks Tomko up and delivers an elevator. The non-match was longer than the actual match. The Brotherhood of Justice is backstage with JB. Super Eric has proved by watching last week’s match that The Guru Sonjay Dutt has stolen Val’s ring. We go to commercial break.


JB is backstage with Team 3D and Beer Money. Ray says that they are all the best of friends. Ray says that Christian Cage and Rhino aren’t going to get a title shot but next week Team 3D and Beer Money are facing LAX, Cage and Rhino in a No DQ match. Rough Cut with Taylor Wilde with phone interview from her trainer, Bill DeMott.


Main Event

Tag Team Match


Angelina Love


Velvet Sky

Beautiful People


Gail Kim from Tampa, FL


Taylor Wilde from Ontario, Canada

TNA Women’s Champion


Referee: Rudy Charles


Wilde is starting to fascinate me when she is in the ring. Wilde and Kim might make a great tag team. As the camera shows Joe heading up to the rafters, we go to commercial break. Back to the action, Kim is in trouble in the ring. A double team by the Beautiful People and Love goes for a cover but Kim gets a shoulder up at the count of two. Another double team and Love gets another two count. Kim delivers a counter move and both women are down on the mat. Kim tags in Wilde as Love tags in Sky. Wilde takes on Love and Sky, goes for the bridge on Sky but Love breaks it up and now all four women are in the ring. Love sends Kim out to the floor, Love delivers a kick, Sky goes for the cover but she only gets a two count before Wilde kicks out. Wilde goes for a roll up on Sky and gets the three count. Time: 6 minutes.


Winners: Taylor Wilde & Gail Kim


After the match, Love & Sky go after Wilde in the ring but Kim is back in the ring. Awesome Kong with Raisha Saeed appears to go after Wilde & Kim. After Kong takes out both Kim and Wilde, ODB appears to take on Kong, Roxxi appears to the ring with a steel chair. Kong sees the chair and bails out of the ring. Traci Brooks is on the opposite ramp.


Joe is in the upper area of the building looking for Sting and the camera is with him. There is a black bird…is it a crow? 

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