Signature Pharmacy, WWE and Wrestling

September 1, 2007

by Sassy

If this reports looks scattered, I apologize.  I have been trying to keep up with the various newsbreaks and releases and adding information as it becomes available.

It was announced Thursday afternoon the WWE had suspended 10 employees for violating the Wellness Program, see  www.wrestlingtruth.com.  It seems to have something to do with that pesky Internet prescription company, Signature Pharmacy, and a NY DA’s office. One must wonder why WWE is suddenly very busy suspending or dumping workers – does anyone remember seeing this kind of action before all the to do with Congress? 

According to reports, WWE has notified all personnel involved but their names will not become public until November 1.  Unless, of course, one of the suspended players decides to go public on his or her own.

Or, we get lucky and Steve Carrier at www.wrestling-edge.com provides the following:

Top wrestlers Randy Orton, Charles Haas, Jr., Adam "Edge" Copeland, Robert "Booker T" Huffman, Shane Helms, Mike Bucci “Simon Dean”, Anthony Carelli “Santino Marella”, John "Johnny Nitro" Hennigan, Darren "William Regal" Matthews, Ken "Mr. Kennedy" Anderson and Chavo Guerrero were all identified as clients of Signature Pharmacy in Orlando, the site raided by Albany County and Florida law enforcement agencies in February – From the original article posted in The New York Daily News.  It also states that Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero were customers. 

And, oops, www.prowrestlingfans.com provides us with yet another name on the list.   Johnny Stamboli who recent reports indicated was to be returning to WWE.  Ryan Clark’s post on the same site indicates Funaki, Umaga, Crush (yet another early death) and Sylvan Grenier were on the list.   ESPN added Dave Batista and Chris Masters.  I think we are past the “ten” that were supposed to have been suspended.

FHWrestling.com reports WWE’s attorneys have said more suspensions may be coming.  What a shock.  Also reported:  first offense is a 30 day suspension without pay, second offense is a 60 day suspension without pay.  There doesn’t seem to be any rule for a third offense.

If these are the suspended wrestlers, the rosters will be short a few headliners.  My award for Dumb would be Charlie Haas – his brother died of a “heart condition” at an early age – and even Dumber would be Chavo Guerrero – who found his Uncle Eddie Guerrero’s body. 

This comes a day or so after the news that WWE would be facing Congress in hearings regarding drug usage in the wrestling “entertainment” industry. 

I’m not picking on World Wrestling Entertainment.  They are the largest organization, which is what Vince McMahon always wanted, and now it is the prime target.  WWE has Monday night, Tuesday night and Friday night for everyone to watch.  They have the largest and most extravagant pay per views.  Other wrestling organizations may find themselves in the same boat sooner rather than later.

Something tells me Ken Anderson, alias Mr. Kennedy,  just lost his rumored spot as Mr. McMahon’s long lost son.  Might I add, Vince, this does not bode well for the world of wrestling sports entertainment. 

The light at the end of the tunnel?  It ain’t over till it’s over.  There is more than one wrestling organization out there and rumor has it Major League Baseball and the NFL will be next on the hit list.

As much as I have disliked the direction WWE has gone the last few years, I can’t tell the readers how sick to my stomach this makes me.  I’ve written articles literally screaming I don’t want to watch wrestling and guess who may be the next one to die.  

I am sure this won’t be the last list, but we have the following courtesy of www.rajah.com, from Daniel Pena, source Sports Illustrated:

To recap, all in all, 20 past and present WWE wrestlers were listed as being clients of the busted Signature Pharmacy in Orlando. Of the 20 listed, 15 of them are currently contracted to WWE. Three are deceased (Brian Adams, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero), one was recently released (Sylvain Grenier), and another wrestler was on the verge of being signed this week, if he hasn't already (Johnny Stamboli).

While not 100% official, the following ten wrestlers listed appear to be the wrestlers most likely to have been suspended by WWE after Sports Illustrated revealed that every single one of them purchased drugs over the Internet through Signature Pharmacy after the institution of the WWE Wellness Policy in February 2006 - a clear violation of the policy. WWE suspended 10 wrestlers today based upon information received in the Signature bust, though not necessarily these wrestlers. Here is SI's list again:

Charlie Haas - Purchased drugs as late as January 2007.

Chavo Guerrero - Purchased drugs as late as May 2006.

Edge - Purchased drugs as late as February 2007.

Funaki - Purchased Somatropin in March 2006.

Gregory Helms - Purchased drugs as late as February 2007.

John Morrison - Purchased five different drugs as late as February 2007 .

Mr. Kennedy - Purchased three drugs between October 2006 and February 2007, including testosterone, which is an anabolic steroid. Kennedy sternly claimed in a recent interview entitled 'WWE Stopped My Steroid Use' that he completely stopped doing steroids as soon as the WWE Wellness Policy was implemented.

Randy Orton - Purchased drugs as late as February 2007.

Umaga - Purchased Somatropin as late as December 2006.

William Regal - Purchased drugs as late as November 2006.

Of the ten listed, two currently hold WWE Championship belts, two more are involved in a major storyline, four more are active performers, and two are out indefinitely due to injury.

The following five WWE wrestlers were listed as being clients of the Signature Pharmacy as well, but their names didn't turn up on Sports Illustrated's list. It should be noted that Anthony Carelli aka Santino Marella didn't sign a contract with WWE until 2006, and the WWE Wellness Policy was implemented early that year, so it would be wise to assume that the following wrestlers haven't been totally cleared yet in regards to a possible suspension just because their names weren't listed in the Sports Illustrated article:

Chris Masters
King Booker
Santino Marella
Simon Dean

The following five wrestlers are no longer contracted to WWE. Three are deceased, one was recently released, and Stamboli's WWE status is unclear at the moment.

Brian Adams

Chris Benoit

Eddie Guerrero

Johnny Stamboli
Sylvain Grenier

According to www.gerweck.net, Stamboli has not signed with WWE, which may be to WWE’s advantage since Stamboli’s name showed up as an Internet drug purchaser.

First One Out The Door: Mike Bucci  “Simon Dean” was released by WWE on Friday as posted on www.PWInsider.com. Bucci was working in talent relations and not as an active wrestler.  His purchases from the Internet pharmacy were during his time as an active wrestler and not during his time in talent relations. I am not certain we should applaud WWE for this maneuver.  Bucci was not wrestling.  What about the active wrestlers on the list? Was this Bucci’s first, second or third offense?  Unless Bucci speaks up, we may never know. 

TNA Name on List:  www.gerweck.net posts that Sports Illustrated’s Louis Fernando Llosa states Kurt Angle, former WWE wrestler and Olympic Gold Medalist, was a customer of Signature Pharmacy.  No word yet on what TNA plans to do about Kurt’s employment but it could certainly put a crimp in the Total Nonstop Angle that’s been playing.  The site posts the following link:


I am not surprised that Kurt made the list.  It does make me wonder when we will see other TNA related names.

Stayed tuned to our News Bytes for up to date information.





Reference Links ...............

TNA . Com
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com