January 1, 2008

Recap by Sassy

The show opens with clips of the match between MVP and CM Punk ECW Champion, MVP getting disqualified by the referee and Chavo Guerrero coming in to beat down an already beaten Punk.

ECW is being broadcast from Richmond, VA on the Sci-Fi Channel.

Ringside announcers: Joey Styles and Tazz

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

General Manager Armando Estrada is in the ring to introduce Chavo Guerrero who then the ring to the boos of the fans in attendance. Is Chavo going to be a regular on ECW? Chavo takes the mic from Estrada and tells everyone it is great to be back in ECW. Chavo says that last year Rey Mysterio injured him and that Chavo is interested in CM Punk’s title.

CM Punk enters the arena to the cheers of the fans in attendance. He enters the ring with his eye on Chavo. Chavo tells Punk he is a stepping-stone for Chavo and in 2008 Chavo is going to be a champion again and he is looking at Punk’s title. Punk tells Chavo he is nobody’s stepping-stone and if Chavo wants to challenge him for the title, he is right in front of Chavo. Estrada tells Chavo that he has to earn his title shot tonight in his match against CM Punk.

Up next it is Shannon Moore, Jimmy Wang Yang and Kelly Kelly versus John Morrison, The Miz and Layla.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, parts of the match two weeks ago between Moore, Yang, Morrison and Miz.

Mixed Tag Team Match

John Morrison from Los Angeles, CA, weighing 219 lbs.


The Miz from Cleveland, OH

WWE Tag Team Champions




Jimmy Wang Yang


Shannon Moore

at a combined weight of 410 lbs.


Kelly Kelly

Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang

Winners: Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore & Kelly Kelly

I understand Layla has relocated from Miami, FL to Los Angeles, CA in order to attend wrestling school. Shouldn’t that be a prerequisite before getting in the ring? Jimmy Want Yang pins The Miz to win the match.

The Main event tonight will be CM Punk, ECW Champion, against Chavo Guerrero, non-title match. If Chavo wins, he gets a chance at the championship.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Tazz is in the ring with Colin Delany who had his first match against Shelton Benjamin two weeks ago – in his first EVER match according to Tazz – and Colin lost to Benjamin. Colin said that match didn’t go as he had planned and Tazz wants to know what Colin thinks his chances are tonight.  Colin thinks he will do better tonight than two weeks ago. Colin says that in 2008 he wants to be a WWE superstar. Colin’s match tonight is against Big Daddy V.

Colin Delaney


Big Daddy V

accompanied to the ring by Matt Striker

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Colin Delaney

Winner: Big Daddy V

This was not a match. It isn't like we don't already know Colin doesn't have a chance to take out V. I don’t even watch V’s matches especially when WWE insists on pitting someone so much smaller against him.

Shelton Benjamin is backstage heading toward the arena.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Shelton Benjamin from SC, weighing 238 lbs.


James Curtis from IL, weighing 240 lbs.

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Shelton Benjamin

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, the Raw Rebound, which is the match Ric Flair had against Triple H. Flair won the match after William Regal interferes and nails Flair with brass knuckles. Flair still has his career but Triple H will not be able to participate in the Royal Rumble match.

Next week it will be a 15 Minutes of Fame Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship: Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang versus John Morrison and The Miz, current WWE Tag Team Champions.

Chavo Guerrero from El Paso, TX, weighing 215 lbs.


CM Punk from Chicago, IL, weighing 222 lbs.

ECW Champion

Audience favorite: CM Punk

My favorite: I like them both

Winner: CM Punk

This blows Chavo’s chance at the ECW Championship belt.



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