March 13, 2008 – Recap by Sassy


Tonight TNA’s iMPACT will go head to head with Ring of Honor “Rising Above” on pay per view. I have seen the latest ROH pay per view so I will be reviewing iMPACT.

Last week on iMPACT

Big Sexy Kevin Nash defeated The Prince of Phenomenal AJ Styles in a Street Fight

Winners of the Special Stipulation for their match at Destination X was Curry Man & Shark Boy who announced their match against Team 3D would be a Fish Market Street Fight.

Tomko defeated The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe in a First Blood Match.

The War Machine Rhino defeated Judas Mesias with Father James Mitchell.

Awesome Kong with Raisha Saeed defeated Salinas representing LAX.

The Instant Classic Christian Cage defeated Kurt Angle in a Six Sides of Steel Cage Match.

Nash, Joe and Christian, the Unlikely Alliance, will now have the advantage at the beginning of their Six Man Match against Angle, Tomko and AJ, the Angle Alliance

The first rough cut video of BG James & Kip James


Original air date: March 9, 2008, Norfolk, VA

Number One Contender Tag Team Match

Homicide & Hernandez, Latin American Exchange


Jimmy Rave & Lance Hoyt, Rock ‘n Rave Infection


Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley, Motor City Machineguns


TNA X Division Championship Match

Black Machismo Jay Lethal, Champion


Johnny Devine, Challenger


Kaz & Eric


Black Reign & Rellik

WINNERS: Kaz & “Super” Eric

TNA Women’s Division Championship

Awesome Kong, Champion, with Raisha Saeed




Gail Kim

WINNER: Awesome Kong

Fish Market Street Fight

Shark Boy & Curry Man


Brother Ray & Brother Devon, Team 3D


Strap Match

Robert Roode with Payton Banks


Booker T with Traci Brooks


Elevation X Match

The War Machine Rhino


Cowboy James Storm


Six Man Tag Team Match

The Unlikely Alliance

The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe


The Instant Classic Christian Cage


Big Sexy Kevin Nash


The Angle Alliance

Kurt Angle, TNA Heavyweight Champion


The Prince of Phenomenal AJ Styles



WINNERS: The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe


The Instant Classic Christian Cage


Big Sexy Kevin Nash

The show opens with video shots of the Destination X pay per view

Kurt Angle


The Instant Classic Christian Cage


The War Machine Rhino & Cowboy James Storm, Elevation X Match


Big Sexy Kevin Nash, Robert Roode & Payton Banks, The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe


Booker T, Homicide Awesome Kong, “Super” Eric,


O.D.B., Awesome Kong, Black Machismo Jay Lethal, The Guru Sonjay Dutt & SoCal Val, Hernandez,


Referee Rudy Charles, Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed, Traci Brooks The War Machine Rhino, The Pride of Tennessee Jacqueline Moore,


The Instant Classic Christian Cage, The Phenomenal AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Tomko, Big Sexy Kevin Nash,


Samoa Joe, Tomko, Earl Hebner


                                                                    - Sir Winston Churchill

I will not even hazard a guess as to what the great Winston Churchill must be thinking and hope that none of the TNA writers are spirit sensitive – otherwise they could be in some deep s*** comparing professional wrestling to the glory of those who fought and died in World War II.  If any of the writers ARE spirit sensitive and the legions of servicemen and women are showing up in the dark of night, there is a show called Paranormal State.  Give them a call…


PLEASE TAKE NOTE: I will no longer be doing the promos for all of the TNA events and pay per views.  If you are seeking such information, visit

iMPACT is being broadcast from Universal Studios, Orlando, FL

On Spike TV.

Ringside announcers: Mike Tenay & Don West

Ring announcer: David Penzer

Backstage interviews: Jeremy Borash & Crystal Loutham

Ringside valet: SoCal Val


Mike Tenay informs the audience that tonight they will witness all the fallout from Destination X including the bombshell that was promised by Karen Angle.  Well, I just made up my mind as to whether or not to purchase a replay of the pay per view – NOT!

West informs the audience that tonight Kurt Angle will face Kaz.

Jim Cornette is in the ring. He says he is here to officially announce the double main event for Lockdown, Sunday, April13, from Lowell, MA will be (1) TNA World Heavyweight Championship – Kurt Angle, Champion vs. The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe in a Steel Cage Match and (2) Steel Cage Match, 2 teams of 4 men, Lethal Lockdown Match, the winning team will be the team that scores the first pinfall – The two team captains for that match will be The Instant Classic Christian Cage who makes his way to the ring and Tomko who makes his way to the ring. Cornette tells the two to conduct themselves as professionals. Cornette is going to state the rules: they each have two weeks to give Cornette the rosters for their respective teams. The rules of the match have been set and the roster must be finalized and he asks if there are any questions. Christian says there are no questions but he needs to get a few things off his chest. The first is that Tomko costs Christian the TNA Championship. He calls him The Captain of Team Tomko. Christian reminds Tomko that at Destination X, Samoa Joe choked Tomko’s a** out. Christian says that at Lockdown, Christian is going to take him out for the last time. Christian tells Tomko he is still a lap dog. Christian tells Tomko he will always be a big, jacked up, bald headed BLEEP. Tomko takes a swing at Christian, Cornette moves to get out of the line of fire, Christian ducks and comes up with punches. Christian sends Tomko down to the mat and stomps on him. AJ Styles enters the ring and goes after Christian and it’s two on one until Kevin Nash charges into the ring and runs Tomko and AJ out of the ring.

Tenay breaks into Nash calling AJ and Tomko back into the ring to tell the audience that Karen Angle has just arrived at the iMPACT Zone. Good grief, can we stick with some ring action here? No, we can’t, because the camera is now backstage with JB and Mrs. Angle. JB wants to know why she is sneaking in and asks about the bombshell tonight but she is going to respect the fact that Angle has a match tonight and that she will talk to him after the match.  Oh, good. That means we’ll all be able to see and HEAR it.

Commercial break.

Tenay tells the audience that Petey Williams competes in a Lockdown Qualifying Match against Curry Man.

Crystal is backstage with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner, Rhaka Khan and Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams. Scott says that he is there to address all the confusion about those cases. Scott doesn’t’ want both cases. Scott tells Petey that tonight he needs to qualify tonight for the match at Lockdown and then Petey can be the X Division champion on April 13. Petey says that they should share everything especially the X Division briefcase. Petey says that Scott should be the Heavyweight Champion and Petey should be the X Division. Scott says that nothing is free and that Petey’s initiation is coming and that tonight will decide what will happen.

Joel Anderson from Survivor: Micronesiam, Fans versus Favorites, is in the audience.

TNA Lockdown X-Scape Qualifying Match

Winner goes to Lockdown

Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams from Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Accompanied by Rhaka Khan


Curry Man from Japan

Referee: Earl Hebner

I don’t know what Curry Man has got, but the fans in the live audience seem to adore him.

Petey begins the match by trying to intimidate Curry Man with Petey’s massive muscles. Curry Man responds by trying to intimidate Petey with Curry Man’s dance moves. It’s a moves and counter moves match until Curry Man goes through the ropes and to the floor. Petey comes over the top rope and takes Curry Man back down to the floor with a hurricanrana. Both men are back in the ring and Petey delivers a jawbreaker then goes for the pin. He doesn’t get the three count. Petey delivers a neck breaker and again goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Petey picks Curry Man up off the mat and goes to work on his neck. Curry Man is back to his feet and uses elbows to the abdomen to make Petey break the hold. Curry Man comes off the ropes, Petey sidesteps and Curry Man lands neck first on the second rope. Petey comes off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to Curry Man’s back. More moves and counter moves until Curry Man delivers a dropkick that sends Petey to the canvas. Curry Man seems to have gotten some energy back. He sends Petey into the ropes and delivers a back body drop then clotheslines that keep Petey down on the mat. Curry Man sets Petey on the second rope and delivers a hip smash, then Curry Man climbs to the top rope and delivers a cross body block before going for a cover. As the referee is ready to count, Rhaka is up on the apron ring causing a distraction. Curry Man gets up to argue with Rhaka, Petey is back on his feet and charges, but Curry Man gets out of the way and Petey stops just short of knocking Rhaka off the apron ring. Petey delivers a kick to Curry Man’s midsection and sets him up for the Canadian destroyer. Curry Man shoves Petey back into the ropes, Petey collides with Rhaka, knocking her down on the ring apron, Curry Man uses a bridge to pin Petey and get the three count.


Curry Man

There was quite a bit of wrestling during this short match. I’m not quite sure I understand the Scott Steiner/Petey Williams thing but so far it seems to be working for both of them. Curry Man did an excellent job of counter moves during the match.

After the match, Scott appears to tell Petey that he didn’t do his job when he lost the match. Scott has a set of handcuffs, he calls Petey down to the floor. As Petey tries to talk his way out of it, Scott puts the handcuffs on Petey as Rhaka puts a black covering over Petey’s head.

JB is backstage with Cornette. JB makes reference to Cornette having everything under control. Cornette says he knows that Christian wants to get his hands on AJ and Tomko.  Cornette faces the camera and tells Christian to go around the locker room and find himself a partner and he will have his match with AJ and Tomko tonight instead of waiting for Lockdown. Brother Ray and Brother Devon of Team 3D enter the area and tell Cornette that if they see any of the following, Team 3D is going to take them out: the  Motor City Machineguns, Shark Boy, Curry Man, and any reality stars running around in the iMPACT Zone, and they tell Cornette that he has been warned. The only person that is not in their sights is Cornette. Cornette says he’d like a farm in Kansas, somewhere to grow corn.  Hey, Cornette, I can help you out with that.

Commercial break.

Tenay reminds the audience that Christian Cage will find a partner and face AJ Styles & Tomko.

The audience sees a video recap of The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe’s history with TNA wrestling.

Samoa Joe enters the ring, dressed in street attire, to talk about his match against Kurt Angle at Lockdown for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. According to Joe, he will not be in the iMPACT Zone until he becomes the champion at Lockdown and if he does not win the belt as he has promised to do, he will be done in the TNA ring.

Commercial break.

Crystal is in the back with Christian who is in the locker room looking for a partner. Christian approaches Rhino and tells him that he understands why Rhino never responded to his voicemails and that now they should talk face to face. He tells Rhino they need to talk and Rhino throws a chair and tells Christian he is not interested and leaves the locker room.

Tag Team Match



Black Reign


Chris Sabin


Alex Shelley

The Motor City Machineguns from Detroit, MI

Referee: Rudy Charles

Tenay tells the audience that the Detroit Tigers are sitting at ringside.

The bell rings and Black Reign takes Sabin out to the floor as Rellik and Shelley are in the ring. Rellik chokes Shelley as the ref makes him break the hold, Black Reign comes off the ring apron to take Sabin down to the floor. Rellik delivers a short arm clothesline, then picks Shelley up, but Shelley slides over Rellik’s back and delivers a kick to the abdomen and a jawbreaker. Black Reign is back in the ring. Shelley continues to work on Rellik but Black Reign delivers a shot to the back and then they double team Shelley, slamming him down to the mat and we go to



Rellik is on the apron and Black Reign is in the ring with Shelley. Black Reign tags in Rellik. Rellik delivers a shot to Shelley and then goes across the ring to deliver a kick to Sabin, knocking him off the ring apron. Shelley manages to get a grip on Rellik, Black Reign enters the ring and Shelley delivers a double DDT, then rolls across the ring to tag in Sabin. Rellik goes across the ring but Sabin delivers a shoulder block, then drops off the ring apron to hang Rellik up on the top rope. Sabin is back on the top turnbuckle to deliver a flying dropkick that drops Black Reign. Sabin delivers a forearm to Rellik and goes back across the ring to come at Rellik again. Rellik catches Sabin but Sabin delivers a flying head scissors to take down Rellik. Sabin tries to send Rellik across the ring but Rellik gets the switch and sends Sabin into the ring post, Sabin grabs the top ropes and goes up and over Rellik. As Rellik comes after Sabin with a clothesline, Sabin ducks underneath and comes back with a kick to Rellik’s abdomen and a high kick to the back of Rellik’s skull. Sabin delivers a smash to Rellik who is up against the ring post and then Shelley enters the ring to use Sabin as a springboard as he delivers a squash to Rellik. Sabin uses Shelley as a springboard to deliver a dropkick to Black Reign on the ring apron. Black Reign goes off the ring apron to the floor. Sabin and Shelley continue to double team Rellik and Sabin goes for the cover. The ref gets to the count of two before Black Reign enters the ring to break it up. Shelley goes after Black Reign and as he charges, Black Reign sends Shelley over the top rope and down to the floor. Sabin gets double teamed by Black Reign and Rellik, Rellik goes for the cover and gets the win.




Black Reign

I didn’t care for this match, not because the Motor City Machineguns didn’t win, but because I don’t understand why they aren’t working in the ring with X Division wrestlers versus TNA’s “monster squad”. What little wrestling Sabin and Shelley did was good but it wasn’t enough and I think the live audience felt the same way.

After the match, Black Reign takes the mic in order to address “Super” Eric. Black Reign calls Eric out to the ring and Super Eric enters the arena and the ring. Eric goes after Black Reign and Rellik, clearing them out of the ring.

JB is in the back with AJ Styles outside of Kurt Angle’s locker room. Of course, Karen Angle is waiting for AJ. She doesn’t tell him anything about what she has planned. As she leaves, Tomko enters the ring and tells AJ to get his head out of his a** because they have Christian right where they want him – Christian doesn’t’ have a tag team partner. Tomko leaves the room angry.

Kaz from Anaheim, CA


Kurt Angle from Pittsburgh, PA

TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Referee: Andrew Thomas

Commercial break.

This could be a wrestling match even though Kaz is likely to use high risk maneuvers to stay ahead of Angle.

The first few seconds of the match are wrestling holds and counter holds until Angle has Kaz up against the ropes and delivers a shot versus delivering a clean break. Angle follows up with European uppercuts but Kaz sends Angle into the ropes and as Angle comes off the ropes, Kaz delivers a kick to Angle’s abdomen. Kaz follows up with a high kick and then goes for the cover but he only gets a two count before Angle kicks out. Kaz sends Angle into the ropes again but this time Angle delivers a kick to Kaz’s chest as he comes off the ropes. Angle charges at Kaz but Kaz moves out of the way and Angle runs into the ropes. Kaz comes off the opposite side of the ring but Angle grabs him and sends him over the top rope with a belly-to-belly suplex. It appeared Kaz hit his back on the ring apron before going down to the floor. Angle goes out of the ring to roll Kaz back into the ring. Angle delivers a suplex and goes for the cover but Kaz kicks out. Angle keeps Kaz on the floor working on his neck but Kaz manages to get back to his feet. Kaz delivers elbow shots to Angle’s midsection then switches to fists in order to get Angle to break the front face lock. Kaz breaks free and takes a swing at Angle but Angle ducks out of the way and delivers a German suplex, then another German suplex but when he goes for the third, Kaz rolls over Angles back and they nail each other with clotheslines. Both men are down in the ring and the ref starts the count. He gets to seven before Angle gets back to his feet and goes after Kaz. Kaz is back up and he goes after Angle with fists to the face and then forearms to the jaw. Kaz tries to sends Angle across the ring but Angle gets the switch and sends Kaz into the ropes. Kaz comes off the ropes and ducks under Angle’s waiting clothesline then comes off the opposite ropes and takes Angle down to the canvas with a flying forearm. Angle gets back to his feet and Kaz delivers a clothesline. Kaz nails Angle with another clothesline Angle sends Kaz into the ring post and charges after him but Kaz steps through the ropes onto the ring apron and Angle meets the ring post. Kaz comes over the top rope to deliver a DDT. Kaz goes for the cover and gets a two count before Angle powers out. Both men are back to their feet and Angle sends a knee into Kaz’s midsection. Angle goes for the Olympic slam but Kaz outmaneuvers him and takes him down to the mat with an arm drag, both men back to their feet and Kaz delivers a kick to the jaw that sends Angle crashing down to the canvas. Kaz goes for the cover and gets a two count before Angle gets a shoulder off the mat. Kaz is back to his feet and he picks up Angle but Angle grabs Kaz’s ankle and goes for the ankle lock. Kaz rolls over and takes Angle over and down to the mat in the process. Both men are back to their feet, Kaz delivers a face plant and goes for the cover but he only gets a two count before Angle manages to power out. Kaz sets Angle up on the top turnbuckle and climbs up after him. Angle fights him off and delivers a forearm that sends Kaz back down to the mat. Angle stands up on the top turnbuckle but Kaz is back on his feet and he goes up the ropes again after Angle, this time taking him down to the mat. Kaz goes for the cover and gets another two count – the ref actually almost had his hand down to the mat for the three count – before Angle kicks out. Kaz is back to his feet and he goes after Angle, trying for what appeared to be another face plant but Angle shoves Kaz down to the  mat and goes for the ankle lock, this time making Kaz tap out.


Kurt Angle

Kaz is one of the better rings workers in TNA and it is good to see that he is getting some high profile matches. I felt Kaz did a great job up against X Division workers but his latest push has been more toward the heavyweight division. I have seen several wrestlers look very uncomfortable when they are standing up on the top turnbuckle and Kurt Angle is one of those wrestlers.  He does not appear to be comfortable doing any high risk maneuvers in the ring.

After the match, Karen Angle appears and the big “bombshell” she drops on Angle is that she wants a separation. Angle agrees and makes sure that she will be taking the kids so that he concentrate on nothing but his upcoming match at Lockdown. If you want to know more about the conversation, I’m sure you can find it on TNA’s official website – why talk wrestling when you can talk soap operas, right?

Commercial break.

Tenay introduces



With BG James and Kip James. BG admits he was fired from the “other organization” due to drug use. BG contends he was happy with 3 Live Kru, BG, Ron “The Truth” Killings and Konan. Kip said he came to TNA because of the “other organization” and that Brian (BG) was there.

Crystal is backstage with Lance Hoyt, Jimmy Rave and Christy Hemme. The outfit Hemme is wearing is not flattering. I’m not sure what the conversation was about.

Tenay points out that Zoel Zumaya and Curtis Granderson of the Detroit Tigers in the front row.

Mixed Six Person Tag Team Match

Lance Hoyt


Jimmy Rave


Christy Hemme

Rock ‘n Rave Infection







Latin American Exchange

Referee: Slick Johnson

The match begins with Rave and Homicide in the ring. Homicide delivers kicks to Rave’s abdomen than sends him into the ropes and nails him as he comes off. Homicide takes down Rave with a suplex and goes for the cover but Rave powers out. Homicide tries to send Rave into the ropes again but Rave gets the switch and sends Homicide across the ring. Homicide comes off the ropes, Rave leapfrogs over him, Homicide stops behind Rave and waits until Rave turns around to deliver an inverted atomic drop. Homicide comes off the ropes and drops Rave with an elbow to the jaw. Homicide goes for the cover, Rave kicks out and Lance enters the ring. The ref sends Lance back through the ropes and Rave delivers a jawbreaker and then drops him down to the mat. Rave tags in Lance and we go to



Rave is back in the ring with Homicide. Homicide takes Rave up in the air and drops him into the mat and tags in Hernandez. Hernandez throws Rave over his head and down to the mat. Lance enters the ring and Hernandez takes him out with a forearm shot to the jaw. Hernandez takes off his shirt and uses it around Rave’s neck to throw him back across the ring. Lance goes after Hernandez with a clothesline, Hernandez ducks under and picks up Lance, slamming him down to the canvas. Rave is back on his feet and he goes after Hernandez but Hernandez picks Rave up and sends him over his head and down to the mat. Hernandez goes for the cover but Lance breaks it up. Lance sends Hernandez across the ring and comes after him. Hernandez sends Lance up and over the top turnbuckle, Lance hits the ring apron and then the floor. Hernandez goes back into the ropes, comes across the ring and over the top rope to take Lance down to the floor. Homicide is back in the ring with Rave. Homicide nails Rave with a gringo stunner and then sets Rave up for the gringo killer. Rave rolls over Homicide’s back and looks like he’s trying to tag in Hemme. Rave rolls out of the ring and Hemme refuses to enter the ring. The ref tells Homicide that he has to exit the ring and allow Salinas to enter to go one on one with Hemme. As they are discussing the issue, Salinas leans over the top rope and slaps Homicide on the shoulder, tagging herself into the match. As Salinas enters the ring, Homicide delivers a suicide dive through the ropes to take out Rave on the floor. Hemme has still not entered the ring so Salinas grabs her and pulls her into the ring, body slamming her to the floor. Salinas delivers a clothesline and when Hemme gets back to her feet, Salinas delivers a boot to the abdomen. Salinas delivers an inverted DDT and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. The ref goes outside the ring to argue with Lance about something and Hemme grabs the guitar and nails Salinas across the back, goes for the pin and gets the three count.


Lance Hoyt


Jimmy Rave


Christy Hemme

Rock ‘n Rave Infection

No offense to the other talent in the ring but I think Homicide and Hernandez are an awesome tag team. I was glad to hear they won the number one contender’s match at Destination X.  They deserve a push. Salinas hasn’t been back in the ring long enough for me to judge her performance but I don’t see a lot of wrestling talent coming from Christy Hemme. Lance Hoyt does fairly well and I’ve seem Jimmy Rave do much better than he did in the ring during this match.

I know that TNA fans would prefer matches that were not interrupted by commercial breaks. Instead of breaking into the match, why not try breaking into the blah, blah, blah segments and let us enjoy the in ring action?

The Courtship



SoCal Val

I’ll make this quick. Jay and SoCal Val are at Universal Studios Theme Park and they run into Sonjay Dutt. Sonjay tells Val that she probably hasn’t seen everything there is to see at the part but Jay says they have been all over the part. Sonjay tells Val there are a few secret spots and offers to show her. Sonjay and Val leave Jay standing as they go off to see the “secret” spots.

To Be Continued…

Crystal is backstage with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky who are giving Roxxi Laveaux a makeover. The makeover turns into a work over and not really worth writing about.

Commercial break.

JB is backstage with Gail Kim. He reminds her that she and O.D.B. didn’t manage to take the belt away from Awesome Kong at Destination X. Gail says she doesn’t know why she has a match with Velvet Sky tonight and Gail faces the camera to tell Kong that she will not quit until she has taken the belt back from Kong. She then tells Kong that she had better come after Gail first or Kong won’t know what hit her.

Velvet Sky from the Big Apply

Accompanied by Angelina Love.


Gail Kim from Tampa, FL

Referee: Earl Hebner

Velvet Sky comes to the ring like she should be going to the local strip club versus a wrestling ring.

The bell rings and Gail takes Sky down with a hip toss. Sky pulls Gail’s hair and manages to get back to her feet. Gail has Sky in a wrist lock but Sky makes it to the ropes and when Gail delivers a clean break, Sky delivers a backward elbow into the side of Gail’s head. Sky comes back with a slap to Gails’ chest and a forearm then another slap before sending Gail across the ring into the ring post. Gail grabs the top ropes and goes up and over Sky and Sky meets the top turnbuckle with her face. Gail delivers a dropkick and then a clothesline, a boot to the abdomen and then Gail climbs up the ropes, holding onto Sky’s wrist and comes off down to the mat, taking Sky down with an arm drag. As Sky gets back to her feet, Gail comes after her, but Sky delivers a drop toehold that sends Gail into the ropes. Sky uses the ropes to choke Gail until the ref makes her break it up. Sky delivers a kick to Gail’s back and then a short dropkick before going for the cover. Gail kicks out before the count of three. Sky then applies a choke hold and the ref again makes her break the hold. Gail backs Sky up against the ropes and delivers open handed slaps to the chest. Gail sends Sky into the ropes but Sky comes off the ropes to deliver a kick to Gail’s chest. Sky comes off the ropes and face plants Gail on the mat. Sky goes for the pin and gets a two count before Gail gets a shoulder off the mat. Sky picks Gail up and slams her face first into the top turnbuckle and then the middle turnbuckle. Sky backs up and goes for a dropkick but Gail gets out of the way and Sky meets the ring post. Sky gets back to her feet and Gail takes her down with a clothesline and then another. Gail sends Sky into the ring post and then takes her over and down to the mat. Gail takes Sky down to the mat and goes for the cover but the ref is busy with Love who has climbed up on the ring apron. Gail gets back to her feet to argue with the ref allowing Sky time to get back to her feet. Sky delivers a boot to Gail’s midsection, picks Gail up, Gail breaks free, picks up Sky, drops her backward, goes for the cover and gets the win.


Gail Kim

After the match, Love enters the ring and gets in Gail’s face and shoves her backward. Love shoves her again and this time Gail comes back with a forearm and Gail and Love exchange blows. Gail delivers a spear that takes Love down to the mat. Gail goes after Love but Sky is back in the ring and we have a two on one as the audience chants fro O.D.B. They send Gail into the ropes, Gail comes off the ropes and ducks under the double clothesline, then grabs the ropes and slides out of the ring. Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed enter the arena and Kong nails Gail from behind. Kong picks Gail up by the hair and tosses her back into the ring. Kong runs the ref out of the ring as Raisha enters. Kong picks up Gail and slams her to the mat and then sets her up for the awesome bomb. Gail breaks free and comes back at Kong with forearms and delivers a jawbreaker before taking Kong down with a spear. Gail has Kong down and is pummeling her with fists but Raisha nails Gail in the back with the women’s title belt. Raisha delivers stomps as Kong gets back to her feet to deliver a clothesline. Kong tries to pick Gail up for the awesome bomb but O.D.B. enters the arena and heads for the ring, steel chair in hand. Kong and Raisha bail out of the ring and get out of O.D.B.’s way. O.D.B. checks on Gail who is still down on the mat.

Crystal is backstage with Christian to find out who he is going to get for a partner tonight in his match against AJ and Tomko. Kevin Nash appears and says he would like to know who Christian is going to get as a partner. Nash says that he did everything he said he was going to do at Lockdown and Christian went to Rhino before he came to Nash. Christian asks Nash to be his partner.

Commercial break.

Main Event

Non-title Tag Team Grudge Match

The Instant Classic Christian Cage from Tampa, FL by way of Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Big Sexy Kevin Nash from Detroit, MI




The Prince of Phenomenal AJ Styles from Gainesville, GA

TNA World Tag Team Champions

Referee: Rudy Charles

Tomko doesn’t like that goofy crown on AJ’s head anymore than I do and Tomko does try to remove it but AJ hangs on to it. Nash and Christian come out of the ring to meet AJ with Nash going after Tomko and Christian going after AJ. Christian slams AJ’s face into the announcer’s table and then the announcer’s table before rolling AJ into the ring. AJ delivers a fist to Christian’s midsection and then to his face. AJ tries to send Christian across the ring but Christian stops him and slams him with an elbow. Christian comes off the ropes and AJ leapfrogs over him, Christian comes off the opposite ropes and AJ drops to the mat, Christian goes over AJ and goes into the opposite ropes. Christian goes into the opposite ropes and stops himself. As Christian comes back into the ring, AJ goes up in the air and Christian delivers a power bomb, going for the pin. He gets a two count. Christian turns around and delivers a shot to Tomko, sending him down to the floor. AJ sends a fist into Christian’s abdomen then delivers a fist to the forehead before tagging Tomko into the match. Tomko slams Christian to the match and goes for a cover. He gets a two count before Christian powers out. Tomko backs Christian into the ring post and delivers several chops to the chest before tagging AJ back into the ring. AJ comes in and delivers stomps then tags Tomko back in. AJ and Tomko do a little double teaming and Nash wants in but the ref stops him. Tomko has Christian back up on his feet and Christian comes back with chops to Tokmo’s chest before Tomko rakes the eyes and tries to pick up Christian again to slam him down to the mat. Christian manages to work his way around and deliver an inverted DDT to Tomko. As Christian slowly gets back to his feet, Angle enters the arena. Christian’s attention is turned to Angle and we go to





AJ is in the ring with a downed Christian. Tenay gives the audience a recap of what happened during the commercial break as Christian was distracted by Angle entering the arena. Christian goes after Angle and AJ nails Christian with a boot as Tomko, who is still in the ring with Christian, distracts the ref. Security and Jim Cornette comes to ringside and makes Angle leave the arena and go backstage. Tomko picks Christian up and throws him over the top rope and down to the floor. Back to real time, AJ catapults Christian into the bottom rope and then delivers a fist to the forehead. AJ takes Christian to his corner and tags in Tomko before delivering fists to Christian’s abdomen before Tomko gets back in the ring. Tomko continues the punches and Christian is down on the mat. AJ uses a boot to choke Christian as Tomko has the ref distracted. As Tomko picks up Christian, Christian delivers a fist to the gut and chops to the chest. Tomko comes back with chops of his own and then suplexes Christian down to the mat. Tomko goes for the cover and gets a two count. Christian again nails Tomko in the abdomen with a fist, then one to the forehead, a chop to the chest and tries to dive over Tomko to get to Nash for a tag. Tomko catches Christian in midair and takes him back across to the wrong side of the ring. Tomko sets Christian up on the top turnbuckle, delivers a few punches, walks away and as he comes back, Christian greets him with an outstretched boot. Christian comes off the top and takes Tomko down with a DDT. Both men are down in the ring. Nash is leaning over the top rope begging for a tag. Christian reaches Nash as Tomko tags in AJ. Nash greets AJ with a blow that sends him down to the mat. Nash turns around and nails Tomko with a fist to the forehead that drops Tomko to the canvas. Nash tries to pick up AJ but AJ jumps on Nash’s back and hangs on. Nash turns AJ around and delivers a side slam, then goes for the cover. He gets a two count before Tomko nails Nash in the back, breaking the count. Tomko goes after Nash with a flurry of fists and then charges at Christian, but Christian grabs the top rope and Tomko goes over the top rope, down to the floor and into the guardrail. AJ gets back to his feet and delivers a fist to Nash’s jaw, then tries to set Nash up for the Styles splash. Nash picks up AJ and drops him with a high backdrop. Nash tags in Christian and goes back to AJ. Nash holds AJ up and delivers a power bomb, Christian comes off the rope with a frog splash and goes for the cover. He gets a two count before Tomko grabs the ref by the legs and pulls him out of the ring. As the ref is down on the floor arguing with Tomko, Brother Ray and Brother Devon of Team 3D enter the ring. They go after Nash and Christian in the middle of the ring. The ref rings the bell as Tomko comes in to help Team 3D wok over Nash and Christian. Nash delivers a double clothesline that drops Ray and Devon. Nash sets up Devon for a power bomb as Ray delivers a low blow to Christian. Tomko delivers a boot to the side of Nash’s skull and drops Nash to the canvas. AJ hands chairs in to his cronies in the ring. Devon and Ray go after Nash’s knee with the steel chairs. Christian crawls across the ring and tries to cover Nash’s knee. Ray takes a chair and goes after Christian’s throat as Security enters the ring. Cornette is in the ring with Security. Tomoko and Brother Ray high five each other and hug in the middle of the ring as Devon hugs AJ.


The Instant Classic Christian Cage


Big Sexy Kevin Nash

Since no winners were actually announced, we are going with the assumption that AJ and Tomko were disqualified when Team 3D entered the ring on their behalf.

With the exception of Team 3D showing up and the fact that it took a ton of Security to remove Angle from ringside and walk him out of the arena, the match was decent. I can’t decide whether I prefer Christian as a heel or a babyface because he does both so well. Diesel makes a great heel but he’ll have trouble doing that being up against AJ and Tomko and Team 3D who are all heels at the present time.

As Team 3D exits the ring, they come face to face with Joel Anderson of Survivor, who has a front row seat by the entrance ramp. Devon nails Anderson with a fist and then Ray pulls Anderson over the guardrail and they both beat down Anderson, including Ray nailing him with a chair.


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