Friday Night Smackdown

Friday Night Smackdown

July 4, 2008 – Recap by Sassy


Last week on Smackdown


In tag team action, The Big Red Machine Kane & The Big Show defeated M.V.P. and The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry in 6 minutes.

In tag team action, Hornswoggle & Finlay defeated Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder in 3 minutes.

In a non-title match, The Rated R Super Star Edge defeated Matt Hardy.

In a six-woman tag team match, Maryse, Natalya & Victoria defeated Kelly Kelly, Michelle McCool & Cherry in 7 minutes.

Vladimir Kozlov defeated Domino in 2 minutes.

In the main event, The Animal Batista defeated Samoan Bulldozer Umaga via disqualification in 7 minutes.


Smackdown is broadcast on the CW Network from Tulsa, OK


Ringside announcers: Jim Ross & Mick Foley

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts


For those you who have not heard, Trevor Murdoch and WWE have parted ways.


Montel Vontavious Porter is in the ring for the MVP VIP Lounge. MVP’s guest tonight is The Game Triple H. HHH enters the ring to a standing ovation from the Smackdown audience. After a few minutes of banter, HHH shows the footage of Batista beating down The Rated R Superstar and then CM Punk YES! turning in his Money in the Bank briefcase in order to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Edge and then the footage of John Cena being removed from the building and CM Punk keeping his title in a challenge match against John Bradshaw Layfield. Could it be that WWE is showing that particular footage because CM Punk is so hot in the ring? MVP and HHH then begin with Edge jokes but Vickie Guerrero shows up to put a stop to the jokes. This is going to be long and drawn out because the fans won’t let Guerrero talk. Guerrero tells HHH that at the Great American Bash he will face Edge. Did everyone else see that coming? We go to commercial break.


Golden Dreams Match


The winner of this match will face Natalya for the WWE Diva’s Championship. Natalya is at the announcer’s table.  Natalya has changed her hair color from blonde to red.


Michelle McCool from FL


Victoria from CA






Kelly Kelly


The first diva to climb the pole and reach the star will win the match. Cherry delivers a suplex from the top turnbuckle to the mat. Cherry delivers a catapult to Kelly. Victoria is doing a good job in this match but Cherry has some nice moves, too. Time: 3 minutes.


Winner: Michelle McCool


I realize there will be WWE fans who like McCool but I think Cherry or Victoria are better competitors. Natalya will kill her. Hawkins & Ryder are backstage with Guerrero who wants to know where Edge is tonight and how they allowed him to lose the championship. Because she is mad at them, Hawkins & Ryder will face Jesse & Festus tonight. Edge is making his way into the building with everyone smirking as he walks by. We go to commercial break.


The fans see a video of Vladimir Kozlov after JR and Foley do some PR work on the mic.


Tag Team Match

Curt Hawkins


Zack Ryder both from NY

At a combined weight of 435 lbs.





At a combined weight of 501 lbs.


Festus comes to the ring dressed like Uncle Sam. The bell rings and Festus does what he does best. Festus tags in Jesse and Jesse goes for the cover but he can’t get the three count. Ryder delivers a kick to Jesse who is on the ring apron, sending him to the floor. Back in the ring, Jesse kicks out of a cover at the count of two. Ryder goes for the cover again but Jesse kicks out. Jesse finally tags in Festus. It’s very considerate of Festus to wait until his opponent gets to his feet before he knocks him down again. Festus delivers what Foley calls the flying biscuit, delivers a power slam, goes for the cover and gets the three count and the win. Time: 4 minutes.


Winners: Festus with a power slam & Festus


After the match, the bell has rung and Festus goes back to where he was before. Edge appears to beat up Festus and beat him with a belt – has Edge been watching TNA the last few weeks? Edge proceeds to tear apart the announcer’s table and grabs a chair as Festus gets back to his feet. Edge takes out Festus with a chair. The audience delivers some really loud “you suck” just for Edge and we go to commercial break.


The audience again sees what happened right before commercial break. And if that was bad enough, Edge is backstage with Guerrero. She tells Edge she didn’t give him permission to be on Monday Night Raw anyway. Edge loses his temper and Guerrero stands up – meaning she gets her butt out of the wheelchair – and tells Edge that she is still his boss and then she calls him a fool. The audience sees a video of Jeff Hardy and we go to commercial break.


WWE Rewind: Jeff Hardy is drafted to Friday Night Smackdown.


Jeff Hardy from Cameron, NC weighing 225 lbs.


John Morrison from Los Angeles, CA weighing 219 lbs.

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions


Jeff Hardy receives a standing ovation from the Smackdown live audience. Doesn’t Morrison belong on WWE ECW?  He certainly shows up a lot on Raw and Smackdown. I’m not complaining because Morrison can work the ring when he wants to. The Hardy chant begins as soon as the bell rings. Hardy is going a great job in this match. Morrison goes for a counter and a pin, but Hardy kicks out. Morrison delivers a kick to Hardy’s face and again goes for the cover but Hardy kicks out at the count of two. Morrison again goes for the pin but he can’t get the three count. Morrison misses a springboard off the ropes and Hardy delivers a kick. Hardy comes off of the ropes but Morrison tosses Hardy over the top rope and to the floor and true to WWE tradition, during one of the best matches of the night, we go to commercial break. Back to the action, Morrison and Hardy are back in the ring and Morrison has an arm bar applied. Hardy misses the whisper in the wind and Morrison goes for a cover but Hardy kicks out at the count of two. Morrison goes to work on Hardy’s left arm and goes for the cover but doesn’t get the three count. Hardy goes for a roll up and gets the two count before Morrison kicks out. Morrison sends Hardy shoulder first into the ring post and goes up to the second rope. Hardy catches Morrison coming off the ropes and drops him in a power bomb to the mat. Both men are now down on the canvas. The referee counts to eight before they are back on their feet. Hardy tries for a cover but Morrison kicks out. Hardy comes off the ropes and nails the whisper in the wind but only gets a two count. Hardy goes up to the top turnbuckle but Morrison catches him with a kick and goes for the cover but Hardy kicks out at the count of two. Hardy delivers a face buster power bomb and goes to the top and comes off with the Swanton bomb, goes for the cover and gets the three count. Total match time: 11 minutes.


Winner: Jeff Hardy with a Swanton bomb


As I said, so far this has been the best match of the evening. Morrison has talent but Hardy is amazing no matter who he is facing in the squared circle. We go to commercial break.


Samoan Bulldozer Umaga from the Isle of Samoa weighing 350 lbs.


Funaki from Japan weighing 192 lbs.


WWE seems to always have to have a really small guy up against a monster. Funaki should have stayed with a mic doing backstage interviews. This shouldn’t take long. And it certainly won’t be a wrestling match. I’m not saying Umaga can’t wrestle, I’m saying Umaga doesn’t wrestle. Time: 2 minutes.


Winner: Samoan Bulldozer Umaga with a Samoan spike


Edge is backstage with Hawkins & Ryder but Guerrero’s messenger shows up to tell him that Guerrero wants to see him. He heads toward Guerrero’s office. Edge tells her that she wouldn’t have that office if it wasn’t for him because she doesn’t have the ability to be the General Manager and that Edge is the actual GM of Smackdown. Guerrero yells at him that she has made all of the sacrifices for him and he tells her to shut up. She screams at him to get out and he obliges and then he starts back into the office but the door is locked. She refuses to open the door and we go to commercial break.


Fatal Four Way

WWE United States Championship Match

Mr. Kennedy from Green Bay, WI weighing 235 lbs.



The Gold Standard Shelton Benjamin from Orangeburg, SC weighing 248 lbs.



Chavo Guerrero from El Paso, TX weighing 215 lbs.


With Bam Neely


Matt Hardy from Cameron, NC weighing 236 lbs.

WWE United States Champion


I hate fatal four way matches for title belts. Anyone can win without actually doing anything to win and Guerrero with his outside help has a great chance of taking the belt from Hardy. Benjamin and Kennedy are both strong opponents. The bell rings and Hardy faces off with Guerrero as Benjamin faces off with Kennedy. Benjamin and Guerrero are down on the mat and Kennedy and Hardy face off. Kennedy delivers a high kick that surprised me. I’m not used to seeing him do any high moves. Benjamin nails Kennedy with a high kick and takes Hardy down but now Guerrero is back to his feet and he takes Benjamin down. Guerrero goes for a roll up but Benjamin kicks out. Hardy takes down Guerrero and Kennedy takes down Benjamin. Hardy and Kennedy face off again and we go to commercial break in the middle of the second best match of the evening. Back in the ring, Kennedy is working over Guerrero before turning his attention to Benjamin. Hardy seems to be missing. No, Hardy is climbing to the top turnbuckle but Kennedy catches Hardy. Benjamin takes them both down to the mat. Guerrero goes for the cover on Hardy, then Kennedy but he can’t get the three count. Benjamin goes for the cover on Guerrero but Neely puts Guerrero’s boot on the rope and Benjamin goes out of the ring after Neely. Guerrero goes after Hardy. Guerrero sends Hardy into Benjamin on the erring apron and goes up to the top turnbuckle but Kennedy catches Guerrero. Guerrero comes off the top with a frog splash but Kennedy breaks up the cover. Guerrero sends Kennedy out to the floor. Hardy goes for the cover, Benjamin breaks it up but hits Guerrero. Hardy sends Benjamin out to the floor and goes for the cover but he can’t get the three count. Hardy sends Kennedy over the top rope and into Neely. Hardy goes for the cover and Benjamin breaks it up. Hardy delivers the twist of fate to Benjamin, goes for the cover on Guerrero and gets the three count and the win. Total match time: 9 minutes.


Winner: Matt Hardy who retains the WWE United States Championship


This was a decent match for a fatal four-way match. I could have done without the commercial break in the middle of the match but every one of the competitors did a good job in this match up.  We go to commercial break.

Slam of the Week:  Edge losing his WWE World Heavyweight Championship to CM Punk after being beaten by The Animal Batista. Punk in an unusual opportunistic fashion turned in his Money in the Bank briefcase and took the title from Edge. Absolutely fantastic work by CM Punk!


Edge enters the arena and the ring. The live audience begins a “you suck” chant but it fizzles out quickly. Edge says that this will be the first and last statement regarding the loss of his belt. Edge claims he was the victim of two cowardly attacks that cost him his championship. Edge paces around the ring claiming that it wasn’t fair – like Edge wouldn’t have done the same thing. Edge says that at the Great American Bash he will beat Triple H and take his WWE Championship title. Edge says he has had no support from anyone. Hawkins & Ryder have done nothing for him after everything he has done for them. The fans have done nothing for Edge after everything he has done for them. Edge says he will get through this all by himself. Edge says that he has not received the support of the love of his life, his fiancée, Vickie Guerrero. Edge says that he has a few dirty little secrets that he can tell everyone about her but she shows up at the top of the entrance ramp minus her wheelchair. She’s been taking lessons from Karen Angle in the screeching department. Edge walks out of the ring and starts up the ramp. Edge says he has one last public statement to make to the fans and to her.  He tells her the wedding is off.  And she has a screeching melt down before the show ends. 





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