Friday Night Smackdown

Friday Night Smackdown

June 13, 2008 – Recap by Sassy


Last week on Smackdown


In a Belfast Brawl, Finlay with Hornswoggle defeated Chuck Palumbo in 5 minutes.

In a 2 on 1 Handicap Match, the Great Khali defeated Deuce & Domino in 2 minutes.

Cousin Sal with Rowdy Roddy Piper & Jimmy Kimmel defeated Santino Marella in 4 minutes.

In a Golden Dream Match, Natalya defeated Kelly Kelly & Layla & Maryse & Cherry & Victoria & Michelle McCool in 2 minutes.

Vladimir Kozlov defeated Jimmy Wang Yang in 2 minutes.

In an 8 Man Tag Team Match, Batista, Nunzio, Funaki & Colin Delaney defeated Edge, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder & Chavo Guerrero in 11 minutes.


Smackdown is broadcast on the CW Network in Fresno, CA


Ringside announcers: Michael Cole & Mick Foley

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts


As always, the show begins with Vickie Guerrero who no one can hear because the audience won’t let her talk. WWE is having a contract signing for the WWE Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions. The challenger is The Animal Batista, who enters the ring. Edge has already signed the contract and now Guerrero has to sign the contract as well. Batista has to win one more match tonight against The Great Khali in order to be confirmed for his championship match. Batista says he has beat Khali before and he will beat him again just as he has been champion before and he will be champion again. Batista signs the contract and leaves the arena. Guerrero says the second amendment she added to the contract, if he loses to The Great Khali, he will be banished from the WWE just as Undertaker has been banished and we go to commercial break.


Finlay from Belfast, Northern Ireland, weighing 233 lbs.

With Hornswoggle


John Morrison from Los Angeles, CA, weighing 219 lbs.

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions

With Miz


Finlay and Hornswoggle want the WWE Tag Team Champions. I have a feeling Finlay and Hornswoggle would be better tag team champions. Finlay goes for an early cover but only gets a one count. It’s a fact that Finlay can outwrestle Morrison and it’s a good bet that Finlay can out brawl Morrison but right now Finlay is out on the floor. Morrison rolls him back in the ring, Finlay catches Morrison coming back out of the ring and he uses Hornswoggle to slam into Miz who tries to get involved. Finlay has Morrison down on the mat. And Miz is down on the floor. Morrison delivers a high kick to Finlay’s skull and Finlay is back out on the floor. Morrison goes outside after Finlay and rolls him back in the ring. Morrison goes for the cover but only gets a one count before Finlay powers out. Morrison applies a headlock, keeping Finlay down on the mat. Finlay delivers a jawbreaker but Morrison catches Finlay with a neck breaker, goes for the cover and gets another one count. Finlay delivers a nice drop kick and goes for the cover. Finlay gets a two count. Morrison picks Finlay up and drops him to the mat, goes for the cover and gets a two count but outside the ring, Miz has Hornswoggle, Finlay gets distracted, Morrison goes for the roll up and gets the three count. Time: 6 minutes.


Winner: John Morrison with a roll up


The fans see a video of Royal Rumble 2005 featuring Batista and we go to commercial break.


Edge is backstage for another interview – this time about Batista’s match tonight against The Great Khali. CM Punk saves the fans from more blah, blah, blah. Punk tells Edge that anytime, anyplace Punk can cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. Go for it, Punk!


The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry from TX weighing 392 lbs.


Tommy Dreamer from Yonkers, NY weighing 275 lbs.


The fans certainly dislike Henry.  He’s too large to be a wrestler, I agree, but since WWE is to have large non-wrestlers in the ring, Henry does a good job entertaining the audience. Dreamer has lost the match before it began but Dreamer never hesitates to take hard hits in order to keep the favor of the WWE fans. Henry stands on Dreamer’s chest and then body slams him to the canvas. Henry is being generous with the head butts in this match. Henry goes for a splash and meets Dreamer’s boot. Dreamer tries to take Henry down with a clothesline but it doesn’t work. Henry nails Dreamer, sending him back to the mat, goes for the cover and gets the win. Time: 3 minutes.


Winner: The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry


A great beat down of Dreamer by Henry but not much in the way of a match. Edge is backstage with Guerrero again, this time with a wedding planner. Edge is complaining about Punk bothering him when M.V.P. appears to tell Guerrero that he wants to negotiate his contract. Edge and MVP get into a disagreement over who is the greatest talent on Smackdown is at the present time. Guerrero tells MVP that she will look at the contract if MVP will take care of CM Punk for her since Punk has been bothering Edge. Can this storyline get any worse? We go to commercial break.


Maryse from Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Cherry from the Other Side of the Tracks


Cherry should take this match with no problem unless Maryse manages to bring in some outside interference. Cherry is trying to pull Maryse’s blond hair out by its black roots. Maryse is spending way too much time being in charge of the match. Maryse goes for a roll up but only gets a one count. Cherry delivers a face plant, goes for the cover and gets the three count. Time: 3 minutes.


Winner: Cherry with a face plant.


As far as a women’s match goes, it could have been better but I do like the way Cherry has turned into a wrestling talent. I’d like to see her in an actual wrestling match to see how good she is but since WWE is dragging on with the “diva” thing, it may never happen.  We go to commercial break.


M.V.P. from Miami, FL weighing 248 lbs.


CM Punk from Chicago, IL weighing 222 lbs.


MVP will have a hard time keeping up with Punk in this match. Punk is fast and Punk has some spectacular moves.  While MVP does a good job in the ring, Punk should be able to stay out of MVP’s way if MVP tries for a brawl. Punk starts the match off as a wrestling match and gets MVP down on the canvas. MVP tries for the ropes but Punk delivers a roll up and gets a one count before MVP kicks out. The two lock up and Punk applies a side headlock. Punk again has MVP down on the mat and Punk goes for hair pulling but the referee makes MVP break it up. MVP rolls Punk over and gets the shoulders down long enough for a one count. MVP switches things around and now has Punk down on the mat with a headlock applied. Punk maneuvers MVP into a head scissors. MVP gets out of the scissors. Punk delivers a high kick and goes for the pin but he only gets a two count. MVP drops Punk to mat and goes for the cover, getting a two count. MVP goes for another pin and again gets a two count. Punk applies a wristlock, MVP rolls over but Punk hangs on. This has surprisingly been a wrestling match. MVP comes off the ropes with an elbow but Punk delivers a kick to the legs, MVP delivers a kick to the head and goes for the cover but can’t get the three count. MVP has the wristlock applied and then takes Punk down with a right fist. MVP goes for the cover and gets a two count. Punk drops MVP with an elbow, goes for the cover and gets a two count. Punk delivers a short dropkick to the back of MVP’s skull and again goes for the cover getting another two count. Punk tries for another cover and gets another two count. Punk again applies a head scissors and again MVP works out of it. MVP misses an elbow drop and Punk goes to work with kicks, delivers a neck breaker, goes for the cover and still can’t get the three count. MVP comes off the ropes and delivers a kick to Punk’s chest and follows up with an elbow. Punk goes after MVP and MVP gets out of the way, sending Punk shoulder first into the ring post. For good measure, MVP sends Punk into the ring post shoulder first two more times. MVP smells blood and goes for the shoulder and arm of Punk and we go to commercial break.  Back to the action, MVP is going for the cover. MVP gets a two count. MVP continues to work on the injured shoulder of Punk. MVP goes for another cover and again gets a two count. MVP has Punk down on the mat but Punk reverses the move and gets MVP’s shoulders down on the mat. MVP kicks out at the count of one. The audience is chanting for CM Punk but Punk is still down on the mat. MVP continues to work on the shoulder but Punk isn’t giving up. Punk is back to his feet, backing MVP up into the ring post. MVP comes out of the corner with a kick to Punk’s shoulder, goes for the cover and Punk kicks out. MVP backs up across the ring and waits for Punk to get to his feet. MVP charges and Punk nails MVP with a clothesline. Punk comes off the ropes with a knee to the head, goes for the cover and gets a one count. Punk catches MVP with leg lariat and when MVP gets back to his feet, Punk nails him with knees to the head. Punk goes for the cover and gets a two count before MVP shoves Punk off. Punk tries for the high knee in the corner, MVP counters it. Punk delivers a hurricanrana and goes for the cover. Punk again gets a two count. Punk goes up to the top turnbuckle but MVP hits the ropes and knocks Punk down. MVP goes up to the second rope and tries to set Punk up but Punk delivers a head butt that sends MVP crashing down to the canvas. Punk comes off the top rope but MVP gets a knee up and Punk is down on the mat. MVP goes across to pull the protective cover off the top turnbuckle and tries to pick up Punk. MVP grabs the briefcase, Punk nails MVP with a knee but the ref turns around in time to see Punk holding the briefcase and calls for a DQ. Time: 13 minutes.


Winner: M.V.P. via disqualification


All right, so I didn’t like the end of the match any better than you did but you have to admit it’s the first time Smackdown fans have seen a decent wrestling match. Punk is always awesome in the ring and I have to admit I was in awe of some of the moves MVP came up with including some nice counters to Punk’s moves. We go to commercial break.


Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely are in the ring, Guerrero with mic in hand. Guerrero announces that he will be the best man at the wedding. Guerrero calls out Matt Hardy who Guerrero will be facing for the WWE United States Championship at Night of Champions. Hardy enters the ring. There is a ref in the center of the ring and the announcer.  I’m not sure what that’s all about.


Chuck Palumbo from San Diego, CA weighing 280 lbs


Matt Hardy from Cameron, NC


If Palumbo doesn’t ditch that hat! Guerrero and Neely plant themselves near the announcer’s table as Palumbo drives his motorcycle around the ring. Hardy begins the match with a side headlock. Hardy comes off the ropes and tries to drop Palumbo with a shoulder block but Palumbo doesn’t budge. Palumbo backs Hardy up in the corner and as Hardy climbs up the ropes, Palumbo delivers a blow that sends Hardy over the top rope and down to the floor. Guerrero stops Neely from going after Hardy on the floor. Palumbo comes out of the ring and rolls Hardy back into the ring, goes for the cover and gets a two count. Hardy makes it back to his feet but Palumbo drops him with a clothesline. Palumbo goes for the cover and gets a two count. The fans in the live audience are pro Hardy and they are loud about it but Hardy is a tad bit outsized. Palumbo comes off the top rope but Hardy rolls out of the way and Palumbo meets the mat. Hardy goes for a twist of fate, Palumbo counters, Hardy delivers a side effect and goes for the cover getting a two count. Hardy nails with the twist of fate, goes for the cover and gets the three count and the win. Time: 4 minutes.


Winner: Matt Hardy with a twist of fate.


After the match, Guerrero announces Hardy as the winner of the match and the loser of the WWE United States Championship.  This was definitely not as great a match as the match between MVP and CM Punk. We go to commercial break.


Vladimir Kozlov is backstage for an interview. Kozlov responds in Russian.  I don’t speak Russian.  I don’t intend to learn just to hear what Kozlov has to say and we go to commercial break.


Tag Team Match

Jesse & Festus

At a combined weight of 501 lbs.


Deuce & Domino from the Other Side of the Tracks

At a combined weight of 465 lbs.


I’m a fan of Jesse and Festus, particularly Jesse and would appreciate it if WWE would allow Jesse to show the fans what he can do in the ring. Festus goes crazy when the bell rings but Jesse sends Festus out on the ring apron and faces Domino in the center of the ring. Jesse goes for an early cover and gets a one count. Jesse runs into a boot but manages to take Domino down and then takes on Deuce when he enters the ring. Jesse turns around in time to get nailed with a boot by Domino. Domino hangs Jesse up on the top rope and tags in Deuce. Festus enters the ring but the ref talks him back to the ring apron. Jesse’s forehead is bleeding. Deuce tags in Domino but Jesse fights them off and tries to get to Festus.  Jesse doesn’t make it and once again go for the double team but Jesse gets his knees up and manages to get the tag. Festus sends Domino back across the ring and then delivers a major squash. Deuce makes the mistake of entering the ring and he gets take down and out of the ring. Domino goes for a roll up but Festus rolls out and then sends Domino down to the mat, goes for the cover and gets the three count. Time: 4 minutes.


Winners:  Festus – I’m not sure what to call the move he used to win – and Jesse


It was not a wrestling match but it was an entertaining match. I couldn’t see how bad the cut to Jesse’s forehead was.  It appeared that the boot he took to the face caused the damage. After the match, there is a brawl between Deuce & Domino in the middle of the ring, Domino gets booted out of the ring and heads up the ramp and we go to commercial break.


Main Event


The Animal Batista from Washington, DC weighing 290 lbs.

If Batista wins the match, he gets a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship but if he loses, he will be banished from the WWE.


The Great Khali from India, 7’0” weighing 420 lbs.


As I said earlier, WWE has this thing about large men who are not wrestlers. Although I prefer wrestling action in the ring, there must be something other fans like about it because WWE continues to bring in this type of ring worker. This obviously will not be a wrestling match and I can only call who is getting the worst beating. Guerrero is pushed down the ramp in her wheelchair by Edge. Batista can’t take Khali down with a shoulder block but a boot from Khali sends Batista out of the ring and down to the floor. As Batista gets up on the ring apron, Khali delivers a head butt that sends Batista back down to the floor. Back in the ring, Khali goes for the pin but Batista kicks out. It turns into a beat down of Batista. Khali goes for another cover and gets a two count. The fans are pro Batista during this match up. Batista goes for shoulder blocks against the corner post. Batista goes up to the top rope and comes off but he gets caught and Khali delivers the Khali bomb. Khali goes for the cover but Batista kicks out at the count of two. Khali waits for Batista to get back to his feet, Batista blocks the chop. Batista nails Khali with a spear and goes for the cover, getting the three count and the win. Time: 5 minutes.


Winner: The Animal Batista who will now get a title shot at Night of Champions


Not much in the way of a wrestling match. It wasn’t a surprise that Batista managed to win the match.

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