March 20, 2008 – Recap by Sassy


Kurt Angle did an interview on Between the Ropes and told the audience that he and Samoa Joe would be doing an MMA match at TNA’s next pay per view, Lockdown. 

I did not purchase this month’s pay per view and now, for certain, I will not be purchasing the Lockdown pay per view. 

If I want to watch MMA, I can watch MMA and if I want to pay to see MMA, I can pay to see actual MMA matches.  I tune in to wrestling to watch wrestling. Period. If I were TNA, I would worry more about improving the quality of my Thursday night programming and less time worrying about what one particular wrestler wants.

Consequences Creed is scheduled to make his return to the TNA ring as is Sting. Angle further hinted in his interview about Bobby Lashley and his making a return to the wrestling ring.

Not according to Angle, but according to the rumor mill, Angle’s wife will be back in TNA shortly. She was removed from the show so that the Angle, his wife, and AJ Styles storyline wouldn’t get in the way of the build up for the Angle/Samoa Joe Championship match at Lockdown.

Other News worth mentioning -

Former TNA star “Wildcat” Chris Harris made his debut with World Wrestling Entertainment in a dark match.

Former TNA star Ron “The Truth” Killings has been recalled by WWE from Mexico where he was working for AAA.

Former TNA tag team The Naturals were spotted recently backstage at a WWE Event.

Last week on iMPACT

Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams was defeated by Curry Man in a TNA Lockdown X-Scape Qualifying Match - Petey is now in some serious trouble with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner and his newest freak, Rhaka Khan.

Rellik & Black Reign defeated Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machineguns.

Lance Hoyt, Jimmy Rave & Christy Hemme of Rock ‘n Rave Infection defeated Homicide, Hernandez & Salinas of Latin American Exchange in a mixed six-person tag team match.

Gail Kim defeated Velvet Sky before being attacked by Sky, Angelina Love and ultimately Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed. O.D.B. made the save.

In the Main Event, Tomko & The Prince of Phenomenal AJ Styles defeated The Instant Classic Christian Cage & Big Sexy Kevin Nash with a whole lot of help from Brother Ray & Brother Devon of Team 3D.




JB is backstage outside of Jim Cornette’s office. JB reminds the audience that Lockdown is four weeks away and that Kurt Angle will be in the ring for his public workout tonight as he prepares for his match against Samoa Joe. The women’s division will be in action, Booker T welcomes Sharmell back to the iMPACT Zone and AJ Styles has a special guest.

The Instant Classic Christian Cage comes out of Cornette’s office, followed by Cornette. JB speaks to Cornette and Cornette tells JB to add another match to tonight’s program.  The War Machine Rhino will be going one on one against Tomko.

IMPACT is being broadcast from Universal Studios, Orlando, FL

On Spike TV

Ringside announcers: Mike Tenay & Don West

Ring announcer: David Penzer

Backstage interviews: Jeremy Borash & Crystal Loutham

Ringside valet: SoCal Val


Booker T comes to the ring dressed in his street clothes. Mike Tenay reminds the audience that Sharmell returned to TNA at Destination X. There is a table in the ring covered with food and it looks like a bottle of champagne. Booker T introduces Sharmell and she enters the ring and she brings the strap from Destination X with her. It appears that during Booker T’s match at Destination X, Sharmell cut loose with a strap taking out several people including one referee and Jim Cornette before being subdued. Booker T welcomes Sharmell back to TNA. Booker says he will never ever put Sharmell in harm’s way again and hugs Sharmell. The are interrupted by none other than Robert Roode accompanied by Payton Banks.

Roode says that Sharmell won’t be put in harms way, at least not tonight. Cornette and Matt Morgan appear as Booker begins to exit the ring and head toward Roode. Cornette calls Payton “Piggie” Banks and tells Roode to stay where he is. Cornette says he needs to tell Booker T that there was a little problem at Destination X because in Booker’s match against Roode at Destination X, Booker had someone who was not booked for the match come into the ring and took a leather strap and whipped Roode and Banks, the referees, the ring announcer, the security guards and Jim Cornette. At Lockdown it will be Booker T versus Robert Roode in the six sides of steel and the match will be Roode and Banks against Booker and Sharmell and that way everything will be settled once and for all. Cornette exists the ring and Roode is laughing as Booker T demolishes the table in the ring.

Cornette tells Booker T that if he has that much energy, he is going to put him in a match against AJ Styles tonight.

Crystal is backstage with AJ. AJ is having a tantrum over being in a match against Booker T. Crystal asks AJ who the special guest is going to be tonight, AJ tells her it isn’t like she doesn’t already know and they are interrupted by Brother Ray and Brother Devon of Team 3D with Johnny Devine. Ray tells AJ that he is a part of the family and that Tomko came to see them last week and that Team 3D is going to be AJ’s partners at Lethal Lockdown.

Commercial break.

JB is backstage with Kaz and Showtime Eric Young. Kaz is proud of Eric for finding his “alter ego” but Eric seems to believe that Super Eric is another person and not himself. Kaz and JB both look really confused.

Tag Team Match

Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams from  Windsor, Ontario, Canada


Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner from Detroit, MI

Accompanied to the ring by Rhaka Khan


Kaz from Anaheim, CA


Showtime Eric Young Residing in an undisclosed location.

Referee: Rudy Charles

Before the match begins, Tenay and Don West reveal that after Petey’s match last week, Scott not only put Petey in handcuffs with a bag over his head, Scott repeatedly stuck Petey’s head in basin of water and held him under.

Poor Eric can’t seem to get used to the pyros that go off every time he enters the arena and he hits the floor when they go off.

The match begins when Petey, who is in the ring with Kaz, turns his back on Kaz to do a little muscle show and Kaz goes for a roll up. Petey rolls out before Kaz can get a one count. Kaz takes Petey down with an arm drag, Petey takes Kaz down with an arm drag but Kaz rolls over and comes up with an arm bar. Petey grabs Kaz by the hair and backs him up then sends him over to the mat with an arm drag. Kaz responds by sending Petey across the mat with an arm drag. Petey goes for another arm drag, but Kaz pulls his own arm back and Petey hits the canvas. Kaz again goes for a roll up and gets a two count before Petey kicks out. As Petey gets back to his feet, Kaz takes him down with another arm drag and goes for a wristlock. Kaz picks Petey up and puts more pressure on his arm before tagging in Eric. Eric enters the ring and takes up where Kaz leaves off with the wristlock on Petey. Petey pulls Eric’s hair and backs him up to the ring post with the referee calling for a break. Petey backs up but comes up with a forearm to Eric’s jaw. Petey sends Eric across the ring, Eric hits the ring post and goes up and over the top rope, landing on the ring apron. Petey charges at Eric, Eric delivers a shoulder block to Petey’s gut through the ropes. Eric slides under the ropes and under Petey to get back into the ring. Eric sends Petey down to the mat and then shows a little “Super Hero” stance. Eric picks up Petey and slams him down to the mat then goes for the cover. Eric gets a two count before Petey kicks out. Eric does a few more super hero poses as Petey finds his way over to his partner. Scott puts his hand out for Petey to tag him into the match and Petey obliges. Scott enters the ring as Eric continues to work on his super hero poses. Scott nails Eric with a knee to the midsection and follows up with a forearm across the back. Scott delivers a chop to the chest and then another before sending Eric across the ring and into the ropes. Eric comes off the ropes and ducks under Scott’s clothesline, hits the opposite ropes and hangs on. As Scott heads toward Eric, Eric bails out of the ring and to the floor. Meanwhile, Kaz enters the ring and Scott nails Kaz with a knee to the abdomen. (If there was a tag here, I missed it.) Scott sends Kaz across the ring as Eric climbs back up on the ring apron. Kaz hits the ropes and comes off, rolls lover Scott’s back and then delivers kicks to Scott’s legs. Kaz comes off the ropes but Rhaka grabs Kaz by the leg slowing him down giving Scott time to nail him with a forearm, taking Kaz down onto the second rope. Scott picks up Kaz and delivers a belly-to-belly suplex Scott again picks up Kaz and this time slams him face first into the top turnbuckle. Scott delivers a chop to the chest before sending Kaz across the ring. Kaz comes off the ropes and is met by a clothesline that sends him down to the canvas. Scott drops and elbow and goes for the pin. He gets a one count before going for his trademark pushups. Scott then stops to say something to Petey. Scott walks over to the ropes to have words with some of the fans as Kaz tries to get back to his feet. Kaz fails to get up so Scott picks him up and slams him headfirst into the top turnbuckle. Petey puts out his hand to be tagged in and Scott gives him the tag. Scott delivers a chop to the chest. Petey, still on the ring apron, waves the ref out of the way and takes Kaz down the ropes to send him again headfirst into the turnbuckle. As Kaz turns back around, Petey comes over the top rope and puts both knees in the midsection of Kaz as he goes down to the mat. Petey goes for the cover and gets a two count before Kaz powers out. Petey grabs Kaz by the back of his trunks and puts him in a submission hold but Kaz manages to break the hold, Petey goes for a roll up, Kaz rolls through and comes back up to deliver a short dropkick, nailing Petey in the chest. Eric is calling for a tag but Kaz is all the way across the ring. Scott is yelling for Petey to get up as Kaz makes it to Eric for the tag. Petey manages to tag in Scott and now it’s Eric and Scott facing off in the ring. Scott comes at Eric with a clothesline but Eric ducks underneath and delivers a shot to Scott’s jaw. Eric continues his assault on Scott with fists to the head and face. Petey enters the ring and Eric takes Petey down with an elbow before going back at Scott with a dropkick that sends Scott down to the mat. Eric picks up Petey and slams him down to the canvas with a Death Valley driver and goes for the cover. Eric gets a two count before Scott breaks up the count. Kaz enters the ring and nails Scott with a boot to the midsection, delivers a boot to the leg and then a spin kick that sends Scott back down to the mat and out of the ring. Kaz goes after Petey who is now back to his feet but Petey catches him with a boot to the abdomen and goes for the Canadian destroyer. Kaz counters with a new version of a pile driver as Eric gets back to his feet on the ring apron. Eric climbs the ropes to the top turnbuckle as Black Reign and Rellik appear at the top of the entrance ramp. Black Reign says “evil always triumphs” into the mic (that’s only if your last name is Angle) and Eric freezes. Petey is down in the ring and Scott rolls in, slams a fist into Eric still up on the turnbuckle, and brings Eric down to the mat with a back slam off the top rope. Scott goes for the cover and gets the win.


Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner


Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams

With a little help from Black Reign & Rellik (that’s killer spelled backwards)

Not a bad opening match. I enjoy all four participants in this match and Kaz has got to be one of my favorites. He had a great match last week against Kurt Angle and you have to hope that Kaz is on his way to a big title shot soon. Scott Steiner and Petey Williams work well as a tag team, which surprised me initially. And Eric is Eric, adding his wrestling ability and comedic talent to the match.

After the match, Petey is still in trouble with Big Poppa Pump.  Petey is again placed in handcuffs with the black hood over his head.

Commercial break.

Tenay is backstage with The Instant Classic Christian Cage and The War Machine Rhino. Christian has asked for this sit down in order to clear the air with Rhino. Christian makes reference to the fact that he sends Rhino’s daughter a birthday card every year and Rhino makes reference to the face that his daughter still calls Christian “uncle”. Rhino wants to know what Christian is going to do to make it right with Rhino’s daughter and he walks out of the sit down.

Tomko from Jacksonville, FL

One half of the TNA Tag Team Champions


The War Machine Rhino from Detroit, MI

Referee: Earl Hebner

Rhino gets a loud pop from the live audience. The camera pans the crowd to show a GORE GORE GORE sign.

Before the bell rings, Tomko trash talks Rhino and then shoves Rhino back. Rhino comes back with a fist to Tomko’s jaw and beats Tomko back before slamming him headfirst into the top turnbuckle. Rhino continues to pummel Tomko with fists and then switches to boots to the midsection as the ref is trying to get Rhino to break. Rhino finally does break and as Tomko gets back to his feet, Rhino sends him across the ring but Tomko gets the switch and sends Rhino into the ring post. Rhino goes down to the mat. As Rhino gets back to his feet, he delivers a hard right to Tomko’s jaw and then comes off the ropes but Tomko catches him with a boot to the face. Tomko goes for the cover and gets a two count before Rhino gets a shoulder off the mat. Tomko applies a chin lock but Rhino makes it back to his feet and sends elbows into Tomko's abdomen to make him break the hold. Rhino comes off the ropes and meets Tomko’s elbow. Tomko goes for a clothesline but Rhino ducks underneath and delivers a clothesline that sends Tomko over the top rope and down to the floor. Tomko falls back against the guardrail and we go to



Back in the ring, Tomko again has Rhino in a chin lock. Rhino gets back to his feet and delivers an elbow to Tomko’s gut and when Tomko breaks the hold, Rhino goes after him with blows to the head and face. Tomko tries to send Tomko across the ring but Tomko makes a switch and sends Rhino into the ropes. Tomko comes off the ropes and delivers a clothesline that sends Tomko crashing to the canvas. As Tomko gets back to his feet, Rhino delivers a shoulder block to Tomko’s midsection and follows up with a belly-to-belly suplex. Rhino backs up to set Tomko up for the gore but Tomko has the ref by the wrist on the opposite side of the ring. AJ Styles appears on the ring apron and delivers a blow to Rhino that sends him down to the mat. AJ then hops off the ring apron and rolls under the ring. As Rhino gets back to his feet, Tomko delivers a clothesline and goes for the cover. Tomko gets the win.



With a little help from AJ Styles

It is now official. No one in the Angle Alliance can win a match on their own, including Tomko. I’m sorry Rhino didn’t manage to get a gore delivered. The audience would have gone wild.

After the match is over, the ref is getting flack from the front row of the audience telling him that AJ interfered in the match and that he went under the ring. The ref raises Tomko’s hand and then goes out on the ring apron to listen to the fans. The ref jumps off the apron and looks under the ring, finds AJ, and the ref is yelling at AJ. The ref climbs back into the ring and AJ follows him in. Rhino is trying to get back to his feet, but Tomko nails him in the back and then goes after him with a flurry of punches. AJ comes in to deliver boots to Rhino as the ref tries to break it up. Christian Cage charges down the entrance ramp and into the ring, taking on Tomko and AJ. Christian takes down Tomko and goes back across the ring after AJ. Rhino is back to his feet and he goes after Tomko, sending Tomko over the top rope as AJ rolls out of the ring. Christian puts out his hand and Rhino shakes hands with Christian with the approval of the crowd. As the two of them face AJ and Tomko who are still outside the ring, Brothers Ray and Devon enter the ring behind them and we have a four on two beat down. Kevin Nash appears at ringside with a steel chair in his hand and everyone clears out of the ring.

Cornette and Matt appear at ringside and tells Team 3D if they want to get involved in everybody’s business, tonight it will be Team 3D against Christian Cage and Rhino. Tomko doesn’t look happy about the match that has just been announced.

Commercial break.

The second installment of

The Courtship




They are in a restaurant and Jay decides that the place is a little pricey. Sonjay Dutt appears at their table to deliver water and talks to Val. Jay wants to know if Sonjay can hook them up with a discount.

To be continued…

TNA Lockdown X-Scape Qualifying Match

The Guru Sonjay Dutt from Bombay, India


Homicide representing the Latin American Exchange

Accompanied to the ring by Hernandez and Salinas.

Referee: Slick Johnson

Sonjay takes Homicide down with an arm drag. Sonjay then turns his attention to SoCal Val standing at ringside to make sure she is watching him in the ring. The two men lock up and again Sonjay takes Homicide down with another arm drag and again turns his attention to Val. Homicide gets tired of waiting for the match to continue and goes after Sonjay, sending him across the ring and into the ropes. Sonjay comes off the ropes and Homicide drops down to the mat, Sonjay comes off the opposite ropes and gets a flying elbow from Homicide that sends Sonjay crashing to the canvas. As Sonjay gets back to his feet, Homicide gets a grip on Sonjay but Sonjay sends an elbow into the side of Homicide’s head and again takes him down with an arm drag. Both men are back to their feet and Homicide sends Sonjay up and over his head, down to the mat, and Homicide goes for a bridge pin. He gets a two count before Sonjay kicks out. Homicide picks Sonjay up, sends him back down to the mat and again goes for the cover. He gets a two count before Sonjay gets a shoulder off the mat. Homicide sends Sonjay into the ring post, Sonjay slips out of the ring between the ropes and brings up a boot to nail Homicide in the top of the head. Sonjay springboards off the top rope, but he slips and lands on his knee on the mat. The ref keeps Homicide away from Sonjay as he checks on Sonjay’s condition. Sonjay tells the ref not to call for the bell and he will continue in the match. Homicide motions for Sonjay to meet him in the middle of the ring, Sonjay takes a step forward and his knee buckles. Homicide is telling the ref to ring the bell. As Homicide goes for Sonjay, Sonjay takes Homicide down in a roll up and gets the three count. Sonjay gets back to his feet with no problem and as he is showing off in the ring for Val, Hernandez enters the ring.


The Guru Sonjay Dutt

Curry Man qualified for the Lockdown X-Scape Match last week.

After the match, Sonjay huts Homicide and Hernandez in the ring but Homicide nails Sonjay with a blow and sends him over to Hernandez who delivers a border toss and Sonjay is down on the mat. Val is at ringside checking on Sonjay.

Crystal is backstage with Booker T and Sharmell. Booker is not happy about Cornette’s decision about the match at Lockdown involving Robert Roode and Sharmell.

Commercial break.

Lockdown debuts on pay per view April 13.

Rough Cut

Growing Up, Growing Apart

BG James and Kip James discuss the way they were thrown back together as a tag team at TNA. Kip complains that BG doesn’t work out in the gym enough and BG says there are things in his life more important than living at the gym. BG and Kip will face each other at Lockdown.

To be continued….

The Prince of Phenomenal AJ Styles from Gainesville, GA

One half of the TNA Tag Team Champions


Booker T from Houston, TX

Accompanied to the ring by Sharmell

Referee: Earl Hebner

Before the match, AJ introduces his special guest. And guess who?  It’s Kurt Angle’s wife. I’m skipping this boring part.  Can we get back to wrestling? PLEASE?

As the bell rings, Booker T delivers a fist to AJ’s jaw that sends him down to the mat. As AJ gets back to his feet, Booker nails him with forearms, backing him up against the ring post. Booker brings AJ out to the middle of the ring and nails him with a short arm clothesline. AJ goes down to the mat again. Booker picks up AJ and body slams him back down to the canvas. Booker again picks up AJ and backs him into the ropes, delivering chops to the chest. AJ is back down on the mat. As AJ uses the ropes to try to get back to his feet, Booker comes at him again. This time AJ nails Booker in the abdomen with an elbow but Booker brings up a knee that catches AJ. Booker continues with knees to AJ’s chest and midsection, backing AJ up against the ring post. Booker sends AJ across the ring and into the opposite ring post and follows up with a hard forearm to AJ’s jaw. AJ is hanging onto the ropes and Booker and the ref get into a heated exchange before Booker heads back to AJ. Booker has AJ up against the ring post and tries to deliver a fist, but AJ ducks under and comes back with hard chops to Booker’s chest. AJ nails Booker with a fist to the side of the skull and then sends him across the ring and into the opposite ring post. AJ charges at Booker to deliver a splash but Booker steps out of the way and AJ meets the top turnbuckle. Booker follows up with a kick that lands on AJ’s jaw and AJ hits the canvas. Booker goes for the cover but only gets a two count before AJ kicks out. Booker delivers a stomp to AJ’s head but is suddenly look at the top of the entrance ramp where Robert Roode has appeared. Booker turns his attention to Roode, inviting him down to the ring. Booker turns back around in the ring and ducks under the clothesline AJ has waiting. Booker goes for a high kick but AJ ducks under and comes back with a peleg that lands on the back of Booker’s head. AJ goes for the cover and gets a two count before Booker powers out. Roode is applauding for AJ at the top of the entrance ramp and AJ goes after Booker T with fists to the forehead and we go to



Booker is outside of the ring on the floor. Sharmell, on the opposite side of the ring, looks concerned. The ref is out on the floor with Booker as AJ comes over the top rope and takes Booker down to the floor with a cross body block. West relates to the at home audience that during the commercial break, Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan appeared with security and had Robert Roode removed from the arena while in the ring, Booker comes off the ropes and AJ leapfrogs over him. Booker comes off the opposite ropes and AJ goes down to the mat, Booker comes off the ropes again and AJ takes him down with a dropkick. I don’t know what the hell is going on in the ring right now because we are watching what happened during the commercial break. When do we get to see what happened during the current period of time --- maybe during the next match? Back to real time in the ring, AJ nails Booker with a fist to the jaw and follows up with a fist to the forehead. AJ again delivers a peleg that sends Booker T down to the canvas. AJ goes for the pin and gets a two count before Booker gets a shoulder off the mat. AJ has Booker up against the ropes and he tries to send Booker across the ring. Booker grabs AJ by the wrist and then delivers a high kick to AJ’s head. Booker picks up AJ and delivers a snap suplex  Booker again picks up AJ and delivers a side slam, then goes for the cover. Booker gets a two count. Sharmell isn’t happy with the ref’s count and says so. Booker is on his feet, he picks up AJ and delivers a boot to the midsection, then comes off the ropes to deliver the axe kick but AJ gets out of the way. AJ again hits Booker with the peleg as Payton Banks appears at ringside and goes after Sharmell. Sharmell still has the strap in her hand and she goes after Payton with the strap, beating her around the ring and sending her scurrying up the entrance ramp. AJ stops to say something to Sharmell, turns around to face Booker, Booker rolls AJ up and gets the win.


Booker T

This match could have been excellent if we hadn’t had the interruptions of a commercial break and the constant camera on Kurt Angle’s wife in the audience.  WHO CARES?  If we want to look at her, I’m sure there are pictures of her up on the official TNA website.  She wasn’t doing anything but sitting on her butt – which beats having to look at her butt always up on the ring apron – but it was a waste of the action that was going on in the ring. I was not unhappy that Robert Roode showed up in the arena or that Payton Banks showed up at ringside and Sharmell handled it on her own…it’s a build up to the match at Lockdown and I get that. The only other complaint I had was about the finish roll up. It looked as though AJ could have gotten out of the pin or that he could have reached the ring ropes, making the finish less realistic. The other interruptions were crap and if I wasn’t writing about this, I would turn the television off.

Commercial break.

Crystal is backstage with Raisha Saeed and Awesome Kong. Crystal asks about the altercation between Gail Kim but Raisha says that she has a new message from Kong. The message is to Gail Kim and O.D.B. and that Kong is going to destroy both of them.

Tag Team Match

Angelina Love from Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Velvet Sky from The Big Apple


O.D.B. from Minneapolis, MN

Accompanied to the ring by her little silver flask


Gail Kim from Tampa, FL

Referee: Slick Johnson

I have to admit that O.D.B. and Gail make a good tag team. I have failed to find the wrestling talent in Love or Sky, however, and would prefer to see Roxxi Laveaux in the ring.

The match begins with ODB facing Love in the ring. ODB backs Love up into a ring post and the ref calls for a break. ODB breaks clean and the two lock up again. ODB applies a side headlock but Love delivers fists to ODB’s midsection and then sends her into the ropes. ODB comes off the ropes and takes Love down with a shoulder block. As ODB heads for the ropes again, Love grabs her ankle and trips her, sending ODB down to the canvas. The two women seem to have a p***ing contest in the middle of the ring and I think ODB won the contest. Love tags in Sky and Sky charges at ODB but ODB takes her down with a drop toehold. ODB picks Sky up and tags in Gail. Gail enters the ring and delivers a kick to Sky’s abdomen before ODB releases her hold on Sky. Gail picks up Sky and delivers an uppercut, then delivers a chop to the chest. Gail follows up with forearms then takes Sky out to the middle of the ring where she delivers another uppercut. Gail tries to sends Sky across the ring but Sky gets the switch and sends Gail into the ring post. Gail grabs the top ropes and goes up and over Sky, sending Sky face first into the top turnbuckle. Love appears to hang on to Sky and as Gail goes for the arm drag, Gail goes backward into the ring. Gail complains to the ref about interference on Love’s part but ODB has the ref’s attention on the other side of the ring. Sky tags in Love and she comes after Gail but Gail meets her with an arm drag and then a standing dropkick. Both women are back to their feet and Gail delivers two elbows to Love’s jaw before sending her across the ring. Love gets the switch halfway across the ring and Gail leaps up to the second set of ropes. Gail comes off with a cross body block. Gail picks Love up by the hair and delivers a kick to the midsection. Gail goes up on the top rope and comes down to the mat, taking Love down with an arm drag. Gail goes back against the ropes and is hit with a knee to the back delivered by Sky on the ring apron. Gail turns and nails Sky with a forearm shot that sends her down to her knees. As Gail turns back around, Love delivers a kick to the face. Love goes for the cover but only gets a one count before Gail powers out. Love has Gail by the hair and she tags in Sky, picks Gail up and slams her to the canvas and then Love and Sky deliver elbows to Gail who is down in the ring. Sky goes for the cover and gets a two count. Sky picks up Gail and sends her into the ring post and then delivers a forearm before taking Gail down with a face plant. Sky goes for the pin but Gail kicks out. ODB is on the ring apron begging for a tag. Sky picks up Gail and Gail sends a knee into Sky’s abdomen. Sky delivers a blow to Gail’s back, dropping Gail back down to the mat. Sky tags in Love, then picks up Gail and sends rolls her over and down to the mat again. Love comes off the ropes and delivers a low dropkick. Love goes for the cover and again Gail kicks out. Love picks up Gail and uses her hair to slam her down on the canvas. Love again uses Gail’s hair, this time to slam the back of her head into the mat. The ref makes Love break. Love picks up Gail and Gail sends elbows into the side of Love’s head. Love comes back at Gail with a kick to the midsection but Gail catches Love’s ankle and swings her around. Gail delivers a blow that sends Love back down to the canvas. The crowd is chanting for ODB as ODB paces and bounces up and down on the ring apron begging for a tag. Love tags in Sky and Gail manages to tag in ODB. ODB charges across the ring to meet Sky and shoves her down to the mat. As Sky gets back to her feet, ODB knocks her down again. Love is still in the ring and she comes at ODB but ODB stops her with a clothesline. She follows up with a second clothesline for Sky. ODB picks up Sky by the hair and slams her face first into the mat then goes for the pin. She almost gets a three count before Love nails ODB in the back and breaks up the count. Gail enters the ring and grabs Love by the hair and delivers a forearm shot to Love’s jaw. Love comes back with a forearm shot to Gail’s jaw. Gail ducks under Love’s next forearm and comes back to take Love out with a spear. Gail kicks Love to the side of the ring and off the ring apron and down to the floor as ODB picks Sky up off the mat. Sky delivers a jawbreaker to ODB and then comes back throwing fists at ODB’s face. Sky sends ODB across the ring but ODB gets the switch and sends Sky into the ropes. As Sky comes off the ropes, ODB catches her in midair, puts her up on her shoulder and power slams her to the mat. ODB goes for the cover and gets the win.




Gail Kim

Not a bad match between these four women and Gail seemed to have the most time in the ring. Tenay announced that the fans will choose who will face Awesome Kong for the TNA Women’s Title. Go to for more information.

As Gail and O.D.B. make their way up the entrance ramp after the match, Roxxi Laveaux appears and pushes her way past them heading to the ring. Love and Sky bail out of the ring and away from Roxxi who now stands in the ring. Roxxi bails out of the ring and goes after the fleeing pair as they run out of the arena.

JB is backstage at the door to Kurt Angle’s locker room. JB enters and asks Angle if he saw what went on earlier tonight between AJ and Angle’s wife. Angle grabs JB by the jacket and tells him there is no more Karen, no more fun and games and no more b.s. Angle faces the camera and tells Joe that last week Joe put everything on the line and since Angle has been trying to eliminate Joe since he got to TNA. Now is Angle’s chance to get the job done. Angle knows that Joe is out training right now for their upcoming match. Angle tells him he can do all the training he wants but it won’t matter because Angle has never been more focused (it would be nice if he would focus on wrestling) in his entire life. Tonight Angle says he will demolish four human beings in the ring tonight.

Commercial break.

The audience sees a video Marcus Davis, MMA fighter, who has been training with Samoa Joe.

Sparring Session

Kurt Angle

WWE TNA Heavyweight Champion


Ephram Sims, 230 lbs. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Sims taps out


John Davis, 250 lbs, Georgia

Davis taps out


Frank Siazo, 240 lbs., Brooklyn, NY

Siazo taps out


Cory Chavis, 235 lbs., Richmond, VA

Chavis gets knocked out

Referee: Rudy Charles

NOTE:  Chavis, who was the knockout victim and who shed blood on the mat also works as a wrestler.

Okay, enough already. WWE has a boxer for their next pay per view, and TNA has MMA fighters in order to build up for their next pay per view.  WRESTLING, REMEMBER?  TNA – WE ARE WRESTLING!  I’d like to know when that is going to happen.

Tenay reminds the audience that next week will be the live broadcast of iMPACT and that MMA’s Frank Trigg will be in the audience,

JB is backstage with AJ Styles, Tomko, Johnny Devine and Brothers Ray and Devon of Team 3D. These are the members of team for Lethal Lockdown. To date, Christian has Rhino and Nash. Ray and AJ get into a tug of war over the WWE tag team belt AJ has in his hands.

Commercial break.

Main Event

Ta g Team Match

Brother Ray


Brother Devon

Team 3D from New York City

Accompanied to the ring by Johnny Devine


The War Machine Rhino from Detroit, MI


The Instant Classic Christian Cage from Tampa, FL, by way of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Referee: Earl Hebner

Ray and Devon never really wrestle, they are more hardcore and as a hardcore fan, I won’t complain. Rhino has always been a favorite of mine and I do like his signature Gore. Christian Cage is another favorite of mine whether he is a heel or a nice guy – right now he appears to be wavering between the two – and he is good in the ring.

The bell rings and Christian faces off with Devon. They dance around each other and Rhino tags himself in to face Devon. Christian looks confused but he exits the ring and then says something to Rhino. As Rhino turns around to Christian, Devon delivers a blow to Rhino’s back. Rhino gets back to his feet but Devon hits him with fists to the side of the head and nails him with a hard right as he is backed up against the ring post. Devon tries to send Rhino across the ring but Rhino gets the switch and sends Devon into the opposite ring post. Rhino delivers a shoulder block to Devon’s gut, hangs on to Devon and tags in Christian. Christian enters the ring and delivers a kick to Devon’s midsection before Rhino releases his hold on Devon and exits the ring. Christian delivers a chop to Devon’s chest and comes off the ropes but Devon meets him with a boot to the abdomen, then sends Christian down to the mat with a fist. Devon points at Ray and then sends Christian across the ring toward Ray, but Christian hits the mat and slides under the bottom rope and down to the floor. Christian grabs Ray’s legs and brings Ray down to the floor, nailing Ray’s chin on the ring apron. Christian climbs back up on the ring apron and as Devon charges at him, delivers a shoulder block through the ropes. Christian climbs up to the top turnbuckle and comes off with a clothesline that sends Devon crashing to the canvas. Christian goes for the cover and gets two count before Devon gets a shoulder off the mat. Ray has climbed back up on the ring apron and is attempting to climb into the ring but the ref stops him. Christian sends Devon into the ropes but Devon makes the switch and sends Christian into the ropes where Johnny Devine grabs Christian by the ankle, taking Christian down to one knee. Christian turns to face Devine and Devon nails Christian with a blow to the back of the head. Devon goes to work on Christian with stomps to the back, Rhino tries to enter the ring and the ref warns him back out, then Rhino is down on the floor and the ref is down on the floor following him. Rhino is chasing Devine around the ring but Ray catches him with a clothesline.





Ray sends Christian shoulder first into a ring post then tags in Devon. The crowd is giving Team 3D a hard time and Ray yells that Christian sucks as Devon delivers a fist to Christian’s forehead. Devon picks Christian up and slams him on the mat then climbs up on the second rope. Devon dives off the ropes and Christian rolls out of the way, Devon lands face first on the canvas. Christian tries to crawl to Rhino for the tag but Devon has Christian by the ankle. Ray comes through the ropes and charges across the ring to deliver a blow to Rhino that sends Rhino down to the floor. Devon picks Christian up but Christian manages to turn it into a roll up but the ref is still trying to get Ray out of the ring and doesn’t see the pin. The ref finally turns around and Christian gets a two count before Devon kicks out. Devon again picks Christian up but Christian goes up and over Devon’s back, and delivers an inverted DDT. Both men are back down on the mat. Rhino has made it back up on the ring apron, Devine is on the floor pounding on the mat and telling Devon to get up, Ray is yelling at Devon and Christian is trying to make his way to Rhino for the tag. Devon tags in Ray as Christian manages to get to Rhino. Rhino comes at Ray and blocks Ray’s fist, then delivers his own fist to Ray’s jaw. Rhino continues to throw rights until he back Ray up against the ropes. Rhino sends Ray across the ring and into the opposite ropes, Ray comes off the ropes and Rhino sends him up in the air and drops him to the mat with a back body drop. Devon is still in the ring and Rhino goes after Devon, sending him across the ring and into the ropes. Devon comes off the ropes and Rhino sends him to the canvas with a back body drop. Ray and Devon get back to their feet but Rhino takes them both down again with a double clothesline. Rhino sends an elbow into Devon’s jaw and then picks up Ray and delivers  a spine buster before going for the cover. Rhino gets a two count before Devon breaks the count. Devon sends Rhino through the ropes and out to the floor. Christian is back in the ring and he jumps on Devon’s back then pummels him with fists. Christian has Devon up against the ring post and he climbs up to the second ropes to continue the flurry of fists to Devon’s head and face. Ray is back to his feet and he delivers a fist to Christian’s back, then puts Christian up on his shoulders. Devon goes out on the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Rhino is still on the floor. Christian manages to drop down in front of Ray and roll him up as Rhino makes it back to the ring apron. As Christian holds Ray down, Rhino pushes Devon off the top turnbuckle and Devon lands on Ray. Christian sends Devon through the ropes and out to the floor as Rhino climbs back into the ring. Christian springboards over the top rope and takes Devine down with a cross body block. Rhino is in the ring setting up Ray for the gore and as Ray turns around, it’s a GORE, GORE, GORE! Rhino goes for the cover and the ref starts the count but Tomko appears at ringside and pulls the ref out of the ring. Tomko enters the ring and delivers a blow to the back of Rhino’s head. AJ is on the opposite ring apron and he enters the ring as the ref rings the bell.


The War Machine Rhino


The Instant Classic Christian Cage

Via DQ

I did like this match even if you can’t consider it wrestling and we didn’t see any tables or ladders or chairs. It was a good build up to the match that is coming up between Team Christian and Team Tomko at Lockdown. The appearance of Sting and the chance that he may be in the iMPACT Zone next week added to the build up.

Christian is back in the ring and he is trying to take on everyone in the ring. Rhino is still down and Tomko takes Christian down with a hard right. It’s four on two again as Kevin Nash enters the ring. Nash starts out great but then Tomko and Team 3D goes after his knees and he is down on the mat. To the rescue is Curry Man and Shark Boy and it looks like they aren’t much help but Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machineguns are in the ring helping out Christian and Rhino. It appears everyone is getting the 3D. Brother Ray, Brother Devon, AJ Styles and Tomko stand in the center of the carnage with their hands in the air but the lights dim and come back on and it appears that Sting images are appearing all over the iMPACT Zone.


I did not write this in during the final match of the night because it wasn’t worth demolishing the match (TNA did a great job of that with the commercial break in the middle), but Tenay did state during the match that Karen Angle has requested a sit down next week to discuss her love life.  If you want to listen to that, be my guest, but I won’t be wasting any keystrokes on that kind of crap.

I don’t know whether TNA should hawk their shows on the MMA channels or the soap opera channels.

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