May 8, 2008  – Recap by Sassy


Last week on iMPACT


In tag team action, Curry Man & Shark Boy faced Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machineguns but at the 5 minute mark were interrupted by Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner & Rhaka Khan.

In a Deuces Wild Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match, Homicide & Hernandez of Latin American Exchange with Salinas defeated Kaz & Showtime Eric Young in 6 minutes.

Hector Guerrero has aligned himself with LAX and will be in their corner at Sacrifice.

In a tag team grudge match, Gail Kim & O.D.B. defeated Angelina Love & Velvet Sky in 6 minutes.

In a Deuces Wild Tag Team Qualifying Match, The Prince of Phenomenal AJ Styles & Super Eric defeated Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave of Rock ‘n Rave Infection with Christy Hemme in 5 minutes.

TNA introduced their newest structure, The Terror Dome, which looks like a knock off of the dome used in AAA out of Mexico.

Cheerleader Melissa defeated Daisy Haze in 2 minutes.

And in the main event, Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe, TNA World Heavyweight Champion, in spite of his tag team partner, Kurt Angle, defeated Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams & Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner with Rhaka Khan in 8 minutes.


TNA Wrestling



iMPACT is broadcast from Universal Studios, Orlando, FL on the Spike TV Network  

Ringside announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West

Ring announcer: David Penzer

Ringside valet: SoCal Val

Backstage interviews: Jeremy Borash and Crystal Loutham


Mike Tenay and Don West inform the audience that tonight Samoa Joe will team with Kevin Nash to face Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle in the main event.


Jim Cornette is in the ring to talk about the Egotistical Eight and he brings them to the ring:  Matt Morgan, Kip James, BG James, Cowboy James Storm with Jacqueline, Booker T, Robert Roode, Sting and Awesome Kong, TNA Women’s Champion, with Raisha Saeed. Cornette tells the eight that in the past week everyone has been bothering him about wanting to know who their partner will be. Two teams will be drawn tonight and the rest will be drawn on Sunday at Sacrifice.


Sting will team with Cowboy James Storm in the Deuces Wild Tournament. Storm does not appear to be happy teaming with Sting. Sting smacks Storm and Storm swings back. Storm picks up the beer bottle and Sting picks up the baseball bat and Storm bails out of the ring. Cornette tells the two of them that they will face each other tonight in a match and it will be a no disqualification match.


The teams that are already set for Sacrifice are Brother Ray & Brother Devon of Team 3D, Super Eric & AJ Styles, Homicide & Hernandez of LAX, Instant Classic Christian Cage & War Machine Rhino.


Jeremy Borash is waiting for the members of the main event to arrive. Petey Williams, Scott Steiner and Rhaka Khan get out of a limo and JB asks Steiner about his match as a partner with Angle tonight. Angle appears and asks Steiner if they have an understanding to work as a team to annihilate Joe and Nash so that Joe has nothing left at Sacrifice. Steiner says that they have a deal and he will end up facing Angle one on one for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.


Commercial break.


Tenay introduces a video of the X Division and the Terror Dome.


X Division Non-title Match


Curry Man from Japan


Jimmy Rave of Rock ‘n Rave Infection

With Lance Hoyt & Christy Hemme


Consequences Creed from Atlanta, GA


Johnny Devine from Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Shark Boy from the Deep Blue Sea


Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Muscle from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

TNA X Division Champion

With Rhaka Khan


Referee: Rudy Charles


The match begins with Creed facing Devine. Creed comes off the ropes with a cross body block and goes for a cover but can’t get the three count. Creed tags in Curry Man. Devine comes off the top rope to deliver a DDT and Curry tags in Shark Boy. Devine tags in Rave and Shark helps a hesitant Rave into the ring. Williams tags in himself and goes after Shark. Devine enters the ring and the referee makes Williams exit the ring. Devine tags in Rave. Rave goes for the cover and gets a two count before Shark powers out. Rave tags in Devine. Devine delivers a suplex and goes to the top turnbuckle. Shark rolls out of the way and Devine meets the mat. Devine tags in Rave and Shark tags in Curry. Williams comes into the ring but Curry catches Williams and takes out Williams and Rave. Curry comes off the top with a cross body block and Williams and Creed break it up. Williams comes out of the ring and takes out Curry with a hurricanrana, Creed takes out Rave and it’s Creed and Devine, Devine gets sent to the floor and it’s Shark and Creed. Creed sends Shark over the top rope to take out everyone on the floor and Creed flips out of the ring to take them out again. It’s Creed and Williams. Williams hits the destroyer but Curry is back in the ring. Williams take down rave and Rave kicks Williams in the face. Now it’s Curry and Rave. Curry goes for the cover but Hemme is up on the ring apron to distract the ref. Hoyt grabs Curry by the leg, Rave slams Curry to the mat, goes for the cover and gets the three count.

Time: 8 minutes  


Jimmy Rave, Rock ‘n Rave Infection

With help from Lance Hoyt & Christy Hemme


It is my understanding that Petey Williams was injured at iMPACT.  From the looks of the kick to the face from Rave, it is possible that is when the injury occurred.  I have not heard if Williams will be cleared to work the Sacrifice pay per view.


JB is backstage with Sting and he asks him about his tag team partner at Sacrifice and his match tonight against that partner, Cowboy James Storm. Sting says this is just the way he likes it and that by Sacrifice, he and Storm will become Tag Team Champions.


Commercial break.


Tenay introduces a video of the history of Homicide & Hernandez of Latin American Exchange including the addition of Hector Guerrero, along with Salinas,  being in their corner at Sacrifice for the Deuces Wild Tag Team Tournament.


Crystal is in Cornette’s office along with what appears to be most of the Women’s locker room. Cornette wants to talk about the Makeover Match at Sacrifice. Cornette says that they will all be in the Immunity Match tonight. The person that wins the match will win immunity against getting her head shaved at Sacrifice. If the person who wins tonight loses the match at Sacrifice, the runner up loser before her will get her head shaved.


Commercial break.


JB is backstage with Cage and Rhino. Cage says that he and Rhino have known each other a long time and they work very well together and they have an advantage over many of their opponents who have never tagged together. Brother Ray and Brother Devon of Team 3D shows up to complain about Cage saying that Cage and Rhino will win the tag team tournament. Ray says that Team 3D is the best tag team of all time. Ray insults Cage’s wife and the battle is on backstage. Cage and Rhino appear to be getting the worst of the action until LAX appears to join the battle. Homicide says that LAX is the favorite for the Deuces Wild Tournament and we go to


Commercial break.


West reminds the audience that the Immunity Match is coming up.


Angelina Love Ontario, Canada


Velvet Sky from The Big Apple


Traci Brooks from St. Mary’s, Ontario, Canada


The Pride of Tennessee Jacqueline


Salina representing LAX


Christy Hemme representing Rock ‘n Rave Infection


Roxxi Laveaux from New Orleans, LA


Gail Kim from Tampa, FL


O.D.B. from Minneapolis, MN


Referee: Slick Johnson


I just can’t seem to get into calling this match even with Kim and ODB involved.


Time: 5 minutes 



Gail Kim


Crystal is backstage with Joe and Nash. Joe says that the plan that Angle and Steiner have come up with is no good because Joe has Nash watching his back.


Sting is heading toward the arena.


Commercial break.


Cowboy James Storm from Liepers Fork, TN


Sting from Venice Beach, CA


Referee: Rudy Charles


The fight begins outside the ring and goes through the audience area. Sting sends Storm into the wall surrounding the upper level of the audience. Storm stops outside the ring to grab a drink and then spits it in Sting’s face. Storm introduces Sting to the steel steps outside the ring. Storm then retrieves a table from under the ring and sets it up in a corner of the ring as Sting is still down on the mat. Sting applies the Scorpion death lock but the ref is down on the canvas. Jacqueline appears at ringside and hands Storm a chair. Storm nails Sting with the chair, the ref wakes up to count but Sting gets a shoulder up at the count of two. Sting delivers a splash in the corner and comes up off the top to take down Storm. Jacqueline is up on the apron but Sting threatens her with a baseball bat. Sting delivers a blow to Storm with the bat, delivers the Scorpion death drop, sets Storm up on the table and delivers a Stinger splash on the table and then a Scorpion death drop, goes for the cover and gets the three count.


Time:5 minutes



Sting with a Scorpion death drop


JB is backstage with Kip James. Kip James talks about Kip James and how great he is and how lucky his partner will be at Sacrifice.


Commercial break.


Cornette is in the ring to announce the next tag team that will face each other in action tonight and at Sacrifice as a tag team.  The second tag team is Matt Morgan and Kip James. Kip has the mic and is telling Morgan what to do and telling him that Morgan will listen to him. Morgan shakes his head yes that he understands and Cornette wants to know if Morgan has anything to say and he tells Kip to “suck it” and then attacks Kip. Cornette calls for Security to separate the two. Security can’t seem to handle them so Cornette calls for the bell and the match begins.


Matt Morgan


Kip James


Referee: Slick Johnson


Morgan drops Kip with a shoulder block, Kip rolls out to the floor and we go to COMMERCIAL BREAK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MATCH!  Back from commercial break, Morgan delivers a head butt and Kip hits the mat. Morgan is getting chants from the audience. Morgan goes for a kick but Kip gets out of the way and Morgan gets caught on the top rope. Kip sends Morgan down to the floor and goes out after him. Kip rolls Morgan back into the ring and then attempts to choke him with his shirt. Morgan comes up with fists to Kip’s abdomen, Kip gets caught by clotheslines when he comes ff the ropes. Morgan delivers a side slam and then the cover, but Kip kicks out. Morgan delivers a boot to the jaw and goes for the cover and gets the win.


Time: 1 minute before commercial break, 2 minutes after commercial break, total time 3 minutes.



Matt Morgan with a kick to the jaw


BG James is with Crystal in the back. She wants to know who BG would prefer to have as his tag team partner. BG wants Awesome Kong as his partner.


Commercial break.


West and Tenay go over the matches scheduled for TNA’s Sacrifice Pay Per View this Sunday.  I will not be ordering Sacrifice but will post the results on next week’s iMPACT review.


Deuces Wild Tag Team Qualifiers

Brother Ray & Brother Devon of Team 3D

Instant Classic Christian Cage & War Machine Rhino

Phenomenal AJ Styles & Super Eric

Homicide & Hernandez of LAX with Hector Guerrero

Sting & Cowboy James Storm

Matt Morgan & Kip James

Leaving four individuals:  BG James, Booker T, Robert Roode & Awesome Kong


Terror Dome X Division Match

Winner becomes Number One Contender for X Division Championship against

Current X Division Champion Petey Williams


The Guru Sonjay Dutt vs. Shark Boy vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Johnny Devine vs. Kaz vs. Black Machismo Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Curry Man vs. Jimmy Rave


TNA Knockout Battle Royal

Winner becomes Number One Contender for TNA Women’s Title Match against Awesome Kong

Loser gets head shaved in middle of ring.

Jacqueline vs. Tracy Brooks vs. Salinas vs. Rhaka Khan vs. Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love vs. Christy Hemme vs. Gail Kim vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. O.D.B.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship


Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe, Champion vs. Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner, Challenger vs. Kurt Angle, Challenger


Rick Steiner will be in the audience to watch Scott Steiner in the championship match.


JB is backstage with Steiner, Angle, Williams & Khan. JB wants to know if the two men can get along long enough to see their plan through. Angle says that he can make the plan happen but he doesn’t know if Steiner can handle it. Steiner says that he can handle anything Angle can and do it better. Williams plays peace maker to calm everyone down.


Commercial break.


Tenay introduces a video of the history between Joe, Steiner & Angle.


Main Event


Tag Team Grudge Match


Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner from Detroit, MI

With Rhaka Khan


Kurt Angle from Pittsburgh, PA


Big Sexy Kevin Nash from Detroit, MI


Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe from American Samoa

TNA World Heavyweight Champion


Referee: Earl Hebner


Commercial break before the match begins.


Nash and Angle begin the match with Angle using his fists to try to bring down Nash but Nash comes back with fists of his own. Nash drops Angle on the top turnbuckle, delivers a short arm clothesline and goes for the cover but he only gets a two count. Nash tags in Joe and Joe comes out throwing punches. Joe delivers a knee drop, slams Angle into the top turnbuckle and Joe tags in Nash. Angle goes for the eyes and tags in Steiner. Steiner comes off the ropes and meets Nash’s boots. Angle enters the ring and Nash takes Angle out with another boot. The ref pays attention to Angle and Steiner delivers a low blow. Steiner sends Joe off the ring apron to the floor and then tags in Angle. Angle goes after Nash’s knees. Angle tags in Steiner. Steiner takes Nash down with a clothesline. Steiner takes down Nash and then tags in Angle. Angle delivers a drop and goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Nash takes Angle down with a side slam and both men are down on the canvas. Nash tries to get the tag to Joe but Angle catches Nash by the leg, Steiner enters the ring and the ref doesn’t see the tag between Nash and Joe. Joe enters the ring anyway and he cleans house. Angle delivers the Olympic slam but Nash catches Angle as he comes off the ropes, Steiner catches Nash with a pipe in the back, Steiner goes for the cover and gets the win.



Time: 6 minutes 



Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner with the use of a pipe


Kurt Angle


After the match, Angle goes after Steiner, taking him down with an Olympic slam and then applying an ankle lock making Steiner tag out.

TNA iMPACT !! / MAY 1, 2008
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