April 22, 2008 – recap by Sassy


Last week on ECW –

In an eight-man tag team match, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Jimmy Wang Yang, & Shannon Moore defeated Elijah Burke, Deuce & Domino & Shelton Benjamin in 7 minutes.

After replacing Tommy Dreamer, Colin Delaney was defeated by Mike Knox in 1 minute.

In the main event, The Undertaker, WWE World Heavyweight Champion & Kane, WWE ECW Champion defeated John Morrison & The Miz, WWE Tag Team Champions in 11 minutes.


WWE’s ECW is broadcast from Greensboro, NC

on the Sci-Fi Channel


Ringside announcers: Mike Adamle & Tazz

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

Mike Adamle informs the audience tonight The Rated R Superstar Edge will host The Cutting Edge with WWE ECW Champion Kane as his guest.


Mixed Tag Team Match

Kelly Kelly


Tommy Dreamer from Yonkers, NY, weighing 265 lbs.




Mike Knox from Phoenix, AZ, weighing 293 lbs.


Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: I’m not sure


The women open the match with Layla going for the hair. Kelly delivers a blow and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Layla tags in Knox and Kelly heads for her corner as Dreamer enters the ring. Dreamer is known for his hardcore style but Knox takes him out with a clothesline and then uses the ropes to choke Dreamer. Knox receives a boot to the face and then a bulldog before tagging in Kelly. Layla enters the ring as Knox exits. Kelly comes off the top turnbuckle with the worst cross body block I have ever seen and goes for the cover, Knox enters the ring and breaks it up. Dreamer enters the ring and goes after Knox, both men go out to the floor, Kelly delivers a face plant and goes for the cover getting the three count.

Time: 2 minutes



Kelly Kelly with a face plant


Tommy Dreamer


After the match, Knox attacks Dreamer and takes him down to the canvas with a face plant.

I have to say it – lousy first match for tonight’s show. Tommy Dreamer is much better than this and yet they continue to put him in matches that are nothing short of jokes.  Even Mike Knox deserves a better match than this.  And I’ll just leave the “divas” alone.

Commercial break.

Mike Adamle introduces the video from Monday Night Raw showing the presidential candidates delivering short speeches to the WWE audience.

John Morrison from Los Angeles, CA, weighing 220 lbs.

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions

Accompanied by the other half of the WWE Tag Team Champions, The Miz


Jimmy Wang Yang from GA, weighing 206 lbs.

Accompanied by Shannon Moore


Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: John Morrison


Miz has joined Adamle and Tazz at the announcer’s table. The bell rings and Morrison takes Yang down with an elbow. Yang does some fancy footwork off the ropes and takes Morrison down with a hurricanrana then sends Morrison over the top ropes with a clothesline. Morrison gets out of the way before Yang can set up a suicide dive. Yang goes out of the ring and chases Morrison back in. Morrison takes Yang down by grabbing his left leg. Morrison then goes to work on the leg but Yang flips him over onto the mat. Yang comes back with a fist but Morrison goes again for the leg. Yang uses his right leg to take down Morrison and then flips Morrison across the ring. Yang goes for the cover and gets a two count. Morrison sends Yang into the top turnbuckle, Yang responds with an elbow. Yang gets caught climbing up to the top, Morrison comes off the top with a dive but Yang gets out of the way, Yang comes off the top turnbuckle with a moonsault, goes for the cover and gets the three count.

Time: 5 minutes


Jimmy Wang Yang


This was a much better match than the first one of the evening. Morrison and Yang are always good in the ring and they worked well as opponents in this match. Miz nearly has a stroke after seeing Morrison lose to Yang. Miz takes off his headset and gets into a verbal battle with Morrison.

Commercial break.

The audience sees a video of Monday Night Raw and the matches that took place culminating in Raw General Manager William Regal defeating CM Punk to become the 2008 King of the Ring. Adamle and Tazz go over the matches that are scheduled for the next WWE pay per view, Backlash:

The Undertaker defends his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against former champion The Rated R Superstar Edge.

The Animal Batista faces Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels with Special Guest Referee Y2J Chris Jericho.

In a Fatal Four Way Match, Randy Orton defends his WWE Championship against John Bradshaw Layfield, The Game Triple H and John Cena.

The Big Show faces The Great Khali.

The Big Red Machine Kane defends his WWE ECW title against former champion Chavo Guerrero.

Kofi Kingston is backstage warming up and is interrupted by Shelton Benjamin who Kingston is facing tonight in one on one competition. Benjamin informs Kingston that his current winning streak ends tonight.

Commercial break.

Kofi Kingston from Jamaica, weighing 217 lbs.


The Gold Standard Shelton Benjamin from Orangeburg, NC, weighing 248 lbs.


Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Shelton Benjamin

Even though I am watching this on television, this is the deadest live audience I have seen in awhile. No one is getting any noticeable pops and the heels aren’t receiving any jeers.  When I say I don’t know who the audience favorite is I am judging by the total lack of audience response when the wrestlers are introduced. My favorite is Shelton Benjamin but Kofi Kingston has been doing a decent job in the ring since his initial appearance in ECW. Kingston uses an early dropkick to send Benjamin down to the mat. Benjamin catches Kingston with a shoulder breaker and now Kingston is down on the mat. Benjamin goes to work on Kingston’s shoulder, keeping Kingston down on the mat. Kingston makes it back to his feet and delivers elbows to make Benjamin break the hold. Kingston comes off the ropes with a cross body block but doesn’t get even a one count. Benjamin sends Kingston into the ropes; Benjamin comes off the top turnbuckle and is greeted by a flying dropkick. Kingston goes for the cover and gets a two count. Benjamin goes back to work on Kingston’s shoulder, keeping him away from the ropes. Kingston back to his feet and Benjamin continues to hang on. Kinston sends Benjamin over his head to the mat but Benjamin catches Kingston with a clothesline. A Kingston trouble in paradise kick catches Benjamin; Kingston goes for the cover and gets the win.

Time: 5 minutes


Kofi Kingston with a trouble in paradise

This was another decent match up. Both men work hard and are impressive.  It was not a long match but it was continuous action.

Commercial break.

The audience sees a video of the match between Obama and Clinton that ended with Umaga coming out to the ring and cleaning house. Maybe Umaga should be running for office.

Both men already in the ring:

The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry



Audience favorite: Does it matter?

My favorite: Ditto

This match will be a total squash match. It seems as though there has to be at least one on every WWE ECW. Nunzio hasn’t been in a match where he could actually wrestle in forever and Henry certainly isn’t getting an opponent even close to his size.

Time: 2 minutes


The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry with a body slam

This match was not worth commenting on or trying to call.

The Big Red Machine Kane is backstage getting ready to come to the ring for The Cutting Edge.

Commercial break.

The Rated R Superstar Edge enters the arena with Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder. Hawkins & Ryder are dressed for action, Edge is not. Edge does get a little more noise than anyone else who has come to the ring during this hour-long show. Edge introduces The Cutting Edge guest, The Big Red Machine Kane, who enters the ring. Edge offers Kane a seat but Kane stands. Edge tells Kane that family is such an important part of the wrestling business and that most people believe the strongest family in WWE is the Brothers of Destruction, especially since Kane is now the ECW Champion and Undertaker is WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Edge tells Kane that Kane’s life sucks and he can trace it all back to his dysfunctional family. Edge brings up Lita and his relationship with Kane and the fact that Lita left Kane for Edge. The audience offers “you suck” chants to Edge. Edge brings up his (grab your barf bags!) his own relationship with Vickie Guerrero and tells Kane that if he hadn’t injured Edge that he may have never gotten together with her. Kane asks Edge if he is really thanking Edge for that and Edge says that he is because now he has become a part of the entire Guerrero family. Edge tells Kane that this Sunday, Edge’s family takes back what is rightfully his. Kane tells Edge that after Backlash Edge won’t have the titles and Edge won’t have much of a family left either because Kane is going destroy Chavo Guerrero and if Bam gets in Kane’s way, he will destroy them, too. Kane tells Edge that The Undertaker will destroy Edge, Hawkins & Ryder. Kane says that after Backlash the only remaining member of Edge’s family will be Edge’s fiancé.

My DVR cut out again before the end of the show. I will take a wild guess that Edge and his "extended family" delivered a beat down to Kane in an attempt to take him out before Backlash.

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