Friday Night Smackdown

Friday Night Smackdown

March 14, 2008 – Recap by Sassy


Jeff Hardy, former WWE Intercontinental Champion, was placed on a sixty-day suspension for his second WWE Wellness Policy failure. Y2J Chris Jericho won the WWE Intercontinental Championship before Jeff was placed on suspension.

NOTE: I will no longer be recapping all of the WWE promos that are scattered throughout WWE programming. If you are interested in upcoming show information, visit

Last week on Smackdown –

Six Man Tag Team Match

Jesse & Festus & CM Punk defeated John Morrison, The Miz & Chavo Guerrero

M.V.P defeated The Animal Batista via count out.

The Big Red Machine defeated Chuck Palumbo.

The Big Show defeated Jamie Noble

The Rated R Superstar Edge & Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder defeated The Undertaker in a 3 on 1 Handicap Match.

Friday Night Smackdown is being broadcast

from Chicago, IL

On the CW network.

Ringside announcers: Michael Cole & Jonathan Coachman

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

Michael Cole informs the audience that it is 16 days until Wrestlemania XXIV.

Cole and Coach tell the audience that tonight it will be The Nature Boy Ric Flair and The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels against The Rated R Superstar Edge, WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder in a Steel Cage Handicap Match.

Maria is introduced and she enters the arena. Cole reminds the audience that Maria will be in the Bunny Mania Lumberjack Match at Wrestlemania, partnered with Candice Michelle against Melina and The Glamazon Beth Phoenix. The Master of Ceremonies for that match will be Snoop Dogg. Maria reminds the audience that she is from Chicago. She reminds the audience that she will be in the Bunny Mania match at Wrestlemania and tonight she will be hosting the Smackdown Diva Contest.

Eve Torres




Michelle McCool

Each week the audience votes for their favorite Smackdown diva. The diva with the least amount of votes is eliminated.

Eliminated: Maryse

The divas are going to do an obstacle course. Whether one of them wins or not doesn’t matter. It depends on the audience vote.

Time for the Course:

Eve: 23 seconds

Cherry: 22 seconds

Victoria: 25 seconds

Michelle: 20 seconds

Michelle McCool won the competition with the shortest time.

The Nature Boy Ric Flair is backstage with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Flair thanks HBK for offering to help Flair out in this match. Flair says he is stressed that one of them will get hurt and it may lessen their abilities as Wrestlemania. HBK says that tonight they have nothing to worry about.

Commercial break.

Cole tells the audience that tonight it will be a No Holds Barred Match for the WWE United States Championship when M.V.P. defends his title against The Animal Batista. M.V.P. won the match last week when Batista was counted out.

Raw Rebound – the weigh in for Big Show and Floyd “Money” Mayweather with the ring surrounded by the WWE locker room and the semi-brawl that ensued afterward between Mayweather’s posse and some of the WWE wrestlers after Big Show throws Mayweather over the top rope and down to the floor. Shane McMahon was knocked to the floor during the melee.

2 on 1 Handicap Match

Shannon Moore


Jimmy Yang Wang

At a combined weight of 410 lbs.


The Big Show, 7’0”, weighing 441 lbs.

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I like them all

I don’t know what Moore and Yang have done to be on WWE booking’s bad side but they don’t have a very good chance in this match. This obviously was not a wrestling match but Coach says that Big Show is sending a message to Floyd Mayweather. This match consists of The Big Show beating up on Moore and Yang. Big Show pins Moore with his foot for the three count.


The Big Show

This was not a match.  That’s about the only comment I can make.

After the match is over, Big Show picks up Yang and throws him over the top rope and down to the floor.

Coming up next is the Final Money in the Bank Qualifying Match and it will be John Morrison against The Miz, his WWE tag team partner.

Commercial break.

Replay of part of last week’s WWE Tag Team Championship Match pitting Tommy Dreamer and Colin Delaney against John Morrison and The Miz.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Winner qualifies for the last spot in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania XXIV.

John Morrison from Los Angeles, CA, weighing 219 lbs.


The Miz from Cleveland, OH, weighing 231 lbs.

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: John Morrison

It is original pitting tag team partners against each other. Cole tells the audience that tomorrow night; the two will have to face Jesse and Festus to defend their tag team titles. Miz may have a weight advantage, but Morrison can outwrestle Miz, is better at high risk maneuvers and the first thing Morrison does as the bell rings is roll Miz up to try to get the three count. Miz kicks out. Miz tries to roll Morrison up but Morrison rolls through and again has Miz’s shoulders down on the mat. Miz kicks out but Morrison has him in a front face lock and again tries for a cover but can’t get the three count. Both men back to their feet, Morrison has Miz in the front face lock again, Morrison sends Miz into the corner post, Miz leaps up on the second rope and takes Morrison down with a flying clothesline. Miz goes for a pin and only gets a one count. Morrison rolls out of the ring and Miz points to the Wrestlemania sign hanging above the audience. Morrison gets back in the ring and the two lock up. They break apart and Morrison comes after Miz but Miz takes him down with a hip toss. Morrison’s shoulders touch the mat and the referee gets the one count before Morrison gets a shoulder off the mat. Both men are back to their feet, Morrison picks Miz up and drops him back first onto the canvas. As Morrison tries to go for a cover, Miz grabs him around the neck and rolls him over. Morrison is down on the mat again. Morrison gets back to his feet, picks up Miz and delivers a back breaker. Morrison grabs Miz’s leg and does a half Boston crab. Miz tries to get to the ropes and he makes it. Morrison delivers a clean break and then grabs Miz by the legs. Miz hangs onto the ropes but Morrison pulls hard and when Miz lets go of the ropes, Miz drops him onto the mat. Morrison delivers a forearm to Miz’s back and Miz goes into the ropes to come off and deliver an elbow shot to Morrison. Morrison responds with a fist to Miz’s jaw. Miz delivers forearms to back Morrison up to the ropes. Miz sends Morrison across the ring and into the opposite ropes; Morrison comes of the ropes and delivers a kick to Miz’s chest. Morrison rolls Miz over and applies a bridge. Morrison gets a two count before Miz kicks out. Morrison charges at Miz, Miz gets out of the way and Morrison meets the corner post. Miz charges at Morrison and delivers a forearm that sends Morrison crashing down to the canvas. Miz goes for the cover and gets a two count before Morrison powers out. Miz is the first one back to his feet and as Morrison stands up, Miz delivers a boot to the midsection, then comes off the ropes but Morrison hits the mat and gets out of the way. Morrison rolls back outside the ring and this time Miz goes out after him. Morrison runs around the side of the ring with Miz in pursuit, Morrison rolls back into the ring and as Miz comes in after him, Morrison greets him with a kick to the gut. Morrison tries to set Miz up; Miz switches it around and takes Morrison to the mat with a face plant. Miz goes for the pin and gets a two count before Morrison manages to kick out. As Miz gets back to his feet, Morrison delivers a fist to the abdomen. As Morrison stands up he delivers a high kick to Miz’s head. Miz hits the mat. Morrison delivers a corkscrew neck breaker, goes for the cover and gets the win.


John Morrison

Who qualifies for the Wrestlemania XXIV Money in the Bank Ladder Match

I didn’t consider this a great match and at times it was dragging. I’m not a fan of Miz but I did expect more from Morrison than his constant bailing out of the ring.

The Money in the Ladder Match participants are

The Gold Standard Shelton Benjamin


CM Punk

Y2J Chris Jericho, WWE Intercontinental Champion

John Morrison, one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions

M.V.P., currently WWE United States Champion

Mr. Kennedy

The winner of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match has the opportunity to challenge for any world championship they want at any time.

Commercial break.

Cole tells the audience that everyone is still trying to figure out why Vickie Guerrero would put Ric Flair in a steel cage match handicap match.

Cole and Coach give the audience a recap of the problems between Finlay, Hornswoggle, Mr. McMahon and JBL, including the match against Mr. Kennedy Monday night where Finlay got himself disqualified by beating up on Kennedy.

Finlay is on the monitor and he tells Cole that he can’t put the feelings in to words to explain what it was like seeing Hornswoggle beaten up by JBL not just in the steel cage, in the hospital as well. Finlay says the beating that he is going to give JBL at Wrestlemania is something that can’t be put into words.

No Count Out

No Disqualification

No Holds Barred

WWE United States Championship Match

M.V.P. from Miami, FL, weighing 248 lbs.


Commercial break.

WWE Smack of the Night – last week’s match between M.V.P. and The Animal Batista.


The Animal Batista from Washington, DC, weighing 290 lbs.


Audience favorite: Batista

My favorite: I like them both

Cole tells the audience that M.V.P. won his spot in the Money in the Bank Match this week at a live event by defeating Jamie Noble in a match. (NOTE: M.V.P. is filling the spot Jeff Hardy vacated when he was suspended. I like Jeff Hardy but you won’t hear me complain with M.V.P. filling his spot.) Cole reminds the audience that at Wrestlemania it will be a Smackdown vs. Raw match with Batista representing Smackdown and Umaga representing Raw.

I have no idea what M.V.P. has up his sleeve tonight but it had better be good! M.V.P. climbs into the ring and the bell rings. The two trash talk each other and then back up. MVP backs into the corner and then delivers a boot to Batista’s abdomen, grabs Batista’s leg and takes him down to the mat. MVP has Batista in a headlock. Batista backs MVP up against the ropes, then sends him into the opposite ropes. MVP comes off the ropes, ducks out of Batista’s way and rolls out of the ring to the floor. MVP slides back into the ring and he applies a side headlock to Batista. Batista drops to the mat, rolls MVP over. MVP is back to his feet, Batista charges him but MVP gets out of the way. MVP rolls back across the ring and ends up in the opposite corner. Batista delivers a boot to MVP’s abdomen and then slams him headfirst into the turnbuckle before sitting him down in the ring and kick MVP in the face. Batista goes for the cover and gets a two count before MVP kicks out. Both men are back to their feet and Batista delivers a fist to MVP’s forehead and tries to send him across into the opposite corner post. MVP gets the switch and delivers a drop toehold that sends Batista crashing to the canvas. MVP backs up across the ring and attempts to deliver a boot to Batista’s face but Batista ducks out of the way and MVP goes into the ropes. MVP comes off the ropes and Batista takes him down with a forearm to the back of MVP’s skull. Batista goes for the cover and gets another two count before MVP gets a shoulder off the mat. MVP comes off the ropes and delivers a boot, Batista goes for a clothesline but MVP gets out of the way, Batista comes off the ropes and MVP sends Batista over his head and down to the mat. MVP again goes for the kick and connects, sending Batista through the ropes and out to the floor. MVP goes out of the ring and dives at Batista but Batista catches him in midair. Batista slams MVP back first into the guardrail surrounding the audience. Batista rolls MVP back inside the ring and goes in after him. As Batista approaches MVP, MVP delivers a fist that sends Batista down to the mat. MVP goes for the pin but can’t get the three count. MVP has a chain that he used to nail Batista in the face and now MVP is using the chain to choke Batista. Batista gets up to one knee and then back to his feet. He reaches behind and grabs MVP, bringing him over his head and down to the mat. Both men are back on their feet and Batista takes MVP down with a clothesline then picks him up and sends him into the ring post following up with a forearm. Batista sends MVP into the opposite corner post but as he comes at MVP, MVP steps out of the corner and catches Batista with a drop toehold that sends Batista face first into the second turnbuckle. MVP moves Batista out of the way and removes the covering from the turnbuckle and then attempts to slam Batista’s head into the exposed turnbuckle. Batista puts out his hands, grabs both sides of the turnbuckle are and stops MVP from delivering the blow. Batista sends an elbow into MVP’s midsection and follows up with fists tot the face before picking MVP and slamming him down to the mat. Batista goes for the cover and gets a two count before MVP powers out. As Batista pulls MVP back to his feet, MVP delivers a blow to Batista’s throat, comes off the ropes and runs into a spine buster delivered by Batista. Batista tries to set MVP up for the Batista bomb but MVP breaks away and rolls out of the ring. Batista comes out after MVP but MVP grabs a steel chair and nails Batista in the midsection. MVP hits Batista in the gut again and then goes for a headshot but Batista drops down to the floor and the chair hits the ring post. As MVP goes back at Batista, Batista delivers a kick to MVP’s abdomen before slamming him face first into the announcer’s table. Batista slams MVP back first into the ring apron and then again sends him face first into the announcer’s table. Again Batista slams MVP into the announcer’s table and then backs him up to the guardrail and pummels him in the head. Batista tries to slam MVP headfirst into the ring post, but MVP blocks it and sends Batista head first into the metal instead. MVP tries to send Batista face first into the announcer’s table but Batista blocks it and slams MVP’s head into the table twice before backing him up and slamming MVP so hard into the table that he almost goes over it. Batista comes back at MVP and MVP nails Batista with a low blow. MVP is sizing Batista up and he charges, delivering a boot to the side of Batista’s head and Batista is down on the floor.



Batista is up on one knee outside the ring and MVP is near the ring. MVP is up and he goes for another steel chair but as he heads toward Batista, Batista nails MVP with a spear. Batista rolls MVP back into the ring and goes for the cover but he only gets a two count before MVP manages to get a shoulder off the mat. MVP is back up in the corner, Batista comes at him and MVP gets a boot up to stop Batista’s forward motion. As Batista gets back to his feet, MVP charges, but this time Batista brings up a boot, sending MVP crashing to the mat. MVP rolls out of the ring and down to the floor. Batista goes out after MVP, but MVP comes up with a chair from under the ring and nails Batista in the leg, sending him down to the floor. MVP sends Batista into the steel steps before picking up the chair and then sliding it out of the way. Instead MVP removes the padding from in front of the ring but Batista sends MVP up over his back and MVP lands on the floor back first. Batista now has the chair and he nails MVP in the back. Batista slides the chair into the ring, rolls MVP in and goes for the cover. He gets a two count before MVP kicks out. MVP gets back to his feet and Batista delivers shoulder blocks to MVP’s abdomen. MVP gets a knee up to nail Batista and then sends Batista head first into the unprotected turnbuckle. MVP goes out of the ring and grabs a chair, then stands on the ring apron and nails Batista in the spine. MVP goes up on the top turnbuckle to deliver a headshot but Batista grabs the chair and suddenly Umaga appears in the ring behind Batista. Batista picks up MVP and throws him down to the canvas and as he turns, Umaga grabs him by the throat and delivers the Samoan spike. MVP goes for the cover and gets the three count.



retaining the WWE United States Championship

M.V.P. has become one of my WWE favorites and in this match he worked hard for the fans, even if he was not the favorite. For the first time I noticed MVP had the top of his wrestling attire unzipped. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before but if you saw a close up of Batista’s face, it was obvious it was hot in the arena and the ring in Chicago. I have to admit that both of these men worked hard in this match and their stamina was impressive. I didn’t time the match, but I wish I had.  It was a long and it was tough. I couldn’t call this a wrestling match but it was certainly an entertaining match. With the exception of the commercial break in the middle of the match, it was worth watching.

After the match, Umaga stands in the ring over Batista showing him who is the baddest.

Commercial break.

The audience sees a video recap of Floyd “Money” Mayweather who will face The Big Show in a match at Wrestlemania XXIV

Tag Team Match.

The Big Red Machine Kane, weighing 323 lbs.

Commercial break.


Jamie Noble from Hanover, WV (who is already in the ring)


Chuck Palumbo from San Diego, CA, weighing 280 lbs.


The Great Khali from India, 7’0”, weighing 420 lbs.

Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: Kane, Jamie Noble and Chuck Palumbo

Jamie Noble is in the ring with tape around his ribs after being beaten by Chuck Palumbo. Jamie says he is in the match for revenge. I’m thinking maybe Noble needs to be seeing a psychiatrist if he wants to get in the ring with Palumbo again. And after they announced Palumbo’s partner, I know Noble needs help.

The bell rings and Palumbo faces off with Kane. Palumbo delivers a knee to the midsection and then aggressively goes after Kane with alternate fists and knees. Palumbo sends Kane across the ring but Kane stops him, picks him up and side slams him to the mat. Noble is yelling for Kane to tag him into the match as Kane sends Palumbo across the ring into the ropes and as Palumbo comes off the ropes, Kane delivers a boot to Palumbo’s face. Palumbo hits the mat and Kane tags in Noble who comes off the top turnbuckle to nail Palumbo with a cross body block which was a big mistake considering that Noble came into the match with injured ribs. Khali holds out his hand for Palumbo to tag him in and Palumbo obliges. Khali enters the ring and Palumbo holds Noble so that Khali can deliver a blow to Noble’s ribs. Noble gets back to his feet and sends fists into Khali’s midsection but Khali picks Noble up and tosses him across the ring. Kane comes down the ring apron near where Noble is down on the mat, but the ref makes him go back to his corner. Khali stands in the center of the ring with his arms in the air waiting for Noble to get back to his feet. Noble does get back up and goes after Khali’s abdomen again, this time resorting to head butts, but it no amount of effort on Noble’s part seems to faze Khali. Palumbo walks up the side of the ring apron and the ref orders him back to his corner and Khali unloads on Noble with a fist to the head. Noble comes off the ropes and ducks under Khali’s outstretched arm, hits the ropes on the opposite side of the ring and is nailed in the back by Palumbo. Noble is back down on the mat. Khali grabs Noble by the head and Kane comes through the ropes to go after Khali. Palumbo enters the ring in order to help out his partner. Kane sends Palumbo through the ropes and out to the floor and then goes out after him, leaving Noble at the mercy of The Great Khali. Kane has Palumbo up against the guardrail outside the ring as in the ring Khali again goes after Noble’s head. Khali grabs Noble by the throat, picks him up and slams him to the mat with a power bomb. Khali puts his foot on Noble’s chest and gets the three count.


Chuck Palumbo


The Great Khali

As much as I enjoy seeing Kane, Jamie Noble and Chuck Palumbo in the ring, this was not a match. The Great Khali should be in matches with The Big Show and Big Daddy V instead of being up against wrestlers less than half his size.

After the match, Kane enters the ring but Khali leaves the ring and gives Palumbo, who is still out on the floor, a high five to celebrate their win. Noble is still down on the mat with Kane standing over him.

Cole tells the audience that the 3 on 2 Steel Cage Handicap Match is coming up next.

Commercial break.

Cole gives the audience a rundown of the wrestlers who will be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame, 2008 Class

The Nature Boy Ric Flair, only active wrestler ever inducted

Peter Maivia, grandfather of The Rock

Rocky Johnson, father of The Rock

Mae Young, semi retired

Jerry Brisco

Jack Brisco

The Brisco Brothers

Main Event

3 on 2 Steel Cage Handicap Match

The Nature Boy Ric Flair from Charlotte, NC


The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels from San Antonio, TX


The Rated R Superstar Edge


Curt Hawkins


Zack Ryder

Audience favorites: Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels

My favorites: Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels and Edge

I’m not sure why this match was made unless it was an opportunity for HBK and Flair to wrestle as tag team partners before Flair retires. Vickie, in her wheelchair being pushed by Theodore Long, appears at the top of the entrance ramp. She says that she said it was going to be a handicap match and that meant that the ECW Champion, Chavo Guerrero, will join Hawkins, Ryder and Edge. So now it’s a four on two handicap match. Before Chavo can make it to the ring, HBK and Flair are going after their opponents in the ring. It appears HBK is blocking the door to prevent Chavo from entering but Cole tells the audience that Chavo has been locked out of the cage. Flair is going after Edge in the corner of the ring.




Chavo is trying to climb into the ring from the outside as Flair continues to work on Edge and HBK goes after Hawkins and Ryder. Chavo makes it over the top of the cage and into the ring as Flair attempts to climb to the top. Edge is up on the top rope with Flair as HBK tries to keep the other three men in the ring occupied. Flair nails Edge with several chops to the chest and succeeds in knocking him back down to the mat but now Chavo has Flair by the leg. HBK is down in the ring and is being stomped by Hawkins and Ryder as Edge tries to get back to his feet. Chavo has Flair back down on the mat and he proceeds to deliver fists to the forehead. Flair comes back with a chop to Chavo’s chest and Chavo comes back with fists to the abdomen. Flair returns a fist and delivers a chop that drops Chavo to the canvas. Flair sees that Edge is back on his feet and he delivers a hard chop to Edge’s chest and then delivers a few fists to the forehead and face before going back to chops. HBK is back on his feet fighting back against Hawkins and Ryder as Chavo goes after Flair in the opposite corner. Flair has Chavo against the ring post delivering chops to the chest and manages to send Chavo down to the mat. Edge is going after HBK who seems to have handled Hawkins and Ryder at least for the moment. Edge delivers a fist to the forehead that takes down HBK. Hawkins and Ryder now have Flair backed into a corner as Edge sends HBK into Chavo who delivers a back body drop, sending HBK into the side of the steel cage. Edge delivers a spear to Flair as he comes out of the corner as Hawkins, Ryder and Chavo deliver boots to the downed HBK. Edge stops to give instructions to the others about how to beat on HBK. Chavo and Edge return to Flair to pound on him. HBK is hung up in the ropes and Edge delivers a spear to HBK. Edge goes back to pounding on Flair’s skull. Flair attempts to fight back but now Hawkins or Ryder have appeared to assist Edge in keeping Flair down. Edge holds Flair by the arms and yells at HBK who is still tied up in the ropes. Hawkins and Ryder take shots at the helpless Flair but Edge lets go of Flair’s arms and he comes back with chops to Hawkins and Ryder, then follows up with boots to the abdomen. Edge grabs Flair and sends him face first into the steel cage. Flair is now down on the mat. Chavo goes back to work on HBK who is still tied up in the ropes as Edge, Hawkins and Ryder pick up Flair and send him head first into the cage. Flair is bleeding. Flair is down in the middle of the ring as HBK tries to kick at his opponents. Edge goes for the cover but picks Flair up before the three count. Chavo approaches Flair and gets a boot to the gut, either Ryder or Hawkins gets the same when they approach Flair but they come back as a unit to stomp Flair. Flair continues to try to fight back but he is behind the ropes and Edge slams him into the ring before dragging his face against the steel cage. HBK is still tied up in the ropes and Edge comes across the ring at him but HBK gets up a boot that lands on Edge’s jaw. HBK has managed to free himself from the ropes and he delivers a blow that drops Chavo and then he goes to work on taking down Hawkins and Ryder before going after Edge. HBK slams Edge’s face into the steel cage as Flair is trying to get back to his feet. HBK gets sent across the ring and lands upside down on the top turnbuckle. Flair attempts to kick his way out of the corner and he sends Hawkins and Ryder down to the mat. Chavo holds HBK’s head as Edge goes back across the ring and charges to deliver another spear to HBK. Flair is back down in the ring and Chavo is kicking HBK who is still hung up in the corner. Flair is on his feet and Edge is delivering fists to the cut on Flair’s forehead Edge sends Flair across the ring again face first into the steel cage. Hawkins and Ryder are still beating on HBK and Flair is down in the opposite corner. Chavo is up on the top turnbuckle working on HBK but HBK gets a foot loose and begins kicking Chavo. Flair is back on his feet in the opposite corner and he is exchanging punches with Edge. HBK is now sitting on the top turnbuckle with Chavo, who is trapped with the steel cage behind him and those two exchange blows. HBK slams Chavo’s head into the side of the cage and lands on the mat. Flair is back down in the corner and Chavo is up on the top turnbuckle. Chavo comes off the turnbuckle aiming for HBK, HBK delivers a dropkick that nails Chavo in the midsection as he comes down off the turnbuckle. HBK and Chavo are now down on the mat and Ryder and Hawkins climb up on the top turnbuckle while Edge holds Flair. Flair delivers a low blow to Edge, then sends him into the corner post, crotching both Ryder and Hawkins. Everyone is down in the ring with the exception of the ref. HBK is back to his feet as is Edge. HBK attempts to send Edge across the ring but Edge gets the switch and sends HBK into the ropes. HBK comes off the ropes and nails Edge. HBK is back on his feet and he delivers an inverted atomic drop to Edge and then to Chavo who has managed to get back to his feet. HBK follows up with a fist to Chavo’s skull. Hawkins or Ryder get the same treatment and then HBK turns back to Edge. HBK sends Edge face first into the steel cage, then Chavo before doing the same to Hawkins and Ryder. HBK goes up to the top turnbuckle and dives off with an elbow to Edge. HBK warms up for his famous super kick. Edge is back to his feet and he charges at HBK who sends Edge’s spear into Chavo. Flair nails one of the Edgeheads with a low blow and then goes for the figure four-leg lock. HBK has Edge in the same submission maneuver. Chavo is back to his feet and he climbs up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a frog splash to break up the figure four. The door to the cage is open and Edge is crawling toward the opening and the arena goes dark. When the light come back on, The Undertaker is in the ring standing behind Edge. Edge gets back to his feet, turns around and Undertaker has him by the throat. Chavo comes at Undertaker but he delivers a boot that sends Chavo back down to the canvas. Hawkins and Ryder are on their feet and they charge at Undertaker, backing him up against the ropes. Undertaker fights back, Ryder and Hawkins send Undertaker across the ring and into the ropes, Undertaker comes off the ropes, ducks under the double clothesline, and now has both of them by the throat. Edge is climbing up the side of the cage. Undertaker delivers a choke slam to Ryder and Hawkins and then goes after the fleeing Edge. Undertaker has Edge by the leg, Chavo grabs Undertaker and tries to stop him, and Undertaker sends Chavo across the ring and face first into the steel cage. Undertaker delivers a Tombstone pile driver to Chavo but Edge has climbed over the top of the cage. Edge hits the floor and wins the match.


Curt Hawkins


Zack Ryder


The Rated R Superstar Edge

I may not have liked the ending of the match but Flair and HBK took some major hits in this match. It was no surprise that The Undertaker appeared at the end of the match and did not get a chance to take Edge out. For a cage match and a handicap match, this was good watching and fairly exciting although there was too much time with HBK being hung up somewhere and unable to work in the ring.

The Undertaker certainly isn’t happy with Edge and he motions to the Wrestlemania sign.

Wrestling Bodyslam . Com