January 22, 2008 – Recap by Sassy

The Royal Rumble, WWE’s pay per view, is this Sunday. Contact your cable company or go to www.wwe.com for further details.

Recap of the match between Chavo Guerrero and CM Punk last week in which Edge interfered and gave Chavo a chance at the ECW title this week.

ECW is being broadcast in HD from the University of Virginia on the Sci-Fi Channel

Ringside announcers: Joey Styles and Tazz

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

Styles tells the audience there will be an ECW Championship match tonight between CM Punk and Chavo Guerrero.

Over the Top Rope Challenge

The Big Red Machine Kane weighing 323 lbs.

Kane has already qualified for the Royal Rumble Match.


The Miz from Cleveland, OH, weighing 231 lbs.

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions


John Morrison from Los Angeles, CA, weighing 220 lbs.

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions


Tommy Dreamer from Yonkers, NY, weighing 255 lbs.


Shelton Benjamin from Orangesburg, SC, weighing 247 lbs.

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Kane, Tommy Dreamer and Shelton Benjamin

ELIMINATED – Tommy Dreamer by Kane

ELIMINATED – The Miz by Kane

ELIMINATED – John Morrison by Kane

ELIMINATED – Kane by Shelton Benjamin


Shelton Benjamin

Benjamin takes the mic after the match is over and reminds the audience how great Shelton Benjamin is in the WWE wrestling ring.

Kelly Kelly is on her way to the ring for the ECW Best Body Contest.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see the dance off contest 2 weeks ago between Layla, Kelly and Lena, which Lena won.  If that wasn’t boring enough – this is SUPPOSED to be wrestling isn’t it?  Not only that it’s supposed to be EXTREME!

Coach introduces the contestants



Lena Yada


Kelly Kelly

Winner if it matters: Kelly Kelly with Layla in second place. Cat fight in the ring after the winner announcement, although it was only a throw down since the girls weren’t dressed to fight.

CM Punk is in the locker room getting ready for his match.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Kofi Kingston from Jamaica, weighing 218 lbs.


David Owens from NC, weighing 250 lbs.

Audience favorite: I have no idea

My favorite: I have no idea

This is the debut of Kofi Kingston in ECW.  I may regret saying this, but Kingston reminds me a lot of Booker T.


Kofi Kingston

Edge is backstage with Chavo Guerrero and Vickie Guerrero shows up because she wants to see Chavo in his championship match.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for The Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania XXIV.

Long promo and then a recap of the matches that will be held at Royal Rumble.

Recap of last Friday’s Smackdown when Rey Mysterio and CM Punk took on Edge and Chavo Guerrero. Edge got himself disqualified by using a steel chair on Mysterio and then the Edgeheads showed up.

Armando Estrada is backstage with Edge, Vickie and Chavo. Of course, Styles is talking over everything so if they said anything important, we don’t know what it was.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, another promo for Royal Rumble.

Tazz is in the ring with Colin Delaney who has been beaten up in every match (a total of four) at ECW. Tazz does a recap of the matches Colin has had to date:

Shelton Benjamin

Big Daddy V

The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry

The Big Red Machine Kane

Colin is running out of places to put bandages.

Colin Delaney


The Great Khali

Accompanied to the ring by his interpreter, R. Singh

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I’m not sure

And I am really not sure about the reasoning behind these beat down matches. Thanks to Tazz, we know it has been going on for five weeks in a row. No other competition for Colin Delaney in the locker room – we CAN get wrestlers from Smackdown too you know.


The Great Khali

without Colin even getting a swing at Khali.

Replay of the “match” between Colin Delaney and The Great Khali.

Styles reminds the audience that Chavo has a championship match tonight and that everyone on Chavo’s side is in the arena.

Recap of last week’s match between Chavo and CM Punk – didn’t we see this when the show opened? 

The Rated R Superstar Edge, WWE World Heavyweight Champion, enters the arena. We can assume Edge is on his way to the announcer’s table again.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Edge is at the announcer’s table complete with his own little headset so that Edge can talk about Edge during the match.

ECW Championship Match

No Disqualification – at the last minute of course

Chavo Guerrero from El Paso, TX, weighing 215 lbs.



CM Punk from Chicago, IL, weighing 222 lbs.

ECW Champion

Audience favorite: CM Punk

My favorite: I like them both

It’s great that we have a Championship match on ECW, however, it takes away from the two men in the ring when everyone is busy with Edge outside of the ring. Not only is the Edge/Vickie Guerrero angle already old, now WWE has seen fit to drag it through ECW as well as Smackdown. CM Punk hits the GTS and, naturally and very much expected, Edge enters the ring and delivers a spear. It can’t get much more dull and boring than this. Good job WWE. This match was about as exciting as the best body contest.


Chavo Guerrero

New ECW Champion

You know who else enters the arena – Vickie and the Edgeheads (I wish I could remember their names…I did better when they were known as The Major Brothers).

I’m sure there will be a replay of the (yawn) ending of this match, but I’ve already turned it off.








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