Friday Night Smackdown

Friday Night Smackdown

February 1, 2008 – Recap by Sassy

Friday Night Smackdown is broadcast on the CW network.

Ringside announcers: Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

Backstage interviews: Todd Grisham

Assistant General Manager Theodore Long is in the ring. He says he is going to make an announcement per Vince McMahon Teddy is in charge tonight on Smackdown. He is in charge because Vickie Guerrero was injured last Sunday at Royal Rumble. We see Vickie being hit by Mysterio with the 619 when Vickie got in the way. She managed to interfere in the match several times before she got smacked. Unfortunately, Mysterio lost the match and Edge retained the title. Teddy says that at the next pay per view, No Way Out, there is going to be a match to determine who will face the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania. Smackdown will also have an elimination chamber match (Monday Night Raw declared their elimination chamber match earlier this week.).

Six Smackdown Superstars will compete in the chamber

The Animal Batista


The Punjabi Giant The Great Khali


The Man Who Loves to Fight Finlay


M.V.P., WWE United States Champion


Big Daddy V


The Undertaker

The winner of this match will go on to Wrestlemania to face the WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Teddy says that at No Way Out, Edge will defend his title in a rematch against Rey Mysterio. Edge comes charging down to the ring to face Teddy. Edge says that since Mysterio injured Vickie, he shouldn’t be entitled to a rematch. Edge says he will face anyone but Rey Mysterio. Teddy says that he is in charge and what he says goes.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Career Threatening Match

Royal Rumble Rematch

Ric Flair from Charlotte, NC


M.V.P. weighing 248 lbs.

WWE United States Champion

Audience favorite: Ric Flair

My favorite: I like them both

Cole reminds the audience how much respect Flair got from the fans when he made MVP tap out with the figure four-leg lock at Royal Rumble. Flair has certainly been earning his paychecks since McMahon told him he would have to retire if he lost a mach. MVP has come a long way since his debut in WWE.  He makes a fantastic heel but he is also a showman and very entertaining for the crowd. Flair may be the dirtiest player in the game but MVP appears to have learned a little from watching Flair. MVP is working on Flair’s left shoulder and arm. MVP tries for a cover three times in a row but Flair manages to kick out before the three count. Flair looks tired and the audience sounds a little concerned. Flair goes for MVP’s leg and it appears he is thinking about that figure four one more time against MVP. Now MVP is the man on the mat and Flair does go for the figure four, but MVP manages to counter the move. Again Flair tries for the leg lock but MVP manages to roll over and Flair is the one in pain. Flair is too close to the ropes and he manages to crawl under the bottom rope. MPV refuses to break the leg lock and MVP gets himself disqualified.


Ric Flair

by DQ

After the match, MVP continues the assault on Flair’s leg by slamming it into the corner post. The ref can’t get MVP to back off as MVP goes for the steel steps and slams Flair’s leg between the steps and the ring apron. The audience voices their displeasure to MVP as he exits the arena. Flair is helped from the arena by a ref and trainers

Replay of the end of the match and the assault on Flair by MVP after the match.

Rumor has it that Ric Flair may be in his final match at Wrestlemania.  As much as I hate to think about wrestling minus Ric Flair, there wouldn’t be a more fitting place for him to face his final opponent.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, the announcers remind the audience there will be two Elimination Chamber Matches at No Way Out:

Raw Elimination Chamber Match

Y2J Chris Jericho


John Bradshaw Layfield


HBK Shawn Michaels


Jeff Hardy


The Game Triple H



The winner of this match faces the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania.

Flair is backstage with the trainers who are checking on his left knee.

Chuck Palumbo enters the arena on his motorcycle. I do like Chuck, don’t get me wrong, but this is nothing more than Chuck getting into the ring with a mic to apologize to Michelle McCool and to tell everyone how great it felt to beat down Jamie Noble. In fact, Chuck shows the audience a replay of that beat down and what happened to Michelle. Michelle enters the ring, tells Chuck she doesn’t believe him, and she slaps him. Chuck promises that he will take out that slap on Jamie Noble and will make sure McCool watches.

As much as I like Chuck as a heel, I don’t like the direction this particular storyline has gone.  It isn’t entertaining and it isn’t amusing for a big bruiser to beat up on a woman. It was even stupider for McCool to slap Chuck and not expect him to hit her back. She’s lucky he didn’t, storyline or not.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Stone Cold Steve Austin’s DVD, The Legend of Stone Cold Steven Austin which will be released February 12, 2008.

Tag Team Match

Rey Mysterio from San Diego, CA, weighing 165 lbs.


CM Punk from Chicago, IL, weighing 222 lbs.

Before Chavo is introduced, we see this week’s ECW Fiesta where Punk took out Chavo with a guitar.


Chavo Guerrero from El Paso, TX weighing 215 lbs.

WWE ECW  Champion


The Rated R Superstar Edge from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing 250 lbs.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Audience favorites: Rey Mysterio & CM Punk

My favorites: I like them all

Although we haven’t seen Edge do a lot lately in the ring, these four men are capable of putting on quite a match for the fans. Punk took a nasty fall over the top rope and smacked his arm on the ring apron on the way down.  It wasn’t pretty but it didn’t seem to slow Punk down. Punk is on the floor and we go



Back from commercial break, Punk and Edge are back in the ring and Edge has the upper hand. Punk needs to get a tag to Mysterio. Edge tags Chavo. Punk is in trouble and Mysterio works the audience to get them involved. Punk manages to send a boot to Chavo’s head and both men are down to the mat. Chavo tags in Edge and Punk tags in Mysterio. Mysterio also takes a tumble off the side of the ring and now he is down on the floor. The ref counts to eight before Edge reaches over and helps Chavo up on the ring apron to send him back down to the mat. Edge tags in Chavo again and Mysterio is down on the mat. Chavo goes to work on the left knee of Mysterio and then takes him back to Edge’s corner. Punk now works the crowd to get them involved in helping get Mysterio back to his feet. He does and takes down Chavo but now both men are down on the mat. Chavo grabs Mysterio’s leg and goes for the tag, tagging in Edge. Punk is doing some heavy-duty trash talking in his own corner but Mysterio is having trouble getting back to his feet. He does and Edge immediately delivers a boot to Mysterio’s face, sending him back to the mat. Edge goes for the cover but can’t get the three count. Mysterio is still down on the mat but he bites Edge to make him break his hold. Chavo comes in but Mysterio manages to take down Chavo and Edge but Mysterio is back down on the mat. He gets the tag, in comes Punk, taking down Chavo and sending Edge out to the floor. Punk comes off the top rope and goes for the cover but only gets a two count before Chavo gets a shoulder up. Edge is back in the ring and he goes for the spear, but Punk gets out of the way. Edge almost hits Chavo but stops just in time. As he and Chavo are facing each other, Punk sends them both down with a nice dropkick. Edge goes after Punk, Mysterio comes off the top rope and sets both Edge and Chavo up for the 619. Edge gets out of the way by rolling out onto the floor, Mysterio hits Chavo with the 619 and then flies out of the ring and onto Edge, taking him down to the floor. Punk hits Chavo with the GTS, goes for the cover and gets the three count.


CM Punk


Rey Mysterio

I have got to say this was one great match. I don’t remember seeing anything this spectacular on Smackdown in a long time. Punk and Mysterio work well together in the ring as a tag team although I do like them both as single competitors. Edge and Chavo did a great job in spite of being the most despised in this match up.

Cole tells the audience that tonight it will be The Big Red Machine Kane and The Undertaker up against The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry and Big Daddy V.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see the discussion between McMahon and Hornswoggle on Monday Night Raw where McMahon calls Hornswoggle a loser because he didn’t win the Royal Rumble Match. I’d be happy Hornswoggle came back in one piece!

Hornswoggle and Finlay are backstage when McMahon shows up. McMahon tells Finlay he is disappointing him too. McMahon tells Finlay he threw away his chance at Royal Rumble to protect Hornswoggle. Finlay says he did it out of loyalty and friendship. McMahon says there is no such thing as loyalty and what Finlay did was stupid.

Tag Team Match




Accompanied to the ring by Cherry





Audience favorites: Hornswoggle & Finlay

My favorites: Finlay & Hornswoggle

Cherry makes the mistake of grabbing Finlay’s foot as he comes off the ropes. Finlay takes care of Deuce and Domino and then goes out of the ring after Cherry. Hornswoggle comes up behind Cherry and lifts up her little frilly skirt, then gets down on his hands and knees. Finlay backs Cherry up and she falls over Hornswoggle and onto the floor. Deuce comes after Finlay as Hornswoggle heads back to his corner of the ring. Finlay sends Deuce over the guardrail and into the audience area. Domino tries a baseball slide out of the ring but Finlay catches him and pounds on him before rolling him back into the ring. Finlay slaps Domino to the mat, Hornswoggle delivers the tadpole splash and gets the three count.





Deuce and Domino have been more of a joke team lately than anything else. I don’t know whether they aren’t capable of doing anything else in the ring or not, but Hornswoggle and Finlay manage to keep the audience entertained in spite of it all. I’m a Finlay fan and I’ll admit I even like Hornswoggle. 

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Raw Rebound: Last October when Randy Orton took out John Cena with an injury. Cena made it in as the last entrant in the Royal Rumble match to win the event. Last Monday Cena made arrangements to face Orton for the title at the next pay per view instead of at Wrestlemania.

Eve Torres, the WWE Diva Search Winner, is in the ring to introduce Batista. Batista enters the ring in his street clothes. Batista wants to talk about the elimination chamber match after he welcomes Eve to Smackdown. Batista said he almost guaranteed a win at the Royal Rumble match and even though he didn’t win, he was in the match longer than anyone else and was eliminated by Triple H and John Cena. Batista says he is getting a second chance to headline Wrestlemania and compete for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Batista says he is the only man in his elimination match that has been in one before. I really like Batista but he seems to be doing a lot of talking lately. I’d rater see him in action than with a mic in his hand.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Jesse is backstage with two pictures of Festus. Jesse says that Festus is a brand new man and Festus feels great. Next week on Smackdown, Jesse and Festus will be coming back bigger and better than ever.

Tag Team Match

Curt Hawkins


Zach Ryder

At a combined weight of 437 lbs.


Jimmy Wang Yang


Shannon Moore

At a combined weight of 410 lbs.

Audience favorites: Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore

My favorites: Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore

Cole reminds the audience Shannon Moore has his own tattoo parlor. Moore does have a lot of tattoos. I think I preferred Hawkins and Ryder as The Major Brothers. It may be because they became Edgeheads but I am not as impressed by their performance recently. Yang and Moore do work well as a tag team and both of them are high-risk workers.


Curt Hawkins


Zach Ryder

Cole reminds the audience that Kane and Undertaker will take on Mark Henry and Big Daddy V next.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Wrestlemania XXIV live at the Florida Citrus Bowl on Sunday, March 30, 2008. Additional tickets have just been released. For more information, go to

Tag Team Match

The Big Red Machine Kane weighing 323 lbs.

Kane was one of the four remaining competitors in the Royal Rumble Match.  He was eliminated by Triple H and Batista.


The Undertaker from Death Valley, weighing 299 lbs.

The Undertaker made it for 30 minutes in the Royal Rumble Match. He was eliminated by HBK Shawn Michaels.


The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry


Big Daddy V

At a combined weight of 879 lbs

Accompanied to the ring by Matt Stryker

Audience favorites: Kane and Undertaker

My favorites: Kane, Undertaker and Mark Henry

Before the match begins, recap of what happened last week between Undertaker and V.

Commercial break before the match begins.

Back from commercial break, the match has already begun with Kane and Henry in the ring. Kane is working over Henry’s leg by using the ropes. Henry turns it around and he has Kane down on the mat. Kane manages to get Henry down to the mat and as Henry gets back to his feet, Kane back Henry up to his corner and tags in Undertaker. Undertaker goes to work on Henry’s left shoulder and then goes up on the top rope, but Stryker gets up on the ring apron to try to throw off Undertaker. Undertaker goes back down to the mat and delivers a boot to Henry’s chest. Undertaker tags in Kane and he has Henry backed into a corner. Henry switches it, sends Kane across the ring and delivers a squash. Henry tags in V. Kane goes to work to back V into his corner, but V backs Kane into the opposite side of the ring. Kane is in the wrong corner, but he nails Henry with a fist and then backs V into Undertaker’s corner. Kane makes the tag and Undertaker is now in the ring with V. Undertaker has V in a corner and tries to send him across the ring. V gets the switch and sends Undertaker into the corner post. V tags in Henry and Henry goes to work with shoulder blocks to Undertaker’s abdomen. Undertaker gets a boot up and nails Henry, then he tags in Kane. Kane enters the ring and goes to work on Henry. Kane delivers a squash once and then twice. Kane goes up to the top turnbuckle and comes off to hit Henry with a clothesline. As Kane sets up for the choke slam, Stryer is again on the ring apron distracting Kane. Henry is back to his feet, sending Kane across the ring and into the ropes. Henry rolls Henry out onto the floor as V comes around the outside after Kane. V slams Kane’s head into the announcer’s table but Undertaker comes around the ring and backs up V. Henry comes out of the ring and he slams Kane’s head onto the announcer’s table before rolling Kane back into the ring. Henry tags in V. V continues to work on Kane and delivers a splash that sends Kane down to the mat. V tags in Henry and he goes for the bear hug. Kane has Henry by the hair as the ref asks Kane if he wants to give up. Undertaker is pacing outside on the ring apron trying to get Kane to tag him into the match. Kane is reaching but Henry slams Kane into the corner post. Kane gets a boot up and sends Henry back before going up to the second rope and delivering a clothesline that sends Henry down to the mat. Kane is trying to get to his corner and Undertaker is begging for the tag. Kane makes the tag and goes after Henry. He delivers two splashes and then goes up to the top rope. After he drops Henry to his knees, he goes across the ring and nails V. Undertaker hits Henry with a DDT but V is in to break up the cover. Kane and Undertaker deliver a choke slam to V and then Undertaker prepares for a choke slam to Henry. Undertaker hits the choke slam but he does not go for the cover. Undertaker instead goes for the submission hold that he used on V last week. Henry taps out.


The Undertaker


The Big Red Machine Kane

Replay of the end of the match.


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