Monday Night Raw

Monday Night Raw

January 28, 2008 – Recap by Sassy

The Royal Rumble was held yesterday on pay per view.  There will be repeats of the show during the rest of this week.

Royal Rumble Results

30 Entrant Royal Rumble Match

Winner:  John Cena, returning to WWE after suffering an injury last year. Cena and Triple H were the last two men in the ring. Cena tossed Triple H over the top rope and to the floor.

Rowdy Roddy Piper and Superfly Jimmy Snuka also participated in the Royal Rumble event.

Career Threatening Match

Ric Flair defeated MVP and will be continue with his wrestling career

WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Edge beat Rey Mysterio to retain the title

WWE Championship Match

Randy Orton defeated Jeff Hardy to retain the championship

JBL defeated Chris Jericho after Jericho was disqualified.

The word is that John Cena has returned to take out Randy Orton who injured him. With Jeff Hardy, Triple H and John Cena seeking the title belt, Orton has a nice bulls eye painted on his back.

The JBL/Chris Jericho feud should continue since now each man has been beaten to a pulp by the other and there is no obvious winner.

It is anyone’s guess who Ric Flair will face in his next career threatening match. MVP may want revenge now that Flair has proven MVP is not better than Ric Flair.

Mysterio didn’t get the title but we most likely won’t find out until Friday Night Smackdown whether Edge will be facing Mysterio, Batista, or The Undertaker for his next title defense. Monday Night Raw is broadcast from   on the USA network

NOTE: The only women who appeared at Royal Rumble was Ashley showing up to tell Maria that Playboy had called and wants her to pose.  Of course no talented female wrestlers were allowed to perform.  Beth Phoenix, Mickie James and Victoria should be insulted.

BREAKING NEWS:  Bobby Lashley has informed his fans he will NOT be returning to WWE.  He has requested his release from the company. As of this date, we do not have affirmation that WWE has provided Lashley with his release but he has been removed from the official WWE website.

Monday Night Raw is broadcast from Philadelphia, PA on the USA network.

Ringside announcers: JR and Jerry Lawler

Ring announcer: Lillian Garcia

Backstage interviews: Todd Grisham

It is our understanding Anastacia was released and will no longer be doing any interview work for WWE.

You knew how this Monday Night Raw was going to open. The 2008 Royal Rumble Winner: John Cena. I did not see the Royal Rumble pay per view yesterday but Cena is looking good for someone who has been out of action for four months. Cena even enjoyed listening to some of the fans chanting “Cena sucks”. Cena said the doctors said he would be out of the ring for one year. He wanted the chance to go to Wrestlemania and he got it. The audience seems split on the for and against Cena but either way he is back. Cena wants the title and he wants to challenge the holder for that title. Cena wants to face Randy Orton for the WWE Championship on Monday Night Raw. Cena calls out Orton.

Orton enters the arena. There seems to be a problem with the sound system. Cena’s mic was cutting out and now so is JR’s. Orton says he has an answer for Cena but it’s probably an answer Cena doesn’t want to hear. Orton says he has beat every challenger he has faced for the belt.

Cena reminds Orton that Orton took Cena out of commission last year. Cena puts down his mic and takes off his shirt. Cena shows the audience the scar from his surgery and he reminds Orton that he has never beaten Cena.

Orton doesn’t seem to have any one in the live audience on his side. Orton says he will never defend the title against Cena unless it is front of a paying audience. Orton tells Cena he will see him at No Way Out to face him for the title. Cena does not want to wait till Wrestlemania. Cena tells Orton he wants some and tonight he will get some.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Diva Tag Team Match



Mickie James from Richmond, VA

Before their opponents are introduced, recap of Mickie losing her match to The Glamazon Beth Phoenix last Monday on Raw.


Jillian Hall from Louisville, KY


The Glamazon Beth Phoenix

Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: Mickie James and The Glamazon Beth Phoenix

As much as I like Beth, I was hoping that Mickie would pick up the title win last week. Mickie did manage to take down Beth and get a one count – twice. Jillian goes out onto the floor courtesy of Mickie. Ashley didn’t even get into the match.


The Glamazon Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall

General Manager William Regal and Vince McMahon are backstage. McMahon says that Orton will face Cena at No Way Out. Regal reminds McMahon about a match he had talked about earlier – a barbaric match. The winner of that match will face the winner at Wrestlemania.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Regal enters the arena, mic in hand. Regal tells the audience that whoever is WWE Champion after No Way Out will face the winner of the most brutal match in the WWE. For the first time in Raw history, six contestants will compete for a WWE Championship Match at Wrestlemania inside the elimination chamber. Recap of elimination chamber matches. Regal says the rules are that four of the participants will be in the chamber, two will start the match inside the chamber and at designated intervals, new participants will be added to the match. As the battle continues, the sole survivor will be designated the Number One Contender for the WWE Championship Match at Wrestlemania. 

The participants are: 


HBK Shawn Michaels

Y2J Chris Jericho

John Bradshaw Layfield

Jeff Hardy, WWE Intercontinental Champion

Triple H

Mike Adamle is introduced as the newest member of the announcer’s team. Adamle tells the audience that tonight it will be Snitsky and his partner Umaga facing The Game Triple H and the partner of his choice. JBL and Randy Orton will face Y2J Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, replay of the skit between Ashley and Maria regarding Maria posing for Playboy. Santino Marella interrupted to tell Ashley NO, but Maria has not given her answer yet. Marella delivers the Fat Oily Guy but Ashley takes him out. Which is more action than Ashley saw in the ring tonight.

Carlito from the Caribbean, weighing 220 lbs.

Accompanied to the ring by Santino Marella and Maria


Cody Rhodes weighing 219 lbs.

One half of the WWE World Tag Team Champions

Accompanied to the ring by Hardcore Holly

One half of the WWE World Tag Team Champions

Audience favorite: Cody Rhodes

My favorite: I like them both

Cody was in the Royal Rumble Match, however, he was eliminated. Cody can be a great technical wrestler and Carlito has some great wrestling moves of his own but Carlito would rather cheat than wrestle fair and square. Carlito goes out on the floor courtesy of Cody and Cody goes out after him. Holly has come around the side of the ring to ensure Marella doesn’t interfere, Marella gets up on the ring apron, Cody gets caught by Carlito when he takes his eyes off of Carlito and loses the match.



The Game Triple H and HBK Shawn Michaels are backstage. Triple H says that at No Way Out, he and Shawn have a chance to get into the title match at Wrestlemania. Tonight Triple H needs a tag team partner and HBK goes off to change his clothes. Triple H plugs

Royal Rumble film clips including John Cena’s surprise entry into the Royal Rumble Match. Special encore presentations are showing all week long. Contact your local cable company for details.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Candice Michelle’s commercial for I think I have the wrong channel again.  I thought this was a wrestling show.

Tag Team Match

D Generation X

HBK Shawn Michaels


The Game Triple H

Before their opponents are introduced, Triple H has the mic in order to tell the audience there is not better place than Philadelphia for DX to appear. Triple H is complaining about someone ripping off DX last night – the announcer for the Royal Rumble.


Umaga from the Isle of Samoa, weighing 350 lbs.


Snitsky from PA, weighing 307 lbs.

Audience favorites: HBK Shawn Michaels & Triple H

My favorites: I like them all

DX is slightly outweighed in this match by Umaga and Snitsky. JR tells the audience that Umaga was in the Royal Rumble Match last night for 25 minutes.  He was entrant number fourteen. Triple H has to stop the match before it starts in order to insult Snitsky. Triple H and HBK do a lot of quick tagging in and out of the ring. Umaga doesn’ get tagged in but he does enter the ring anyway and even though HBK nails him, Umaga sends HBK off the top turnbuckle and to the floor with a Samoan kick. Snitsky goes out to the floor to roll HBK back into the ring. Lawler tells the audience HBK suffered a broken nose during the Royal Rumble Match last night but he is still here tonight competing in a match. Mr. Kennedy eliminated HBK from the Royal Rumble match. HBK is now in the wrong corner of the ring and is being kept away from a tag to Triple H.

Commercial break in the middle of the match.

Back from commercial break, promo for ECW and Chavo Guerrero as the new ECW Champion. ECW is on the Sci-Fi Channel tomorrow night.

Back in the ring, HBK is still in the ring being worked over by Umaga. JR tells the viewing audience HBK was unable to make a tag during the commercial break. Triple H tries to get the audience behind HBK but it doesn’t get him any closer to his own corner. HBK manages to nail Umaga with a DDT and now both men are down in the center of the ring. HBK manages to get to Triple H and make the tag as Umaga tags in Snitsky. Umaga goes after Triple H but he handles Umaga as well. Triple H slams Umaga and Snitsky together, but Umaga delivers a Samoan drop to Triple H as HBK comes into the ring and delivers a super kick that sends Umaga out to the floor. HBK dives out of the ring and onto Umaga, taking him back down to the floor and leaving Triple H in the ring with Snitsky. Snitsky is back to his feet first and goes for the kick but Triple H catches Snitsky in a spine buster before hitting him with the pedigree and getting the cover.


D Generation X

HBK Shawn Michaels


The Game Triple H

Replay of the end of the match.

Orton is backstage in the locker room. JBL shows up to tell Orton that history is going to be made. Randy Orton, Legend Killer, teaming up with JBL. JBL further states that Orton will face Orton at Wrestlemania for the title belt as long as Orton takes care of Cena at No Way Out. Orton tells JBL he will have to win the elimination chamber match and Orton hopes that he does because he knows he can beat JBL. JBL tells Orton he will drag him all over Wall Street just like he did Jericho. Orton tells JBL to worry about Jericho and Orton will worry about Jeff Hardy. If John Cena shows up they both will take care of Cena.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, replay of the Royal Rumble Match and the appearance of John Cena as the final entrant. Promo for the Royal Rumble pay per view the rest of this week.

Todd Grisham introduces the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Hardy, who lost the match last night for the WWE Championship. Jeff says that at No Way Out, he is going to win the elimination chamber match and go on to Wrestlemania to win the title.

McMahon is backstage with Hornswoggle. McMahon tells Hornswoggle let him down. Hornswoggle was in the Royal Rumble Match and he didn’t come back as a winner. McMahon tells Hornswoggle he came back a loser and he is ashamed of him. He tells Hornswoggle to get out of his sight.

Commercial break.


Back from commercial break, replay of part of the career threatening match between Ric Flair and MVP. Flair gets a leg lock on MVP and MVP taps out. Flair got a standing ovation from the live audience.

Mr. Kennedy from Green Bay, WI, weighing 243 lbs.


Brian Kendrick from Olympia, WA, weighing 185 lbs.

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I like them both

Kendrick comes out ready to battle but it doesn’t take long for Kennedy to start a beat down on Kendrick. The match ends up out on the floor but it isn’t any better for Kendrick out on the floor.


Mr. Kennedy

Replay of the end of the match.

Mr. Kennedy gets the mic above the ring after the match instead of before the match. Kennedy doesn’t want to be in the elimination chamber at No Way Out. Kennedy wants something with more historic value. Kennedy wants to end the career of Nature Boy Ric Flair. It looks like Flair will be facing Kennedy at No Way Out in another Career Threatening Match.

Nature Boy Ric Flair enters the arena dressed up in his suit and tie, mic in hand. Flair tells Kennedy (the long version of Kennedy) that he has two things to say to him:  Good Luck and Wooooo! Flair does a little stylin’ and proflin’ at the top of the entrance ramp.

Promo for ECW and the new ECW Champion, Chavo Guerrero, tomorrow night on the Sci-Fi Channel.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for courtesy of Jerry Lawler.

Melina from Los Angeles, CA

Before Melina’s opponent is introduced, Lawler provides a plug for No Way Out on February 17, 2008, in Las Vegas, NV, on pay per view.


Maria from Chicago, IL

Accompanied to the ring by Santino Marella

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I don’t think either of them are wrestlers, but Melina if I have to pick one.

Melina does have more in ring experience than Maria but she’s also a loud screamer. If Melina keeps slamming Maria’s face into the turnbuckle, she’ll need extra makeup for her Playboy debut. Marella is yelling “not the face”. Marella’s hairdresser should be shot.  I think he has a cross between a Mohawk and a mullet.



Todd introduces Y2J Chris Jericho and discusses his match with JBL at the Royal Rumble. Jericho has a bandage on his forehead. I understand he did bleed profusely during the match. Jericho lost the match when he was disqualified during his beat down of JBL. Jericho says that he will be going to Wrestlemania after he wins the elimination chamber match.

Adamle reminds the audience that two matches were announced tonight for the upcoming No Way Out event in Las Vegas, NV. Cena will take a shot at Orton for the title at WWE Championship. Since Cena is using his Wrestlemania shot at No Way Out, the challenger for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania will be decided during an elimination chamber match.

Tag Team Match

Jeff Hardy from Cameron, NC, weighing 225 lbs.

WWE Intercontinental Champion


Y2J Chris Jericho weighing 226 lbs.


JBL from New York City


Randy Orton from St. Louis, MO, weighing 245 lbs.

WWE Champion

Audience favorite: Jeff Hardy & Chris Jericho

My favorites: Jeff Hardy & Chris Jericho

I noticed they didn’t give a weight for JBL. It is safe to assume he is the heaviest contestant in the ring. Jericho and Orton lock up in the ring to begin the match. Jericho does a great job of handling Orton in the ring before he is interrupted by JBL charging in without a tag. Jericho sends JBL out to the floor and tags in Jeff who goes up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a Swanton bomb then goes for the cover. He gets a two count before JBL pulls Orton out of the ring and onto the floor



Back from commercial break, Jeff and Orton are in the ring. Jeff is down on the mat. Jeff has been holding his back since he entered the ring. Jeff takes down Orton and goes for the cover but doesn’t get the three count. Orton tags in JBL who continues to pound on Jeff. JBL misses with an elbow as Jeff rolls out of the way Jeff takes down JBL again but gets nailed in the back by Orton. JBL has Jeff down on the mat and goes for the cover but Jericho is in the ring to break up the count. JBL tags in Orton and Jeff is still down on the mat. The audience gets behind Jeff and he tries to get to Jericho for a tag. Orton manages to tag back in JBL and Jeff is in the wrong corner. Jericho is back in the ring but is stopped by the ref who sends him back to his corner. JBL tags in Orton again but Jeff manages to take down Orton and makes it to Jericho for a tag as Orton tags in JBL. Orton is pounding on JBL and is going for the walls of Jericho. Orton goes after Jericho, Jericho nails Orton with a springboard dropkick, sending him to the floor. JBL is back on his feet but Jericho sends him down to the mat and goes for the moonsault but Orton is in to break it up. Now Jeff is back in the ring taking on Orton, but Jeff gets sent off the top turnbuckle and sending him to the floor. In the ring, Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Orton is back in the ring to nail Jericho with an RKO. The ref was out on the floor but makes it back in to the ring in time to count out Jericho with JBL making the cover.


JBL & Randy Orton

John Cena enters the arena but JBL bails out of the ring leaving Orton alone to face Cena. Cena delivers the FU to Orton.

And that’s the end of the show. 

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