TNA Presents

TNA Presents


January 6, 2008

Recap by Sassy

I watched the Countdown to Final Resolution but it was merely a recap of the matches that will be held this evening on TNA’s first pay per view of 2008.

Final Resolution opens with a video rundown of the matches scheduled for tonight.

Final Resolution is being broadcast from Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.

Ringside announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West

Ring announcer: David Penzer

Backstage interviews: Crystal Loutham and Jeremy Borash

Ring valet: SoCal Val

First Match

Lance Hoyt


Jimmy Rave

Rock ‘n Rave Infection

accompanied to the ring by Christy Hemme





Latin American Exchange

Referee: Slick Johnson

Prediction:  LAX will walk away with this match - possible interference by the mystery member of LAX who continues to appear just in time for saves.

LAX gets the biggest pop when they enter the ring. In fact, there was quite a bit of thunderous applause for these two wrestlers.

Homicide and Rave face off in the ring and they start with wrestling holds. Rave goes for a tidy early roll up but can’t get the three count. Nice back and forth before Rave sends a knee to Homicide’s abdomen. Rave slams Homicide into the ring post and tags in Lance. Hoyt picks up Homicide and sends him across the ring close enough for him to reach out and tag Hernandez into the match. We have a shoving contest before Lance comes off the ropes and runs into the brick wall that is Hernandez. Lance tries again but it has the same no budge effect. Hernandez comes off the ropes, goes across the ring to come off the opposite ropes, but Rave interferes and pays for it with big forearms across the ears. Rave goes down to the apron. Lance comes across the ring and is sent over the top rope and to the floor by Hernandez. Homicide enters the ring and goes for the suicide dive through the ropes, but Rave is back up and greets him with a knee to the face. Rave and Homicide battle it out on the ring apron with Homicide sending a boot to Lance’s face when he tries to get involved. Rave slams Homicide down to the ring apron with Rave landing on his feet on the floor. Hernandez comes over the top rope, over Homicide and out to the floor to take down Lance with Hernandez getting quickly to his feet to work the fans at ringside. Hernandez sends Rave back into the ring. Homicide is back on his feet outside the ring and he enters the ring for a two on one with Hernandez. Double splash by Homicide and Hernandez before Homicide sends Rave across the ring to meet a Hernandez clothesline. Homicide comes off the ropes for a short dropkick to Rave’s face. Homicide and Hernandez work the combination and Homicide comes off the ropes to land on Rave’s chest and abdomen. The audience shouts its approval of LAX as the ref tries to get Homicide out of the ring. Hernandez has Rave up on his shoulders as Homicide gets up to sit on the top turnbuckle. Lance is back in the ring. He nails Hernandez sending Rave back down to the mat. Hernandez is sent out to the floor and we have another two on one situation with Lance and Rave in the ring with Homicide. Lance catches Homicide as he comes off the ropes and slams him to the mat. Rave comes off the ropes and nails Homicide who is down on the mat but I can’t see how exactly because the camera is on Hemme outside the ring. Lance goes for the cover but Homicide powers out after the count of two. Rave goes back out to the ring apron and Lance turns to tag Rave legally into the ring, then goes across to the opposite ropes to slam a fist into Hernandez and send him back down to the floor. We have two on one again in the ring but Homicide fights back with blows to both Rave and Lance. Rave ducks under a blow and delivers an inverted atomic drop and Lance follows up with a boot to the face. Rave and Lance send Homicide into the ropes, but Homicide rolls under the waiting clothesline, tags in Hernandez and slides out of the ring as Hernandez comes over the top rope with a clothesline taking down Rave and Lance. Hernandez is now in the ring with both opponents and he takes turns delivering blows to both. Hernandez sends Rave over his head and down to the mat, then sends Lance into the ropes and takes him down with a back body drop. Rave comes after Hernandez, but Hernandez catches him and power bombs him down to the mat. Hernandez doesn’t go for the pin but gets back to his feet and heads for Lance who meets him with an elbow. Lance goes up on the top turnbuckle and comes down with a moonsault, taking Hernandez to the canvas.  Lance goes back after Hernandez but Homicide hits the ring and takes Lance down with a hurricanrana. Lance rolls out of the ring and Homicide delivers a suicide dive through the ropes, taking Lance down to the floor. Homicide and Lance are now down on the floor leaving Rave and Hernandez in the ring. Rave comes off the ropes and runs into the shoulder of Hernandez. Hernandez picks Rave up and has him over his shoulder but Hemme is up on the ring apron and hanging onto Rave pulling him back down to the mat and away from Hernandez. Rave delivers an knee to Hernandez’s midsection and then works on him with a flurry of fists to the head. When the referee breaks it up, Rave switches to delivering boots to Hernandez who is still down on the mat. Hernandez makes his way back to his feet as Rave continues with uppercuts and then attempts to send Hernandez across into the ring post. Hernandez gets the switch and charges at Rave who greets him with an elbow and then climbs up on the top rope but Hernandez gives him a shove and he lands on the top turnbuckle.

The camera pans to the mystery Latino Nation member who is now hiding outside the ring. Hernandez climbs up on the second rope and delivers a border toss off of the ropes and then goes for the cover, getting the three count.


Homicide & Hernandez of LAX

As soon as the match is over, the mystery member is in the ring with Hernandez and they are joined by Homicide. Lance comes in behind them and takes both Homicide and Hernandez down to the mat. Both men roll out of the ring and Hemme is now in the ring demanding that Lance do something about the mystery member. Lance has the person by the throat but the mystery person delivers a low blow backing Lance up. Hemme runs up behind the mystery member and delivers a low blow but there is no reaction. The mystery member does turn around and send Hemme out to the floor before removing her bandana and sunglasses.  It appears that Shelly Martinez is the mystery LAX member. Shelly gets out of the baggy garb she has been wearing to show the audience that she is in wrestling shape and we assume that now she is a permanent member of LAX.

If you saw the action in this ring tonight, you will understand why I complain about the lack of matches with Homicide and Hernandez. Homicide could easily work the X Division. Hernandez could easily work his way into a street fighter or World Champion. Whether these two are a team or as singles, both have tremendous talent and from the sounds of the live audience, they have fan approval.  Jimmy Rave is another underrated player in the TNA arena. He can be technical and he can be a brawler. The lack of use of these three men is an insult to TNA fans. Lance Hoyt has always been a mystery to me. Perhaps it is because I have not seen him outside of the TNA ring or perhaps it is because he hasn’t been getting quality matches in the TNA ring that makes me wonder how great he can be as a wrestler. Shelly Martinez hasn’t been in the ring since she first debuted and I can’t judge how great she will be. If the feud between LAX and the Rock ‘n Rave Infection continues, we can look for Shelly to continue to be a thorn in the side of Christy Hemme.

Last night: Showtime Eric Young and Cowboy James Storm in another drinking contest which Storm referred to on last week’s iMPACT as a DCS – Drinking Championship Series. Along with Eric and Storm are Miss Jackie, Crystal and JB. This round is called “Never Have I Ever”. The rules are, is that one opponent has to say something and if the other opponent has done it, that opponent has to take a drink. The first person that takes three drinks wins. I won’t bore you with the details of the entire contest here, but according to Storm, he has gone to the moon, killed a lion with his bare hands, and started a riot in Detroit in 1967 – before Storm was born. Storm won this round although he may have cheated a little.

Correct me if I am in error, but didn’t we have a drinking contest during the last pay per view – or was that the pay per view before?

Tenay and West give us a preview of the matches we are going to see tonight. You don’t have to do that, boys, we already bought the pay per view or we wouldn’t be able to see you right now. We don’t want to pay to hear about AJ Styles not being able to make up his mind, but…

Crystal is backstage with AJ Styles and Tomko and Crystal wants to know what AJ’s decision is but AJ says he will make a decision tonight and he hasn’t made up his mind yet. Tomko is angry because they have a tag team match tonight and the titles are on the line. Tomko doesn’t want AJ’s mind to be anywhere but on their upcoming match.

Second Match

Black Reign from The Deepest Darkest Corner of His Mind

accompanied to the ring by Misty the Artic Fox

(who is a domestic rat and has NO business at ringside or, as in this case, IN the ring!). I don’t know who the voice announcer is, but if he calls Misty “disgusting” one more time, I’m going to track him down and smack him.


Kaz from Anaheim, CA

Referee: Andrew Thomas

One sign in the audience said “Free Misty”. While I continue to insist Misty should not be exposed to the wrestling arena, loud noises and lights, and should certainly not be near the action, Misty is a domestic rat and can’t be “freed”. Kaz got the biggest pop from the audience. Kaz has been making fashion waves with his wrestling attire. He must have an entire closet of wrestling outfits. I did predict that Kaz would win this match up.

Prediction: Kaz will lose via DQ perhaps with the assistance of Rellik.

Kaz opens up with fists to Black Reign before coming off the second rope with a back elbow springboard. Kaz continues the assault with uppercuts and fists, then sends Black Reign into the ropes. Black Reign grabs the ropes and slides out to the floor but Kaz springs over the top rope and lands on the ring apron, then backs up and flies off with a clothesline to take Black Reign down to the floor. As Kaz gets back to his feet, he gets audience approval before again going after Black Reign. Kaz sends Black Reign toward the guardrail but Black Reign gets the switch and slams Kaz back first into the metal rail. Black Reign then charges at Kaz and goes after him with either a head butt or a shoulder block, but Kaz rolls out of the way and Black Reign hits the guardrail. As Black Reign appears to be heading up the entrance ramp, Kaz goes after him and delivers a boot to the head. The audience is into Kaz as he stands up and acknowledges their applause. Black Reign crawls up the entrance ramp and as he does, Kaz follows along behind delivering a boot to Black Reign’s backside as he crawls. Kaz makes a grab for Black Reign but Black Reign catches Kaz with a boot, doubling Kaz over. Black Reign delivers a knee that sends Kaz across the top of the entrance ramp and down to the floor. I can’t tell how Kaz hit the ramp before he went down because Black Reign was blocking the view, but it didn’t sound very good. From the way Kaz is holding his hip, it appears that he nailed it against the top of the ramp on his way down to the floor. Black Reign goes after Kaz who is still on the floor, picks him up and rolls him back onto the entrance ramp. Black Reign now has Kaz back to the ring and he slams his head into the ring apron. Kaz goes down to the floor as Black Reign rolls himself back into the ring. As Kaz gets back up on the ring apron, Black Reign delivers a neck breaker with Kaz halfway through the ropes. With Kaz sitting on the ropes, Black Reign goes outside the ring and delivers a blow that sends Kaz through the ropes and back into the ring. The ref yells for Black Reign to get back into the ring, which he does and drops an elbow and then works on the neck of Kaz. Kaz makes it back to his feet and delivers elbows to Black Reign getting him to break the hold. Kaz sends Black Reign across the ring into the ropes but as Black Reign comes off the ropes he drops down to his knees to deliver a fist to Kaz’s face. Black Reign slams Kaz down to the mat and goes for the cover but he only gets a two count. Black Reign bits Kaz on the forehead before the ref breaks it up. Black Reign sends Kaz back down to the mat and works again on the neck with a reverse chin lock. The audience is making noise for Kaz as Kaz gets back to his feet and delivers a series of punches to Black Reign’s abdomen backing him up. Kaz comes off the ropes, but it caught by Black Reign’s knee and Kaz is again down on the mat. Black Reign picks Kaz up and delivers a running jawbreaker, again sending Kaz back to the canvas. Black Reign again goes for the cover and gets a two count before Kaz gets a shoulder up. Black Reign again goes for Kaz’s neck. Kaz works his way back to his feet and again delivers blows to Black Reign’s midsection but Black Reign rakes Kaz’s eyes. Black Reign comes off the ropes but Kaz sidesteps him and Black Reign hits the ropes. Black Reign again comes off the ropes and Kaz ducks under the clothesline. Kaz comes off the ropes as Black Reign comes off the opposite ropes and it looked like they were both going for a cross body block. Both men are down on the mat. The ref is counting and get to their feet at the count of eight. Black Reign takes a swing at Kaz, Kaz ducks, comes back with a boot and then delivers forearms, elbows and boots before sending Black Reign to the mat with a high kick. Kaz comes off the mat for a dropkick that again sends Black Reign down to the canvas. Kaz catches Black Reign with a spinning neck breaker and goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Kaz tries to send Black Reign across the ring to the ring post but Black Reign gets the switch and sends Kaz to the ring post. Black Reign charges but Kaz is through the ropes and onto the ring apron and Black Reign meets the ring post instead. Kaz springboards over the top rope and delivers a DDT and goes for the cover, but he again gets a two count. Kaz springs off the second rope and goes for a leg drop but Black Reign rolls out of the way and Kaz hits the mat. Black Reign delivers a boot to Kaz’s midsection and then sends him to the mat with the lights out and goes for the cover but Black Reign only gets a two count before Kaz gets a shoulder off the mat. Black Reign tries to take Kaz up into the air and over but Kaz slides out of the move and delivers a neck breaker then goes for the cover and gets the three count.


Kaz and Misty

who broke the hearts of TNA female fans by taking Misty home with him. We only hope that Kaz will bond with Misty and discover that domestic rats are not disgusting and horrible.

After the match, Kaz shows off for the fans and then decides to pick up Misty in her carrier and takes her out of the ring and up the entrance ramp. As Kaz nears the top of the entrance ramp, Black Reign sees that Misty is leaving the arena and Black Reign is not happy that Misty is in the possession of Kaz. And I missed that prediction by a long shot...

Kaz took some tremendous hits in this match. I was concerned that the fall at the top of the entrance ramp cause more than a minor injury but by the end of the match Kaz was hiding it well with just a hint of pain. He is tougher than he looks initially. These two put on a good match, Misty and all.

JB is backstage with Kurt Angle and Angle’s Mrs. and I’m not even going to bother with this. The drinking match was much more entertaining.

Third Match

TNA Women’s Championship

No Disqualification

Awesome Kong residing in Japan, 6’1”, weighing 272 3/8 lbs.



Gail Kim from Tampa, FL


Referee: Slick Johnson

Prediction: Gail Kim will retain the TNA Women's Title -- but I'm not sure how.

Awesome Kong enters the arena scowling at fans and looking like she could take out everyone in the arena. Gail Kim has the fans behind her. 

As Gail Kim gets up on the ring apron to face the fans, Kong nails her in the back, sending her down to the floor. Gail grabs Kong by the ankle but can’t budge her. Kong sends out her other boot and drives Gail back into the guardrail. Kong goes out on the floor after Gail but Gail fights back with fists and boots to Kong’s face and body. Kong sends a big slap to Gail’s chest. Gail goes back after Kong again but a clothesline from Kong sends Gail down to the concrete. Kong walks over to the announcer’s table and causes a minor upset before heading back to Gail on the floor. Kong picks Gail up off the floor and brings her over to the announcer’s table and Tenay yells that Kong is going to give Gail the awesome bomb on the table. Gail brings up a boot and nails Kong on top of the head and then goes after her with forearms and boots before Kong slams her back first into the ring apron. Kong rolls Gail into the ring and follows her in. It’s a beat down as Kong works over Gail, keeping her down on the mat. Kong picks Gail up and throws her across the ring by her hair and continues to choke her with a boot. Gail is sent head first into the turnbuckle and again uses the boot to strangle Gail. In the middle of the match, Tenay says there is a rumor that an associate of Kong’s is in attendance tonight at the pay per view and is probably in the audience right now. West says everyone wants to know about Kong’s past since the only thing anyone knows about her is that she trained in Japan. In the ring, Gail is back to her feet, fighting back again. Kong sends Gail across the ring into a ring post and then goes after her, but Gail brings up a boot to stop Kong in her tracks. Kong comes after her again and again Gail nails her with a boot and she climbs up to sit on the top turnbuckle. Kong delivers a spinning backhand to Gail, which knocks Gail off the turnbuckle, but her leg is caught in the ropes. The ref is trying to get Gail loose and he does, but Gail goes off the ring apron and down onto the floor. Kong exits the ring to go after Gail. Gail is on the floor holding her knee as Kong reaches down and picks her up by her hair. Kong slams Gail face first into the steel steps and then walks her around the ring, but again Gail is fighting back until Kong delivers another slap to Gail’s chest, sending her down to the floor. Gail is on her knees and trying to crawl away when Kong sends a boot into Gail’s ribs taking her down to the floor again. Kong picks Gail up and slams her into the metal guardrail – this was my first “STAY DOWN, GAIL! STAY DOWN!” Kong again picks Gail up by the hair and then points for the fans to move. The fans scatter and Kong sends Gail over the guardrail and into the audience area then goes over the guardrail after her. Gail is up on the steps and she sends boots into Kong trying to back her up, then goes after her with forearms and fists. Kong grabs Gail’s hair and throws her up the steps. Again fans are trying to steer clear of Kong who is coming after Gail. Kong takes Gail through the crowd and slams her head down on a seat then goes up to again stand on Gail’s throat. Security is there but even they are steering clear of Kong. Some guy in the crowd is mouthing off to Kong and I hate to break it to him but she could kick him down the stairs and out of the building with one swing of a boot. Again Kong has Gail by the hair but Gail fights back and then tries to get away from Kong. Gail reaches down and comes up with a plastic bottle and she nails Kong in the head several times. Kong catches up with Gail again and this time sends her down a flight of steps to the floor. Kong sends Gail up against a wall in the audience area and then charges at her, but Gail gets out of the way and Kong goes into the wall shoulder first. Gail charges and delivers high boots and then sends Kong toward the ring area. Gail manages to get Kong over the guardrail outside the ring and then Gail climbs up on the guardrail to come off with double fists to take Kong down to the floor. Gail is working on the arm and shoulder that Kong nailed with the wall and then slams her shoulder first into the ring post. Gail attempts to roll Kong back into the ring but can’t budge her. Kong comes back at Gail with fists and then slams Gail’s head into the ring apron and sends her back into the ring. Kong grabs a steel chair and heads for Gail’s head, but Gail manages to get out of the way and send a kick that sends the chair back into Kong’s head. Gail is back on her feet in the ring and she climbs up to the top of the turnbuckle to fly down but Kong catches her and drops her on the ring apron. Kong climbs up into the ring after Gail and then slams her back to the mat. Gail sends boots into Kong’s midsection but Kong comes back with a spinning back fist and drops Gail to the canvas. Kong picks Gail up by the hair and tries to go for the awesome bomb but Gail manages to get down to the mat. Kong drops down but Gail has rolled out of the way and Kong hits the canvas. Gail goes back to work on Kong and tries to send her across the ring but Kong gets the switch and sends Gail into the ring post. Kong goes for a splash but Gail slips out of the ring and onto the ring apron and as Kong hits the ring post, Gail brings up a boot to nail Kong in the head. Gail goes up to the top turnbuckle and comes off but Kong catches her by the throat, slams her face first onto the mat and goes for the cover but Gail gets a shoulder up at the count of two. Kong is not happy and gets up to argue with the ref. Kong sends a boot to the ref’s midsection and delivers an awesome bomb, taking the ref out. Kong rolls out of the ring and heads toward the announcer’s table to grab another chair and go back into the ring. She uses the chair to beat on the ref. Now Gail is back on her feet and as Kong swings the chair over her head to hit the ref again, Gail grabs the chair and nails Kong in the head. She continues to beat on Kong with the chair until Kong is down. Gail goes up to the top turnbuckle, nails Kong with a frog splash but there is no ref in the ring. Gail gets up yelling for a ref and Rudy Charles comes down the ramp to enter the ring. The ref gets a two count before Kong gets a shoulder off the mat. The ref checks on a downed Slick Johnson as the two women go at it again in the middle of the ring. Kong choke slams Gail and goes for the cover but Kong only gets a two count before Gail kicks out. Kong is again angry with the ref and she goes after him, setting Rudy Charles up for the awesome bomb. As Kong lifts Charles in the air, Gail goes under and uses the ref’s weight to send Kong down to the canvas for a roll up and she gets the three count.


Gail Kim

who retains the TNA Women’s Championship title.

After the match, Slick Johnson is still down on the mat, Rudy Charles bails out of the ring to escape the wrath of Kong and Gail and Kong go at it again forcing security to enter the ring to try to keep them apart. As security is trying to get things under control, the blonde twins, er, I mean Angelina Love and Velvet Sky enter the ring to remove Gail from the ring and the arena. 

While I will never argue that Awesome Kong is an awesome ring presence, if you didn’t respect Gail Kim before tonight’s match, you can’t help but respect her now. She took so many big hits I was yelling for her to stay down – and I’m not only a Gail Kim fan, I’m glad she has the title belt. Good job by Slick Johnson and Rudy Charles allowing Kong to manhandle them in the ring. I’m thinking that having these women’s division no DQ matches could be a great idea but I’m also thinking that maybe Awesome Kong should be in a match with, say, Angle…or even better – Kurt’s Mrs.?

JB is in the back with Angle’s Mrs. and they enter the men’s room looking for AJ Styles and we have another round of disgusting dialogue lightened by the fact that O.D.B. was in the men’s room and came out, cigar and newspaper in hand. All I can say to AJ is: Practice safe sex and wear a condom.  You don’t know what you might catch.

Crystal is backstage with Father James Mitchell and his son, Judas Mesias (who stands like a statue in the background). Crystal asks Mitchell if he is going to tell everyone the secret but Mitchell says that Chris aka Abyss is going to have to tell the secret that only he and Mitchell know. Mitchell says as Chris’s mother used to say, that little boys that don’t tell the truth are doomed to burn in hell.

Fourth Match

Judas Mesias from The Depths of Hell

accompanied to the ring by Father James Mitchell


The Monster Abyss, 6’8”, weighing 350 lbs.

accompanied to the ring by his little black bag of tacks or glass

Referee: Andrew Thomas

Prediction: Judas Mesias will win the match with help from Father James Mitchell.

I’m not sure who got the biggest pop here. Abyss seems to have the audience sympathy.

I never expect a wrestling match when Abyss is involved, but when Abyss and Judas Mesias are involved, there is no way it will be anything but an out and out brawl. Judas goes after Abyss before the bell rings and delivers boots and fists. The ref is trying to take the chain out of the ring that Abyss brought in as Judas has Abyss against a ring post. Judas delivers a series of chops to Abyss and tries to send him across the ring but Abyss gets the switch and sends Judas into the ring post. Abyss charges, but is my by an elbow. Abyss charges again and Judas ducks out of the way but Abyss turns and comes back with a clothesline that sends Judas crashing to the canvas. Judas gets back to his feet and again gets nailed with a clothesline. Abyss tries for a splash but Judas gets out of the way sending Abyss into the corner post chest first. As Abyss turns around, he is met with a hard shot to the face by Judas who then goes across the ring and into the ropes. As he comes off the ropes, Abyss catches him and holds him up in the air over his head before dropping him face first onto the mat. Abyss goes across the ring to send Judas over the top rope with a clothesline. Mitchell goes around the ring to check on Judas but quickly gets out of the way as Abyss comes out of the ring after Judas. Abyss picks Judas up and slams him face first into the steel steps. As they start around the outside of the ring, Judas turns and nails Abyss in the abdomen with a fist, then a slap to the side of the face. Judas attempts to send Abyss into the steel steps but Abyss gets the switch and sends Judas flying into the steel steps outside the ring. Judas is back down on the floor. Abyss picks Judas up by the hair and rolls him back into the ring and goes in after him. Judas rolls across the ring and out to the floor as Mitchell comes over to talk to him. As Judas gets back to his feet, Abyss grabs him by the hair but Judas grabs Abyss by the leg and takes him down to the mat. Judas slams Abyss’s leg into the ring post several times and then reaches down and picks up the chain Abyss brought to the ring. The ref warns Judas not to use the chain and Judas drops it then again slams Abyss’s leg into the corner post. Judas goes back into the ring and goes to work on Abyss’s injured knee. Judas has Abyss by the ankle but Abyss makes it to the ropes and the ref calls for Judas to break the hold. Abyss is back to his feet and Judas again goes after the knee and then holds Abyss up against the corner post choking him. The ref again gets involved to make Judas break the hold and Judas goes after the ref. Judas stops short of touching the ref, looks over at Mitchell and again goes after Abyss who is leaning against a ring post. Judas pulls Abyss away from the ring post by his hair and then goes to work again on the injured knee of Abyss, delivering stomps with his boots. Abyss picks Judas up and power slams him to the mat. Mitchell walks around the outside of the ring and it appears he has Abyss’s little black bag with him. Abyss goes out of the ring and looks under the ring for his bag of goodies but can’t locate the bag. Mitchell on the opposite side of the ring holds up the bag to let Abyss know that he has what belongs to Abyss and Abyss goes after Mitchell as Mitchell runs up the entrance ramp to the tunnel. Halfway up the ramp, Judas nails Abyss in the back of the leg, taking him down to the floor. Judas delivers another stomp to Abyss’s knee and then picks him up off the entrance ramp, taking him around and throwing him over the steel steps. Judas stands up on the steel steps to show off to the fans who seem to approve of his actions so far. Judas again picks Abyss up and this time sends him back into the ring. Judas comes up the steps and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Judas comes off the top turnbuckle but Abyss catches him by the throat. Judas responds by delivering elbows to the side of Abyss’s head. Judas goes for the ropes and comes off the ropes to be met by a big boot to the face. As Judas gets back to his feet, Abyss delivers a splash and as Judas is down, again Abyss delivers a splash to the side of Judas’s head. Abyss backs up and waits for Judas to get back to his feet. Abyss picks Judas up and delivers a sidewalk slam Judas is down on the mat as Abyss goes out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. The ref tells Abyss he can’t bring the chair into the ring, but Abyss doesn’t listen and Abyss sets the chair up in a ring post between the ropes. As the ref continues to try to get Abyss to get away from the chair, Abyss makes a move toward the ref who finally gets Abyss away from the chair. As Abyss heads back to Judas, the ref tries to get the chair loose but can’t seem to get it free. Judas is back to his feet and he turns to deliver a blow to Abyss. Judas now has Abyss up against the ropes and he delivers shots to the head. Judas holds Abyss by the hair and the ref steps in to make him break the hold. Judas continues to pummel Abyss until he finally turns on the ref who is yelling at him to back off. Judas looks in the direction of Mitchell before turning back to Abyss. Judas sends Abyss across the ring but Abyss gets the switch and sends Judas into the ring post. Judas goes up in the air to float over but Abyss stops and delivers a boot, stopping Judas in mid leap. Abyss sends Judas head first into the chair he placed at the ring post. Abyss turns to the fans and gets the approval he is looking for before going back to Judas. Judas staggers back to his feet and Abyss catches him by the throat, sending him to the mat with a choke slam. Abyss goes for the cover but only gets a two count before Judas manages to get a shoulder off the canvas. Mitchell is coming back down the ramp with a larger black bag. He drops it outside the ring as Abyss rolls out of the ring. Abyss again looks under the ring and brings out a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire. Abyss holds the chair in the air to show the audience, giving the ref time to get the chair away from Abyss. As the ref tries to get the chair out of the ring, Mitchell has handed Judas, who is back on his feet, a steel chair. As Abyss turns, Judas nails him with a direct shot to the head, dropping him to the mat. Judas throws down the chair and goes out on the ring apron to climb up the turnbuckle and lands with a frog splash on Abyss. Judas hits hard and rolls off Abyss and when he rolls back on to try to get the cover, Abyss manages to kick out. Judas is motioning for Abyss to get up. Abyss doesn’t get up quickly and Judas goes after Abyss again with punches to the head and face. Abyss staggers back to his feet as Judas comes off the ropes. Abyss catches Judas and delivers a black hold slam and goes for the pin but Mitchell has the ref distracted. Abyss gets up and goes after Mitchell, pulling him through the ropes and into the ring. Watch closely because Judas just pulled something out of his wrestling trunks. Abyss is still hanging onto Mitchell, Judas gets to his feet and Abyss has both of them by the throat. The ref manages to pull Mitchell away from Abyss and takes Mitchell back by the ropes. Judas sends a red mist into Abyss’s eyes and then delivers a straight to hell on top of the barbed wire covered chair. Judas goes for the cover and gets the three count.


Judas Mesias

with a little help from Father James Mitchell and some red mist

After the match Mitchell is not content with seeing a blood covered Abyss on the canvas and he enters the ring, directing Judas to grab Chris aka Abyss and Mitchell asks him if he is ready to tell the truth. Abyss refuses not once, but twice. Mitchell says he is a man of his word and he promised Abyss that little boys who don’t tell the truth burn in hell and that’s what is going to happen to Abyss. Mitchell goes out after the black bag he brought to the ring and brings out a can of gasoline. The ref is motioning for the bell to ring and Judas sends the ref out to the floor before taking the can from Mitchell. Judas opens the can and douses Abyss with the contents. Mitchell has a match in his hand but security charges into the ring, taking the match away from Mitchell. Judas runs security out of the ring.

Both of these wrestlers are worth their weight in hardcore gold. I was not surprised when Judas Mesias climbed up to the top rope to go into the ring. While he is more of a brawler than a wrestler, he does tend to have trouble keeping his feet on the mat. Abyss did not disappoint us either but I was a little concerned about having “gasoline” in the ring. Father James Mitchell continues to provide us with the evil personified personality that he wears so well and Judas continues to dominate even though he is quite a bit smaller than Abyss. I look for this feud to continue until Abyss finally brings the evil Father James Mitchell down along with his “son” Judas Mesias.

Crystal is backstage with Kevin Nash and they discuss his match coming up tonight with Samoa Joe as his tag team partner. I’m not certain what the point of the interview was and Crystal doesn’t seem to know what he is talking about either.

Crystal is backstage with Booker T and Sharmell and she asks about their match coming up tonight. Crystal asks if Booker T is concerned about Sharmell in the ring. Booker T says that he is concerned but that Sharmell has a side that Roode doesn’t want to see. Sharmell says that she will do her talking in the ring.

Fifth Match

Mixed Tag Team Match

Robert Roode from Wall Street in Manhattan, NY


Ms. Brooks both from Wall Street in Manhattan, NY


Booker T


Sharmell both from Houston, TX

Referee: Earl Hebner

Prediction: Sharmell will pin Ms. Brooks for the win.

Booker T and Sharmell got the best audience reaction. Roode’s Number One Fan is in the back of the audience looking on. Booker T and Sharmell talk to fans on their way to the ring.

The bell rings and Roode hops off the ring apron and finally makes his way into the ring to face Booker. The minute Booker goes for him, Roode again ducks out of the ring. Again Roode is in the ring Roode shoves Booker but Booker slaps him and backs him into the ring post to pound on him. Roode retaliates with fists of his own and Booker brings up a knee backing Roode up. Roode rakes the eyes and then send Booker head first into a top turnbuckle. Roode follows up with slaps to the chest but Booker manages to switch him around and sends Roode down to the mat. Roode sends Booker into the ring post but Booker goes up and over Roode, then sends slaps to Roode’s chest. Another chop sends Roode to the mat. Booker goes for a suplex but Roode goes over Booker’s back and comes down with fists to the back. Roode delivers a boot to the midsection and then chokes Booker on the ropes. Booker is down on Roode’s side of the ring but Ms. Brooks doesn’t lay a hand on Booker which upsets Roode and he calls her on it. As Roode turns back to Booker, Booker sends a boot to Roode’s abdomen  and then two more before going for a high kick. Roode ducks under the kick and drops Booker with a DDT then goes for the cover but only gets a two count before Booker powers out. Roode sends Booker face first into a corner post and then keeps him there with blows to the face and gut. The audience is chanting for Booker and as Roode brings up a fist, Booker blocks it and slams Roode into the corner post, then delivers a spin kick that drops Roode to the mat. Booker picks Roode up, sends him into the ropes and again nails him with a high kick. Booker goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Booker sends knees to the head and abdomen of Booker but Roode gets a switch and delivers a knee of his own, then follows up with chops to the chest. Booker lands another knee in Roode’s midsection and then sends Roode into the ropes. Roode comes off the ropes and leapfrogs over Booker (and that leap was just barely over Booker), Roode comes off the opposite ropes and sends Booker to the mat with a dropkick. Roode goes for the cover and gets a two count. Roode picks up Booker and sends him into the corner where he delivers kicks to a downed Booker. Ms. Brooks does not touch Booker but Roode is now angry and he yells at her that if she is not going to help, she needs to get off the ring apron. Roode sends Booker across the ring and into the ropes and this time Ms. Brooks grabs Booker’s ankle and trips him. Sharmell is trying to tell the ref what just happened and Roode goes after Booker with a forearm to the back, then drops an elbow down on Booker. Roode goes for the cover but can’t get the three count. The crowd is again chanting for Booker but Roode delivers a back breaker and again goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Roode now works on Booker’s neck and back. Booker is back on his feet and he sends fists to Roode’s face and midsection, then he sends Roode across the ropes. Booker tries for the spin kick but Roode is holding onto the ropes. Booker comes at him with a high boot again, Roode ducks out of the way and Booker gets hung up on the top rope. Roode shoves Booker off onto the floor. Roode walks toward Sharmell but Sharmell hops down off the ring apron and out of his way. Roode comes through the ropes and goes after Booker, slamming him back first into the ring apron. Roode rolls Booker back into the ring, follows him in and then goes for a cover but he can’t get the win. Roode goes to work again on Booker’s back in the ring. Booker is trying to get back to his feet and he does, sending elbows to Roode’s abdomen and then delivers a right hand to the head. Booker sends Roode across the ring and into the ring post, but Roode brings his boots up and nails Booker. Roode goes up to stand on the second set of ropes and comes off to take Booker down with what appeared to be a neck breaker. Again Roode goes for the pin and again Roode only gets two before Booker manages to kick out. Roode picks Booker up and holds him, demanding that Ms. Brooks slap him, which she does. Sharmell attempts to get in the ring and the ref stops her, sending her back out to the ring apron. Roode picks up Booker again and wants Ms. Brook to slap him in the face but Ms. Brooks doesn’t want to and she tells Roode no. Ms. Brooks points her finger at Roode and Roode slaps at her hand, making what the ref says is a tag. Ms. Brooks has to enter the ring as does Sharmell. Sharmell comes in to drop Ms. Brooks with a clothesline. She then gets a hand full of Ms. Brooks hair. The two go back and forth until Roode enters the ring and pulls Sharmell off of Ms. Brooks. Roode is looking for Booker who is outside on the floor. Roode goes out of the ring after Booker and sends him into the guardrail around the audience. In the ring, Ms. Brooks picks up Sharmell by her hair but Sharmell manages a headlock. Ms. Brooks pushes Sharmell away and Roode grabs Sharmell by the ankle. Ms. Brooks rolls up Sharmell but Sharmell kicks out before the count of three, sending Ms. Brooks across the ring and into Roode who is standing on the ring apron. Roode goes down to the floor, Sharmell rolls Ms. Brooks up and gets the three count.


Booker T & Sharmell

After the match, Roode is furious with Ms. Brooks because they lost the match. He gets in her face and she slaps him and then hits him, but he knocks her down to the mat. She is back to her feet and she continues to fight but Roode has her by the hair. The ref tries to get him back but Roode sends the ref across the ring. Sharmell who is outside of the ring on the entrance ramp sees what is going on and goes back in the ring to aid Ms. Brooks. Ms. Brooks is trying to get out of the ring but Roode pulls her back in Sharmell grabs Roode by the shoulder and swings him around. He responds with a fist that connects with Sharmell’s jaw, sending her down to the mat. There are two refs now in the ring and they look at Sharmell as Roode and Ms. Brooks both look stunned. Booker, who is near the top of the entrance ramp, can’t believe what he is seeing. Roode is yelling it wasn’t on purpose and he didn’t mean to do it as Booker charges into the ring. Roode bails out and is halfway up the entrance ramp. Don West takes off his headset and walks over to ringside to see what is going on. Roode is still yelling that he didn’t mean to do it as the ref’s and Booker try to wake up Sharmell. Ms. Brooks gets out of the ring and is standing on the ring apron looking on. Booker is mad at the refs for not protecting Sharmell. Sharmell finally comes around and is helped to her feet in the ring. She manages to walk out of the arena under her own power to the cheers of the fans. Ms. Brooks goes slowly up the opposite entrance ramp still looking concerned.

I was taken completely by surprise when Robert Roode nailed Sharmell. I was even more surprised that Booker T wasn’t back in the ring faster than he was. Roode and Booker put on a good show for the type of match they were in and Sharmell was impressive taking the hit from Roode. I know Ms. Brooks is a wrestling talent and she hasn’t been allowed to show it. She should be in the women’s division and wrestling against the other women in the division more often. The Number One Fan sideshow has, however, worn out it’s welcome. It’s possible we will see a feud between that fan and Ms. Brooks in the near future.

Crystal is backstage with Christian and she makes a remark about how awful it was that Roode hit Sharmell. Christian says that it was tragic and then to ask him some questions. Crystal asks about Christian’s match tonight to try for the World Championship for the third time. Christian says he doesn’t need anyone’s help even if AJ doesn’t decide to be on his side. Christian says that AJ has a lot of potential and he makes some derogatory comments about Angle’s Mrs. action earlier tonight.

Tenay and West are back on camera and they tell us they will keep us informed about Sharmell’s condition as soon as they know anything about it.

Part 2 of the DSC – Drinking Championship Series – Showtime Eric Young, self proclaimed current champion versus Cowboy James Storm, former champion. They are being judged by Miss Jackie Moore, JB and Crystal. This round is called, well I’m not sure what it’s called, but Storm and Eric have beer taped to their hands. Eric accuses Storm of having an accident and Storm gets mad and spills his beer. I think Eric won this round. That’s one for Storm and one for Eric.

The crew is putting up the X Division apparatus in the ring for the match coming up next.

Tenay tells us that Sharmell has been taken to a local hospital and there appears to be a problem with her jaw. Tenay tells us that they will keep us posted.

Sixth Match

Ultimate X Match

For possession of the X Division Title Belt

Brother Ray


Brother Devon

Team 3D


Johnny Devine


Black Machismo Jay Lethal

X Division Champion


Chris Sabin


Alex Shelley

Motor City Machineguns

Referee: Rudy Charles

Prediction: Black Machismo Jay Lethal will finally get his Ultimate X title belt.

Motor City Machineguns and Lethal were the audience pick for tonight’s match but since Team 3D is so against the fans these days that wasn’t a surprise. Brother Ray comes to the ring with a mic. As the camera pans the audience we see the sign OH MY BLUBBER TESTIFY.  That has got to be the funniest sign I have seen to date. Brother Ray tells us that they are in the best shape of their careers. Ray has the speed of a gazelle and Devon can move around like a black panther. The audience intends to disagree. Brother Devine is on top of the apparatus hanging the title belt from the top. Ray tells the ref that Sabin, Shelley and Lethal are little cheating bastards and the ref needs to watch them.

As Sabin, Shelley and Lethal enter the ring we have full-blown fight in the middle of the ring. Lethal sends Devine out to the floor and then goes after him. Devon rolls out to the floor. Lethal slams Devine’s head onto the ring apron and Shelley has Ray up against the guardrail beating on him with right hands. Sabin slams Devon headfirst into the guardrail.  Devine is fighting back against Lethal, Shelley sends Ray backward with another right, Devine is still working on Lethal with rights and lefts. Shelley is having problems with one of his hands. Lethal has turned and is now delivering fists to Devine with everyone still outside the ring on the floor. Lethal slams Devine’s head into the steel steps, Shelley continues to beat on Ray. Ray turns things around and sends Shelley staggering back to the ring apron. Sabin hits Devon with an uppercut, Devon responds with a right fist. Sabin is down on the floor as Ray slams Shelley’s right hand into the metal apparatus around the ring. Shelley is now down on the floor. Devon picks Sabin up and delivers a fist to the top of his skull. Sabin goes back against the ring apron and down to the floor. Devon is now working on Sabin’s hands and Devine is going after Lethal on the opposite side of the ring. Ray is keeping Shelley down on the floor as Devine and a younger fan get into a disagreement before Devine again goes after Lethal. Ray and Devon bring a table out from under the ring and set it up outside. Lethal has turned the tables on Devine and slams him head first into the steps. Devon and Ray take another table out from under the ring and set it up next to the first one. Sabin is still on the floor, Devine is trying to get away from Lethal. Lethal walks up on the steps and takes Devine down with a double fist. Ray and Devon have Sabin and Shelley and the are setting them up to power bomb them through the tables, but Lethal slams a fist into Devon and then nails Ray in the back of the head with another fist. Lethal continues to pound on Ray and has him against the announcer’s table. Lethal slams Ray’s face into the announcer’s table. Shelley has climbed up the turnbuckle and is heading for the apparatus to go for the title belt. He climbs up the apparatus and starts across the cable, but he can’t hang on. Ray enters the ring and slams Shelley’s right hand across a turnbuckle but turns and is met by a clothesline from a flying Sabin. Sabin now heads up and grabs the cable but he  can’t hang on and lands on the mat. Devon is now in the ring working on Sabin in the ring. Lethal comes off the top rope and takes down Devon before going up and starting across the cable after the belt. Devin is in the ring and he makes a grab for Lethal, bringing him down over his shoulders and he power slams Lethal to the mat. Devine starts up to the cable and starts across. He is within reach of the belt when Sabin and Shelley enter the ring. They each take a leg, swing Devine and bring him down hard to the canvas. Ray enters the ring and takes down Sabin and Shelley with a double clothesline. Ray and Devon are now in the ring and Ray jumps up trying to reach the belt. He comes up a tad bit short. Devon tries the leap and he can’t reach it either. Ray puts out his hands to boost Devon up and can’t do it. Ray grabs his back and leans on the ropes. Ray gets back to his feet and pats Devon’s tummy. Ray tells Devon to get down on the mat. Ray stands on Devon’s back to reach the belt but Devon falls face first to the mat. Devon gets up grabbing his back and then makes hand signals to indicate Ray is a little on the hefty side. Ray acts as though he is going to climb up after the belt when Sabin comes after Devon and takes him down with a flying dropkick. Ray catches Sabin and sends him back out of the ring and against the guardrail. Ray goes outside on the ring apron and starts to climb up. He grabs the cable but Lethal jumps off the ropes and is ahead of Ray. He then teases Ray but loses his grip and falls to the mat. Ray falls off the cable too but only because he can’t hang on. Once again Ray tries to go up and Lethal hits him with a high kick and then goes after him, but Ray slams Lethal down to the mat and then flies off with an elbow, but Lethal gets out of the way. Lethal climbs up and starts across the cable, but Devine is in the ring and he pulls Lethal down. Lethal nails Devine with a fist and then goes back against the rope but as he comes off the ropes, Devine catches him and delivers a double knee plant to Lethal’s gut. Devine climbs up and grabs the cable, but Shelley is right behind him. Shelley jumps off and grabs Devine, taking him down to the mat. Sabin enters the ring and takes Devine out with a DDT. Shelley goes over the top rope for Ray but Ray moves out of the way and Shelley hits the floor. Ray picks up the kendo stick and nails Shelley in the hand then tosses the kendo stick to Devon who goes after Sabin. Devon nails Sabin in the hand and then in the abdomen with the kendo stick before sending Sabin down to the mat. Ray and Devon are in the ring again and Devon goes out on the ring apron to climb up and get on Ray’s shoulders and they walk across the ring. Shelley comes in with a drop kick to take Ray down and Devon is left dangling from the cable above the ring. Lethal comes off the top rope and tackles Devon, bringing him down to the canvas. Lethal is back to his feet and he starts up to the cable. Ray has Devine on his shoulders and Lethal delivers a hurricanrana to Devine, taking him down. Ray sends Lethal to the mat with a clothesline. The ref is in the ring checking on Devine and Lethal. Shelley goes after Ray but Ray gets out of the way and Shelley nails the ref sending him against the ropes and down to the mat. Ray takes Shelley down with a back body drop. Ray goes out to the floor and brings out a ladder. Devon helps Ray bring the ladder into the ring. Devon sets up the ladder and Ray plays the audience. Shelley and Sabin enter the ring behind Ray and Devon and take them down with dropkicks. Devine is back in the ring with the kendo stick. He takes out Sabin with the stick and then Shelley. Devine sets the ladder under the belt and climbs up but Sabin is back in the ring and he sends Devine down onto the tables and then down to the floor. Devon and Ray are back in the ring and they deliver a 3D to Sabin. Devon and Ray pick up the ladder and as Lethal springboards into the ring, they nail him in the face with the ladder. Ray holds the ladder as Devon climbs up and gets the belt down from its holder above the ring. Devon has to hang on the cable as Ray gets rid of the ladder and the ref comes to in time to see Devon hanging with the belt in his hand.


Brothers Ray & Devon, Team 3D


Johnny Devine

Darn, missed another prediction!

You don’t want to know my opinion of this match up. I know Ray and Devon built their reputation on hardcore and tables and ladders and chairs, but give us a break! They haven’t been up against anyone of their caliber in forever and TNA is wasting their talent in matches like this one. Devine, Sabin, Shelley and Lethal ARE the X Division and should be allowed to work the ring as such. You have to give major applause to Sabin, Shelley, Lethal and Devine. All four of these men took some hard knocks in this match and did a great job of putting on a show for the fans.

Seventh Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

The Phenomenal AJ Styles





Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe


Kevin Nash


Referee: Andrew Thomas

I predicted Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash will snag the tag team titles due to AJ's predicament.

Samoa Joe is the fan favorite but I have respect for AJ Styles and Tomko in the ring as well. I did have respect for Kevin Nash in the ring but he hasn’t been in the ring often enough for me to know whether he still has what it takes.

The bell rings and Joe faces off with AJ in the middle of the ring. Tenay breaks in to tells us that Sharmell is at a local hospital and the TNA trainers fear she has a broken jaw. AJ charges Joe but Joe handles him and we have wrestling moves in the initial part of the ring. Joe tags in Nash and he picks up AJ to send an elbow to the top of his head before picking him up and tossing him across the ring. Nash sends AJ into the ropes, AJ ducks a clothesline and a back elbow and then goes after Nash’s leg. He takes Nash down to the mat but Nash kicks AJ across the ring. AJ tags in Tomko and Tomko goes after Nash with a series of fists that sends Nash crashing down to the mat. Nash fights back and sends Tomko into the ring post before sending him down to the mat. Nash continues to work on Tomko with knees to the abdomen and elbows to the jaw. Tomko sends a knee into Nash’s gut and then drops him with a clothesline before going for the cover. Nash kicks out. Tomko goes back to work on Nash’s leg. Tomko stomps on the knee before tagging in AJ who comes down over the ropes onto Nash’s leg. AJ tags back in Tomko who waits for Nash to get up and then charges but Nash catches him with a sidewalk slam. Both men are now down on the mat. Joe is calling for a tag but Nash is having trouble getting close enough to tag. He manages to make the tag as Tomko tags in AJ. Joe meets AJ in the ring with elbows. Joe comes off the ropes and AJ goes high in the air but Joe catches him and delivers an inverted atomic drop. Joe then comes off the ropes and delivers a flying boot to the face, then goes over and delivers a senton. Tomko is still in the ring and Joe delivers a fall away Samoan drop to Tomko. Nash has not exited the ring. Joe picks Tomko up off the mat, sends him into the ring post and has Nash sling Joe into Tomko with a splash. Joe grabs Tomko by the back of the neck and sends him toward Nash who brings up a boot and catches Tomko in the face. Joe picks Tomko up again as Nash exits the ring and Joe suplexes Tomko then goes for the cover. He gets a two count before Tomko gets a shoulder off of the canvas. AJ springboards off the top rope and nails Joe in the back with a dropkick. The ref is telling AJ to get out of the ring as Tomko is pounding on Joe who is still down on the mat. Tomko is choking Joe and the ref makes him break the hold. Tomko has Joe up against a ring post delivering chops to the chest before he tags AJ. Joe fights back and comes off the ropes. AJ leapfrogs over Joe, Joe comes off the opposite ropes and AJ hits the mat, Joe comes off the ropes again and his met with a dropkick by AJ. Joe goes down and AJ goes for the cover. AJ gets a two count. AJ slams Joe’s head into the top turnbuckle before tagging in Tomko. Tomko delivers a short arm clothesline that takes Joe back down to the mat. Tomko goes for the cover and gets a two count. Tomko works on Joe’s neck and head. Joe gets back to his feet and manages to back up Tomko with elbow shots to the abdomen but when Joe comes off the ropes, Tomko catches him with a shoulder block. Tomko goes for the cover and again gets a two count. Joe is reaching for Nash but can’t quite make the tag. Tomko tags in AJ. AJ slams Joe down to the mat and goes for the Indian death lock making a bridge to hang on to Joe’s head. Joe manages to elbow his way out of the move and AJ again tags in Tomko. Joe comes up like a fighter throwing rights and lefts to back Tomko up. Tomko comes back with a chop to Joe’s chest and then another before landing with a DDT. Tomko goes for the pin and gets a two count before Joe manages to get a shoulder up. Tomko again tags in AJ and we have a two on one before the ref makes Tomko exit the ring. Joe goes after AJ with elbows to the jaw and AJ comes back with elbows of his own. We have a toe to toe in the middle of the ring until AJ rakes the eyes. As AJ comes after Joe, Joe catches him with a right hand that sends AJ down to the mat and out to the ring apron. Joe goes after AJ but Tomko is back in the ring and he nails Joe in the back before the ref sends Tomko back out on the ring apron. AJ springboards off the top ropes but Joe catches him and power bombs him down to the mat. Joe goes down to his knees and crawls toward Nash who is motioning for a tag. Tomko comes through the ropes and nails Nash sending him to the floor and then comes off the ropes, but Joe drops him with a slam to the mat. Joe, AJ and Tomko are all down in the ring. Joe is back to his knees first and Nash is asking for a tag again. As Joe gets close enough to get the tag, Nash drops off the ring apron, puts his hand up and walks up the entrance ramp toward the tunnel. Joe is now surrounded by Tomko and AJ who are back to their feet. Joe manages to drop Tomko with a DDT and then slams AJ over his head to the mat. Tomko comes after Joe with a boot but Joe gets out of the way and sets Tomko up on the top rope for the muscle buster. AJ is back to his feet and he nails Joe in the back. AJ charges at Joe, but Joe catches AJ and slams him to the mat before nailing Tomko with a kick. Joe goes after AJ and sets him up for the muscle buster, Joe nails it and goes for the cover but Tomko breaks it up. Joe has the choke hold on Tomko but Tomko sends him through the ropes to the apron ring. Tomko goes after Joe with a clothesline but Joe ducks out of the way only to be caught by a peleg courtesy of AJ. Tomko follows up with a boot to the opposite side of Joe’s head. Tomko and AJ drop Joe down to the mat, Tomko goes for the cover and gets the three count.


The Phenomenal AJ Styles



who retain the TNA Tag Team titles

I missed another prediction, but even so, I have to give this match a big thumbs down. How lame to have Kevin Nash walk off and leave Joe in the ring. If Nash can’t wrestle, keep him out of the ring. Hand him a manger’s job or something but the abandonment in the ring angle was a bust.  I do give a big thumbs up to Joe and AJ and Tomko for their work in the ring during this match.

Part 3 of the Drinking Championship Series between Showtime Eric Young and Cowboy James Storm. Still with them are Jackie, JB and Crystal. The final round is the rubber match and has to do with a deck of cards. The first person who passes out loses. Eric gets a three but Storm gets a two and Storm has to take a drink. The second card causes Eric to have to take a drink. Storm is having trouble standing up and the last card means the person has to drink from the funnel. Eric loses the hand and has to drink from the funnel. In the middle of Eric drinking from the funnel, Miss Jackie decides to give the boys (and Crystal) a show and opens her top. Eric finishes his drink, stands still for a second and then falls on his face.

Winner of the DCS

Cowboy James Storm

who gets his choice of match at Against All Odds when he will face Showtime Eric Young.

JB is backstage with Angle and JB is telling Angle about what his Mrs. tried earlier with AJ. Angle doesn’t seem to be upset about it and says that it will work and AJ will be on Angle’s side tonight.

Christian Cage                                       Kurt Angle

6’1”                                                       6’1”

230 lbs.                                                 235 lbs.

14 yrs pro                                              9 yrs pro

Eighth Match – Main Event

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

The Instant Classic Christian Cage from Tampa, FL

by way of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing 224 lbs.



Kurt Angle from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing 231 lbs.


accompanied to the ring by his Mrs.

Referee: Earl Hebner

I predicted Angle would hang onto the title but I’m rooting for Christian in this match.

Believe it or not, Christian Cage had the audience eating out of his hand tonight.

The bell rings – and I’m going to have to hit the mute button. Kurt’s Mrs. is screeching at the audience. Someone needs to get a muzzle for that broad. The two men lock up in the ring and Christian breaks clean out of the corner. The audience is chanting  “Instant Classic” and we have some actual wrestling maneuvers in the middle of the ring. Angle takes Christian down but Christian gets a grip on the bottom rope and the ref makes Angle break the hold. Christian gets Angle in a headlock and Angle sends Christian into the ropes. Christian comes off the ropes and Angle leapfrogs over him. Christian comes off the opposite ropes and ducks under the waiting clothesline, Christian comes off the ropes again and Angle catches him in the center of the ring. Christian uses elbow shots to the side of the head to make Angle break the hold. Christian comes up with a boot but Angle catches his foot, Christian comes off the mat but Angle ducks under the kick. Christian goes down on the mat, Angle goes after him with an elbow drop, Christian rolls out of the way and Angle hits the mat. Angle brings up a boot and catches Christian in the abdomen, then delivers an uppercut that sends Christian back down to the mat. Angle sends Christian off the ropes, Christian comes off the ropes and Angle nails him with a shoulder block. Angle takes Christian back down to the mat in a headlock. Christian makes it back to his feet, Christian sends Angle into the ropes. Angle comes off the ropes, Christian goes down to the mat, Angle comes off the opposite ropes, Christian leapfrogs over him, Angle comes off the ropes and ducks under Christian’s waiting clothesline, Angle comes off the ropes and Christian catches him, slamming him face first into the mat.

It is frustrating to watch this match. The camera continues to pan over Angle’s Mrs. who is NOT in the ring doing any wrestling and the fans who paid to watch the match have to guess at what is going on in the ring…enough already of the hideous dress and the non wrestler in the hideous dress.

Christian is slapping Angle in the back of the head as Angle is trying to get back to his feet.  Angle charges at Christian, Christian sidesteps Angle and sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Christian tries for the unprettier but Angle catches him by the legs and sends him down to the canvas. Christian is back to his feet and he sends Angle into the ropes. Angle comes off the ropes, slides under Christian, but Christian catches Angle as he gets back to his feet and sends him headfirst through the ropes and out of the ring. Christian listens for fan approval – which he gets – and then shrugs when the ref reprimands him. Angle gets back to his feet and it sounds like he kicked the steel steps outside the ring. Angle is now in the ring, nose to nose with Christian. Angle slaps Christian, and then slaps him again. Christian spits at Angle and Angle nails Christian with a European uppercut. We now have an uppercut match in the center of the ring as the two exchange uppercuts and forearms. Christian nails Angle and sends him down to the mat. Angle rolls out onto the ring apron and Christian goes after him. I think Angle nailed Christian with a shoulder block but I’m not sure BECAUSE THE CAMERA WASN’T ON THE ACTION IN THE RING – AGAIN! Angle brings Christian over the top rope and Christian lands on the ring apron. Christian sends elbows at Angle and then climbs between the ropes to deliver a swinging kick that nails Angle in the head. Angle goes off the ring apron and onto the floor. Christian is in the ring waiting for Angle to get to his feet and as he does, Christian runs up the ropes and goes over the top to take Angle down to the floor again. Nice move and, believe it or not, a great camera angle for the climb and the leap. The ref is now down on the floor checking on both wrestlers. Christian is back to his feet and he slams Angle with chops to the chest and then rolls him back into the ring. Christian climbs up to the top turnbuckle and as Angle turns around, Christian leaps and is caught by Angle who sends Christian over the top rope and down to the floor outside. The ref starts the count on Christian who is out on the floor next to the guardrail. Angle goes outside the ring and meets the ref who has gone out to check on Christian. Angle picks Christian up and rolls him back into the ring. Angle delivers a kick to Christian’s ribs and then delivers boots to the chest and abdomen not allowing Christian to get back to his feet. Angle picks Christian up and slams him down to the mat then goes for a cover but only gets a two count before Christian powers out. Angle has Christian in a face lock as Christian manages to get back to his feet. Christian sends fists to Angle’s midsection forcing him to break the hold and then comes off the ropes, but Angle catches him with a knee, sending Christian crashing to the mat. Angle again goes for a cover but only gets a two count before Christian kicks out. Angle now has Christian in a waist lock. Christian has Angle by the head but that doesn’t make Angle release his hold so Christian makes his way back to his feet. Christian sends elbows to the side of Angle’s skull and then Christian goes into the ropes, comes off the ropes and ducks the clothesline, comes off the opposite ropes and again ducks the clothesline, comes off the ropes again and gets caught with a belly-to-belly suplex. Christian rolls out of the ring and is leaning against the guardrail while Angle argues with the ref in the ring. Angle’s Mrs. walks over to Christian and slaps him in the face and when Christian goes after her, he meets Angle who has slid out of the ring. Angle nails Christian and sends him back down to the floor. Angle sends Christian back into the ring. Angle has Christian in a head lock down on the mat, along with body scissors in order to keep Christian down. Christian manages to get back to his feet and sends fists into Angle’s abdomen making Angle release his hold. Christian comes off the ropes and gets caught by Angle who takes him down to the mat by the legs but Christian delivers a kick that knocks Angle backward down to the canvas. Angle and Christian are both back to their feet and Angle goes after Christian, but Christian catches Angle with a sleeper hold. Angle flips Christian over his head. As Angle gets to his feet, Christian hits him with a spear and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Christian rolls out to the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle but doesn’t get where he needs to be before Angle is back to his feet. Angle delivers a fist to Christian’s jaw and then another then climbs up to the second rope and manages to send Christian to the mat with a back body drop. Angle goes up to the top rope and comes off with a moonsault then goes for a pin but only gets a two count before Christian gets his shoulder up. Angle is back to his feet first and waits for Christian to get up. Angle picks Christian up but Christian manages to drop Angle with a DDT. Christian is back to his feet first and as Angle gets up he comes at Christian with a clothesline but Christian ducks out of the way then comes back with an elbow that drops Angle. Angle gets up again and Christian nails him with a fist to the forehead that drops Angle to the mat. Christian goes after Angle with a chop to the chest and then tries to send him across the ring, but Angle gets the switch and sends Christian into the ring post. As Angle comes after Christian, Christian catches him with an elbow. Christian delivers an inverted DDT and goes up to the top turnbuckle. Christian comes off with a frog splash but Angle rolls out of the way and Christian meets the mat. Angle goes for a roll up and gets a two count but Christian kicks out. Both men back to their feet but Angle catches Christian with a German suplex and then a second and then a third before he releases his hold. Angle goes for the Olympic slam as Christian is back to his feet, but Christian gets behind Angle and goes for the unprettier but Angle shoves Christian to the mat and goes for the ankle lock. Christian rolls over and sends Angle to the mat with a kick but Angle doesn’t release his grip. Christian rolls over again and kicks Angle back, Angle hits the ropes, comes of the ropes and Christian goes for a roll up. Angle rolls Christian over and again has the ankle lock. Christian sends Angle over and gets a two count before Angle releases his hold and kicks out. Both men to their feet, Christian delivers a boot to Angle’s gut, a chop to the chest and tries to send Angle over the top rope but Angle sends Christian over the top rope instead. Christian lands on the ring apron, sends a fist at Angle and goes for the climb but he doesn’t make it all the way up before Angle is back and once again has the ankle lock in place. Christian is stuck on the top turnbuckle with nowhere to go. The ref is trying to get Angle to break the hold, but Christian catches Angle with his other boot and sends him down to the mat. Christian is still trying to get to the top turnbuckle but Angle is back to his feet and suplexes Christian off the top. Angle goes for the cover but only gets a two count before Christian gets the shoulder up. Angle goes for the ankle lock and Christian is reaching for the ropes but he’s too far away. Christian takes Angle down to mat by grabbing his ankle. Christian has Angle in a Boston crab but Angle manages to grab Christian’s ankle and once again he has the ankle lock in place. Christian makes it to the bottom rope and the ref tells Angle to break the hold. Christian is back up on his foot because Angle has not let go. As Angle releases the hold, he comes after Christian but Christian ducks behind him and tries for the unprettier but Angle manages to pick Christian up. Christian rolls over Angle’s back and slams Angle down to the mat. Christian goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Christian goes out on the ring apron with Angle down on the mat. Christian gets distracted by the mouth on the floor and again Angle is back to his feet to go for a suplex off the top rope. Christian bites Angle on the forehead and then shoves him down to the mat. Christian comes off the top turnbuckle with a frog splash and goes for the cover. He gets a two count before Angle gets a shoulder off the mat. As if the mouth on the floor wasn’t enough, now the mouth is on the ring apron to distract the ref who should have thrown her out of the arena the minute she showed up. Christian is back to his feet but he’s tired and as Angle gets to his feet, Christian comes after him with a fist. Angle ducks and Christian nearly hits the ref and as the ref’s back is turned, Angle nails Christian with a low blow – yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s how I want to remember an Olympic Gold Medalist!  I wonder if he cheated during the Olympics too? Angle delivers an Olympic slam but Christian manages to kick out at the count of two and we have the mouth on the ring apron again. Angle now has the ankle lock on Christian but Christian rolls over, sending Angle in the direction of the mouth. He almost hits her – almost, darn it! – and Christian catches Angle with the unprettier. The ref manages to get away from the mouth long enough to count to two before Angle kicks out. The mouth is still running on the ring apron and the ref and Christian are both trying to get rid of her but she has the ref by the shirt. Angle is back to his feet and tries to grab Christian, but Christian takes him down to the mat and delivers his own ankle lock. Angle is tapping but because the ref isn’t paying attention, he doesn’t see it. AJ Styles is suddenly at ringside and he takes the mouth off of the ring apron and puts her down near the entrance ramp with THREE REFEREES STANDING THERE! Not one, not two but  THREE  and none of THEM saw Angle tap? Give me a break and send the refs to the eye doctor. AJ gets back on the ring apron and hugs Christian but as Christian turns his back on AJ, AJ comes off the top rope and delivers a blow to the back of Christian’s head, sending him down to the mat. Angle delivers an Olympic slam, the ref magically appears back in the ring and Angle gets the three count.


Kurt Angle

with help from the Mrs.

AJ Styles


Earl Hebner who couldn’t stay focused on the match

Angle retains the TNA World HeavyweightTitle

I may have predicted Angle would keep his title, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Angle did a good job in the ring, but Christian did a great job in the ring. I have no idea why Christian isn’t holding that title belt right now but it isn’t worth watching the “review” of the TNA World Heavyweight Title Match. 


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