Monday Night Raw

Monday Night Raw

April 28, 2008 – Recap by Sassy



Air Date: August 27, 2008

WWE United States Championship Match

Matt Hardy defeated M.V.P. and became the new US Champion.

Kane defeated Chavo Guerrero to retain the WWE ECW Championship

Big Show defeated The Great Khali

Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels defeated The Animal Batista

12 Diva Tag Team Match

Beth Phoenix, Melina, Victoria, Jillian Hall, Natalya Neidhart & Layla defeated Mickie James, WWE Women’s Champion, Michelle McCool, Ashley, Cherry, Maria & Kelly Kelly

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Undertaker defeated Rated R Superstar Edge to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

WWE Championship Match

The Game Triple H defeated Randy Orton, John Cena & John Bradshaw Layfield to become the new WWE Champion.

Last week on Raw

King of the Ring Matches

First Round Tournament Matches

Y2J Chris Jericho defeated M.V.P., WWE United States Champion in 6 minutes.

CM Punk, Mr. MITB, defeated Matt Hardy in 4 minutes.

Finlay defeated The Great Khali in 2 minutes by disqualification.

Raw General Manager William Regal defeated Hornswoggle in less than 1 minute.

Semi Final Tournament Matches

CM Punk defeated Y2J Chris Jericho in 7 minutes.

William Regal defeated Finlay in 4 minutes.

Final Tournament Match

Raw General Manager William Regal defeated CM Punk in 4 minutes to become the 2008 WWE King of the Ring.

In other action

Carlito with Santino Marella defeated Hardcore Holly, one half of the WWE World Tag Champions with Cody Rhodes, his WWE Tag Team Partner, in 5 minutes.

In the Democratic Primary Match, Umaga defeated Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

In the Eight Man Tag Team Main Event, Rated R Superstar Edge & John Bradshaw Layfield, Chavo Guerrero & Randy Orton, WWE Champion, defeated the team of The Game Triple H, John Cena, The Big Red Machine Kane, WWE ECW Champion, & The Undertaker, WWE World Heavyweight Champion in 7 minutes.

Monday Night Raw is broadcast from Izod Center

on the USA Network.

Ringside announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler

Ring announcer: Lillian Garcia

Interviews: Todd Grishman

Monday Night Raw opens with the entrance music for the new WWE Champion and Triple H enters the arena. He stops at the top of the ramp, opens his jacket and shows off the belt around his waist bearing his name. He heads to the ring as Lillian Garcia announces him as the new WWE Champion. I notice that Triple H has no bandages on his forehead…he always has one after a big pay per view match. The new Champion gets a loud pop from the fans at ringside. Triple H says he has an announcement to make and that the Age of Orton is officially dead – I, for one, thought it went on a little too long. And speaking of Orton, he appears to interrupt Triple H talking about Triple H. Orton seems to have grown a spine – he actually gets in the ring with Triple H. Orton tells Triple H that he does not get a victory speech and asks if he is really proud of what he did last night. Orton is whining that the odds were stacked against him last night. Triple H says that Orton likes the triple threat matches so that he can sit back and do nothing but get the win and take all the credit. Orton tells Triple H that in three weeks it will be Judgment Day and Orton will use his rematch clause to get his title back. Triple H says that he is pretty sure everyone is sick of hearing him run his mouth and tells Orton to do him a favor and get the hell out of Triple H’s ring. Orton says that it is Orton’s ring and Orton’s title but Triple H nails Orton on the head with the mic and Orton rolls out of the ring. Orton managed to hang onto his mic and he tells Triple H that he can’t wait until Judgment Day and the Age of Orton isn’t over, it has just begun. Orton says he is using his rematch clause and getting his title back tonight.

What, no John Cena or John Bradshaw Layfield looking for another chance at the gold?

Commercial break.  

Back to the announcer’s table, Jim Ross tells the audience that it has been confirmed.  There will a rematch for the title tonight.

Rematch from Backlash

Mickie James, Cherry, Maria, Ashley, Michelle McCool & Kelly Kelly


Beth Phoenix, Melina, Victoria, Natalya Neidhart, Layla & Jillian

Audience favorites: I don’t know

My favorites: I don’t know

The match begins before the bell rings and I understand this is about how it went last night.  In other words, it wasn’t worth watching. Now that everyone has cleared out of the ring, Kelly finds herself all alone with Phoenix. Phoenix tags in Victoria. Kelly manages a head scissors but still can’t make it to her own corner for a tag. Victoria tags in Melina who goes for a cover and gets a two count before Cherry charges into the ring to break it up. McCool delivers a knee to Melina’s back, but Melina manages a DDT to Kelly and then tags in Jillian, otherwise known as the weakest link. Kelly tags in James and she takes down Jillian and then knocks Phoenix off the ring apron. Layla, on the ring apron, nails Mickie in the back, Mickie shakes it off, goes for the roll up and gets a three count.

Time: 4 minutes 


Mickie James with a roll up

Cherry, Ashley, Maria, Michelle McCool & Kelly Kelly

Amazing, a whole 4 minutes and not everyone managed to get ring time. Now I understand what the lack of excitement regarding last night’s Diva Tag Team Match was all about.

Raw General Manager William Regal will be officially crowned tonight as King of the Ring, which he won last week by defeating Hornswoggle, an injured Finlay, and finally CM Punk in the final match.

Commercial break.

The audience sees a recap of the match between Batista and Michaels.  It appeared that Michael may have legitimately injured his left knee and then a recap of the match between Undertaker and Edge and another recap of the Fatal Four Way for the WWE Championship. There will be encore presentations of Backlash all week long on pay per view.

John Bradshaw Layfield from New York City


Roby McCallister of the Highlanders, who is already in the ring

With his tag team partner Rory

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Roby McCallister, of course

I see how this works.  Go to a TNA event and get squashed by JBL who would find it difficult to beat Hornswoggle since he returned to the ring.

Time: 1 minute


John Bradshaw Layfield

I consider this a joke of a match and a joke for professional wrestling.  Everyone knows what this is all about when it comes to Roby. If Roby’s was Bob Orton’s kid or that if he had married the boss’s daughter, he wouldn’t be in trouble.

JBL goes to the announcer’s table and he is ranting and raving about getting that WWE Championship title and he will challenge, blah, blah, blah—you get the idea.

Commercial break.

Back to the show, two weeks ago, a member of Cryme Tyme defeated Trevor Murdoch.

Tag Team Match

Paul London & Brian Kendrick

At a combined weight of 351 lbs.


Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

At a combined weight of 532 lbs.

Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: Cade & Murdoch

The bell rings and Cade and London face off but Cade isn’t going to wrestle London, he’ begins a beat down, goes for the cover and gets a two count. Cade tags in Murdoch and Murdoch goes to work on London, goes for the pin and gets the two count. Kendrick is calling for a tag but Murdoch tags in Cade. London fights back, goes over Cade’s back and tags in Kendrick who comes into the ring fired up. Cade sends Kendrick into  Murdoch but Kendrick hits Murdoch and knocks him off the ring apron. Cade finally makes the tag, Murdoch enters the ring, gets caught in a roll up and Kendrick gets the three count.

Time: 2 minutes


Brian Kendrick & Paul London

I realize this is most likely a feud build up between Cade and Murdoch but to have Murdoch get beat every time he gets in the ring is a little on the ridiculous side.  Not too long ago, for those of you who might have forgotten, Murdoch appeared to be sweet on Mickie James and that was grating on Cade’s nerves.  That particular storyline went poof and we now have the once tag team champions being defeated by a smaller sized tag team.  Go figure.

After the match, Cade is mad and he enters the ring to yell at Murdoch. Murdoch rolls out of the ring and heads over to grab Lillian’s mic, gets up on the announcer’s table and begins to sing?  I think this is I’ve Got Friends in Low Places…not a bad voice Murdoch.  I can’t tell if the audience liked it or not, but I thought he was a decent singer.

JR shows the audience a video of the damage to Michaels knee during his Backlash last night. Lawler informs the audience that tonight Michaels will be Y2J Chris Jericho’s guest on The Highlight Reel tonight.

Commercial break.

And back to the arena….

Paul Burchill from Chelsea, England, weighing 247 lbs.

With Katie Lea


Already in the ring, Super Crazy, from Somewhere in Mexico, weighing 200 lbs.

Audience favorite: I have no idea

My favorite: Super Crazy

Katie Lea has a mic and informs the audience that thanks to William Regal, this will be a 2 on 1 handicap match, which means she will be teaming with Burchill. Super Crazy doesn’t think twice about picking up Katie and slamming her to the mat but Katie doesn’t mess around either. Super Crazy comes back but he misses a moonsault, gets caught by a Katie missile dropkick, Burchill slams Super Crazy’s head into the mat, Katie goes for the cover and gets the win.

Time: 2 minutes


Paul Burchill & Katie Lea

What happened to the longer matches WWE has been providing for fans lately?  It appears that Katie may actually know a little wrestling so why isn’t she with the women’s locker room actually making an impact (no pun intended) for female wrestling? Super Crazy has always been one of my favorites in the ring and I have no idea why WWE has relegated him to the role of jobber.

Todd Grisham is backstage with Orton. Orton says he is not having any second thoughts about invoking his rematch clause and then Lawler informs the audience that they will see the coronation of William Regal and that will be next.

Commercial break.

We haven’t had any commercial breaks during the matches but, then again, we haven’t had any matches to speak of.

Lillian introduces the King of the Ring, William Regal. Regal is seated on his throne in the center of the ring, mic in hand. Regal tells the audience that he is not going to relinquish is position as General Manager of Raw. Regal says he has now become the most powerful entity in WWE. Regal says that everyone has no choice but to respect him and fear him. Regal says he is our ruler, our better and Mr. Kennedy, who has just returned from filming a movie, abruptly interrupts him. Kennedy enters the ring and faces Regal. Kennedy congratulates Regal on becoming the king of the ring but says he just can’t do that. Kennedy says that he is the biggest superstar in the company and wasn’t even invited to be in the king of the ring tournament and if he had been invited, he would have won it. Kennedy wants to challenge Regal one on one to find out who the King really is. Regal tells Kennedy he is not a common wrestler and no one talks to him unless they have been granted an appointment so he suggests that Kennedy apologize. Kennedy says that he is Mr. Kennedy. Regal slams Kennedy with a fist to the jaw and sends him out of the ring but Kennedy rolls back in and they get into it.  Referees appear from everywhere to break it up. Kennedy has a cut on his forehead but the refs manage to break the two of them apart and Regal bails out of the ring and out of harms’ way.

William Regal has returned as the biggest baddest English wrestler in the USA.  We can only hope that will continue.

Commercial break.

The audience sees Santino Marella & Carlito and Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly and the battle they had last night.

Santino Marella from somewhere in Italy (what happened to residing in Patterson, NJ?) weighing 227 lbs.

With Carlito


Cody Rhodes from Charlotte, NC, weighing 219 lbs.,

One half of the WWE World Tag Team Champions

With Hardcore Holly, his WWE world Tag team partner

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes is one of my favorites and has been since he appeared in the WWE ring. The match starts off not exactly as a wrestling match and Marella appears to be all business. Rhodes misses a moonsault and Marella goes for the cover but he gets a two count. Rhodes goes for a roll up but Marella kicks out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Marella this efficient in the ring before. Rhodes drops Marella to the mat with what JR describes as an electric chair. Both men back to their feet and it’s an exchange of blows until Rhodes uses a standing dropkick. Rhodes goes for the bulldog but Marella makes a switch, goes for the roll up but gets caught using the ropes. Rhodes hits the DDT and goes for the pin to get the three count.

Time: 4 minutes


Cody Rhodes with a DDT

This wasn’t a very long match but it was a fast moving match and Marella did show WWE fans that he has a little bit of talent that he hasn’t’ shown us before. Carlito is outside the ring pacing and does not appear to be happy with the loss. Rhodes comes back into the ring and grabs a mic to make fun of Marella, but Carlito attacks Rhodes from behind, delivering a quick backstabber to Rhodes. Holly runs back to the ring to rescue Rhodes and Carlito bails out of the ring taking Marella with him.

Y2J Chris Jericho, dressed in his tux, is on his way to the arena.

Commercial break.

Y2J Chris Jericho enters the ring for The Highlight Reel. Jericho’s guest tonight is Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Jericho says it is the very special awards edition of the highlight reel. Jericho says he is going to present the award for best actor in sports entertainment.  The nominees are The Magnificent Muraco and Mr. Fuji for Fuji General. We see a film clip with Fuji and Muraco. The next nominee is Michael Cole for Deliverance Part II (with Heidenreich) from September 2004. The final nominee is Shawn Michaels for pretending to have a knee injury in order to beat Batista at Backlash, which was last night. The audience sees a film clip of Michael’s knee giving out and then the super kick that dropped Batista and gave Michaels the win. Jericho says the winner is Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels who is Jericho’s guest tonight. Michaels limps to the ring.  Jericho congratulates Michaels for winning the award and tells Michaels to give the people a speech. Jericho tells Michaels that the charade is over and he said he would do whatever it took to win the match and that is exactly what he did. A few HBK chants from the live audience that continue to get a little louder and then fade away. Jericho tells them to hit Michael’s music and then leaves Michaels in the ring.

Triple H is backstage getting ready for his match.

Commercial break.

Marella is backstage and he hits on a “diva” - which happens to be Rowdy Roddy Piper. Marella is even more excited to see Piper than a diva.  Piper ends up slapping Marella and then asks “does that boy have a death wish or is he just special?”.

The audience sees a film clip of the Fatal Four Way Match from Backlash last night. As we already know, Triple H now holds the WWE Championship and will be facing  former champion, Randy Orton, tonight in a rematch for that title.

WWE Championship Match

Randy Orton from St. Louis, MO, weighing 245 lbs.


Commercial break before anyone is introduced.


The Game Triple H from Greenwich, CT, weighing 255 lbs.


Audience favorite: The Game Triple H

My favorite: The Game Triple H

I have a pretty good idea that Triple H will not be losing the title so soon after winning it, but I have been wrong before. The referee actually checks both wrestlers over before signaling for the bell. A roll around the ropes with the ref trying to break it up. The ref gets in the middle and pulls them apart but they are back face to face again. They lock up again and Orton applies a side headlock. Triple H sends him off the ropes and Orton drops Triple H with a shoulder block. Triple H is back to his feet and Orton goes back to the side headlock. Triple H tries to send Orton off the ropes, but Orton hangs on. Triple H powers his way out and applies a side headlock to Orton. Triple H off the ropes and he takes down Orton with a shoulder block and then a standing clothesline before going for the cover. He gets a two count. Orton resorts to fists to back Triple H up into the corner.  There for a second I thought Orton might actually try wrestling. Orton goes shoulder first into the ring post when Triple H steps out of the way. Triple H follows up by sending Orton back into the ring post shoulder first again. Triple H goes out on the floor to work on Orton’s shoulder and he uses the ring post in order to smash Orton’s shoulder. Back in the ring, Triple H applies a wrist lock and continues to work on Orton’s left shoulder. Orton rolls out of the ring and Triple H goes after him, slamming his arm and shoulder into the guardrail before rolling him back into the ring. Triple H tries to get back in the ring but Orton delivers a kick that drops Triple H. Orton delivers a DDT but can’t get to Triple H to get the cover and we go to COMMERCIAL BREAK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MAIN EVENT! Back to the ring, Orton appears to be in control and he’s back to delivering a flurry of fists in order to keep Triple H at bay. Triple H comes back and the two exchange punches. Triple H off the ropes but Orton catches him with a standing dropkick that sends Triple H down to the mat. Orton goes for the cover and gets a two count. Orton applies a side headlock with Triple H down on the mat. Triple H works his way back to his knees but Orton hangs on. Triple H back to his feet and then back down to one knee. Orton still has the headlock applied. Triple H back to his feet, Orton into the ropes and Triple H applies a sleeper hold, but Orton picks him up and delivers a suplex. Orton goes to work on Triple H’s ankle and then his hand. Orton delivers a knee to the chest and then another knee to the chest, goes for the pin and gets a two count. Orton uses the ropes to choke Triple H and gets a four count before he releases his hold. Triple H is on the ring apron and Orton outside the ring. Orton goes to work on Triple H with fists and then slams him headfirst into the guardrail and then the steel steps. Orton rolls Triple H back into the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Orton again applies a headlock but resorts to blows to Triple H’s chest before applying the headlock again. Triple H works his way up to one knee and then his feet. Triple H picks up Orton and slams him onto the mat. Triple H charges at Orton but Orton catches him with a boot to the face and sends him back down to the mat. Orton picks up Triple H and body slams him to the mat and then gets ready to set up for the RKO. Triple H struggles to get back to his feet and counters the RKO by sending Orton into the ring post. Both men back to their feet and Triple H is delivering right hands to Orton’s jaw. Triple H off the ropes to deliver a face buster and then off the ropes to take Orton down with a clothesline. Triple H off the ropes again, but Orton catches him and slams him to the mat, then goes for the pin. Orton gets a two count. Orton off the ropes and he catches a high knee from Triple H. Triple H goes for the cover and gets a two count. The ref backs Triple H off of Orton in the corner but Orton comes out of the corner and takes Triple H down with an inverted back breaker and goes for the cover. Orton gets a two count. Orton goes up to the top turnbuckle but Triple H cuts him off and Orton gets crotched. Triple H climbs up on the second rope but Orton fights back. Triple H delivers a superplex off the top rope and both men are down on the mat. Triple H gets an arm over to cover and Triple H gets a two count. Orton delivers a thumb to Triple H’s eye and goes for the RKO but Triple H goes for the pedigree, Orton counters and catapults Triple H into the corner post. Triple H has Orton in the cross face and we see Regal backstage in the camera room interrupting the match. Regal tells the guy in the truck to take the show off the air and when he doesn’t listen, Regal has the guy down on the floor but the screen is black and no one can see anything. The television audience can hear JR and Lawler and from what we can hear, the cross face is still being applied by Triple H and then the show is over…

Time: 7 minutes before commercial break, 13 minutes after commercial, 20 minutes total

Obviously I can’t tell you who the winner of this match was first hand, but I can tell you that I have it on good authority Triple H won the match and retained his WWE Championship.

If you didn't notice, Orton spent quite a bit of time during this match trying to look evil and making sure the camera caught it.  I don't know if Orton is working on trying to get the next movie role that comes along or not, but if he plans on working in wrestling, he should spend more time on the match and less time on the cameras...


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