January 3, 2008

Recap by Sassy

Previously on iMPACT: Last week encouters: Dustin Rhodes and Kaz’s, Samoa Joe’s and Jim Cornette, Angle’s Mrs.’s and Sharmell, Abyss and Mike Tenay, and AJ Styles’ and Angle and Christian.

"Rankings By Gauntlet”

Nope, wrestling fans, not my idea…It really is in big red letters on the screen.

Jeremy Borash is at AJ Style’s Grandmother’s townhouse and is looking for AJ who seems to have locked himself in a room and has not come out for two days. Coach Butterman, AJ’ sister and a priest greet JB. JB knocks on the door of AJ’s room but AJ refuses to open the door. JB wants to know what AJ’s decision is regarding Angle and Christian. AJ’s son knocks on the door but AJ still refuses to open the door. Coach Butterman does a “shout out” to the fans and


Ringside announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West

Backstage interviews: Crystal Loutham and Jeremy Borash

Ring announcer: David Penzer

Ringside valet: SoCal Val

Unfortunately, it appears that AJ’s decision will be taking up most of the iMPACT two-hour time slot. Because of the way the show opened, I don’t look for a lot of matches to be shown.

Mike Tenay welcomes everyone, wishes them happy New Year, reminds everyone that Final Resolution is this Sunday, and tells everyone that tonight there will be an unprecedented four gauntlet matches in one broadcast to determine the rankings in all four divisions - Women’s Division, X-Division, Tag Division and Heavyweight Division.

I read that James Mitchell had posted via his MySpace page, remarks regarding Internet critics and the things that they say about wrestling programs. While being a big James Mitchell fan (and I don’t recall ever saying anything negative about Mitchell), I do have a problem with all the gauntlet matches TNA keeps tossing at the fans. Gauntlets do not give an individual wrestler or tag team a chance to shine and it seems that if this entire show is going to be gauntlet matches both the wrestlers and the fans are the losers.

For Father Mitchell: You won’t see me come down on individual wrestlers unless they are so bad they shouldn’t be involved in wrestling at all, but you will see me come down on bad programming.  The reason fans sit down in front of their television sets weekly is to see top quality entertainment. The reason fans part with their money to purchase pay per views is to see top quality entertainment.  TNA has been lacking in the quality entertainment department recently and if calling them on it causes them to step back, look at what they are doing and perhaps improve their product, I’d wouldn’t be doing wrestling fans any favors by letting my keyboard stand idly by.

Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan are in the ring and Cornette has the mic. Cornette reminds us about the four gauntlet matches tonight and the rankings of the four divisions. Cornette reminds us that Final Resolution will be this Sunday and that a new match has been added to the card. Robert Roode has asked for and been granted a mixed tag team match: Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks versus Booker T and Sharmell.

Samoa Joe enters the ring to talk to Cornette about the Final Resolution pay per view and the fact that Joe is not involved in the pay per view this Sunday. I believe the fans want to know the answer to that question. Joe wants to know why he hasn’t received his title shot.  Another question the fans would like to have answered.

While Joe is standing with his finger in Cornette’s face, Kevin Nash enters the ring. The only one who doesn’t have a mic here is poor Matt. Nash talks to Joe about the Turning Point match and the way that Joe talked down about Scott Hall and Nash. Nash tells Joe that Scott Hall has more problems in an hour than Joe will have in a lifetime and Joe has no right to run his mouth about Scott Hall. Nash says that Joe has not reached the place The Outsiders have in this business.

It looks like Joe and Nash may have words—or something else – but Cornette says that he will give them both what they want. Nash does not have  partner for Final Resolution because Hall was a no show at Turning Point. Cornette says the only fair thing to do is partner Joe and Nash together in a tag team Championship match AJ Styles and Tomko at Final Resolution and they can take it or leave it. Cornette gives them some time to think about it as he exits the ring with Nash.

Crystal is backstage with Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks. Ms. Brooks says she has nothing against Booker T and Sharmell but Roode tells Ms. Brooks that she is his partner at Final Resolution. It was hard to guess what else he said since most of his lines were bleeped out.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Crystal is backstage with Brother Ray and Brother Devon of Team 3D, along with Johnny Devine. Ray gives Crystal a hard time and she refuses to do the interview, giving Ray the mic and telling Ray to interview himself. Ray is complaining about being in the gauntlet. He is blaming Cornette or Matt or even the fans for setting up the gauntlet mess for tag teams. Devine calls Devon "King Kong" and Devon is not happy with Devine. Devon takes the mic to threaten Sabin, Shelley, and Lethal.

Kip and BG James enter the area. Kip has a mic and Team 3D leaves after making fun of Kip’s wrestling attire. BG and Kip are still arguing about BG’s tag team partner when BG uses the tag team championship shot he won in the briefcase match. Kip gets mad and throws the mic at BG before he storms out. Roxxi Laveaux has been standing in the background. She is still in camera range as BG leaves the area.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match

Two wrestlers begin the match and a new wrestler enters every sixty seconds.

Referees Earl Hebner, Shane Sewell outside on the floor

Lance Hoyt

Rock ‘n Rave Infection


Kip James

Voodoo Kin Mafia


Brother Devon

Team 3D


Alex Shelley

Motor City Machineguns



Latin American Exchange

ELIMINATED: Kim James by Homicide


Jimmy Rave

Rock n’ Rave Infection


BG James

Voodoo Kin Mafia

ELIMINATED: Devon by BG James


Brother Ray

Team 3D


Chris Sabin

Motor City Machineguns

ELIMINATED: BG James by Chris Sabin



Voodoo Kin Mafia

ELIMINATED: Alex Shelley by Brother Ray

ELIMINATED: Brother Ray eliminated by Chris Sabin



Back from commercial break, we not only have finished the previous gauntlet match, Tenay tells us that we have already moved into the tag team match as a result of the gauntlet match.

Winners of gauntlet match: The Motor City Machineguns and Rock ‘n Rave Infection

(that would be my guess since they are the two teams in the ring at the present time)

Tag Team Match (already in progress – great job TNA!)

Chris Sabin


Alex Shelley

Motor City Machineguns


Lance Hoyt


Jimmy Rave

Rock ‘n Rave Infection

Referee: Slick Johnson

We see part of what happened during the commercial break – Lance Hoyt eliminated Hernandez and Rave eliminated Homicide.

Winners of the tag team match

Chris Sabin &  Alex Shelley

 Motor City Machineguns

After the match, Johnny Devine enters the ring with a chair as Brothers Ray and Devon come down the ramp with kendo sticks and the X Division belt. As Ray and Devon start on Sabin and Shelley, Devine brings a table into the ring. The table gets set up in the ring  Ray slams the kendo sticks on Sabin and Shelley’s hands and arms but Jay Lethal, Petey Williams and Shark Boy enter the ring to make the save. Ray takes the mic on his way out of the arena to tell Sabin and Shelley with broken wrists they won’t be able to climb during their match at Final Resolution – which is an X Division match.

Crystal is backstage with Angle and his Mrs. Crystal wants to know Angle’s thoughts about how AJ and Tomko might decide whom to go with at Final Resolution. Angle says that he knows AJ won’t be there tonight but Angle is going to call out Tomko to get his decision tonight.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Final Resolution this Sunday.

JB is still at AJ’s grandmother’s townhouse and JB is trying to get AJ to make a decision. Mrs. McGuillicuty, AJ’s teacher, is there to give JB an insight into AJ’s childhood. AJ calls his teacher a lie and says he wasn’t fat and didn’t have zits. The teacher tells AJ it is time to make a decision and swears at AJ. JB apologizes to the priest for the outburst.

Tenay and West give us a rundown of the matches for Final Resolution this Sunday (no, TNA readers, I am not using the words Final Resolution unless that’s what I hear or see on the screen…)

TNA Women’s Championship Match, No DQ

Awesome Kong versus Gail Kim, TNA Women’s Champion

Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks versus Booker T and Sharmell

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match

Kevin Nash and Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe versus The Phenomenal AJ Styles and Tomko, TNA World Tag Team Champions

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Instant Classic Christian Cage versus Kurt Angle, TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Women’s Knockout Gauntlet Match

Referees: Shane Sewell and Rudy Charles outside on the floor

Angelina Love from Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Ms. Brooks from Wall Street in Manhattan, NY


The Pride of Tennessee Miss Jackie Moore


Velvet Sky


Christy Hemme





Roxxi Laveaux


Awesome Kong

ELIMINATED: Christy Hemme and Velvet Sky by Awesome Kong

ELIMINATED: Angelina Love by Awesome Kong



Back from commercial break, Tenay tells us that during the commercial break it has been a three on one beat down: ODB, Jackie and Roxxi taking on Awesome Kong.

ELIMINATED: Awesome Kong by ODB, Jackie and Roxxi

ELIMINATED: Miss Jackie Moore by Roxxi Laveaux

Winners of the gauntlet match

ODB and Roxxi Laveaux

ODB got the biggest pop entering the ring. She may have been slated to be a heel in TNA but she’s not getting that from the fans.

One on One Women’s Match



Roxxi Laveaux

Referee: Shane Sewell

Winner of the one on one match: ODB

And the ODB chants couldn’t get much louder…ODB unfortunately has an empty flask when the match is over.

Crystal is backstage with Tomko and she wants to know which side Tomko is going to choose. Tomko says that he isn’t doing anything he doesn’t want to do. Tomko says he will call Angle out to the ring and he will demand Angle’s respect. Tomko says he is sick and tired of Angle, Christian, and AJ.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Tomko is in the ring with a mic. Tomko tells Angle if he wants an answer he needs to come to the ring and get it. Angle comes to the ring with his Mrs. Angle says he demanded that Tomko come out and give him an answer and Angle isn’t going to wait around for anyone. Tomko says he thought he had his mind made up two weeks ago but now that Angle has mentioned the army and that means something to Tomko. Tomko says he wouldn’t take a bullet for Angle or Christian. (He gets interrupted because Angle has to stop and swear at the crowd). Tomko says he would only take a bullet for himself. Tomko says he is not with the Angle Alliance and he is not with the Christian Coalition. He is with Tomko and Tomko only. Angle tells Tomko that he doesn’t agree with his decision but he can respect it and they shake hands but Angle decides to go after Tomko. Tomko catches Angle by the throat and tells him this time he will give him a pass. Tomko says if he ever tries it again, he will break Angle’s neck. I think this is the most Tomko has ever been able to open his mouth and talk.

JB is still at AJ’s grandmothers house and is standing outside AJ’s door. Mr. Butterbean (that's what JB called him), AJ’s Gainesville Vo Tech Wrestling Coach is still there, oops Coach Butterman. He relates a story about AJ wrestling a girl in a match and how AJ wet his trunks. AJ opened up the door and he tells the Coach that it was a Mountain Dew stain before he slams the door shut in the Coach’s face.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Final Resolution pay per view this Sunday.

JB is still with AJ, sort of, AJ’s kids, dogs, and priest. Mary Jane, AJ’s sister, is threatening AJ with telling a story about AJ and her catching him in the bathroom. AJ opens the door and yells at her and asks her to get him a sandwich and she says she will do that as soon as AJ tells her which team is he on. AJ slams the door. AJ again opens the door and tells JB that he thinks Tomko has changed his number. AJ wants to know if JB has Tomko’s new number.

Crystal is backstage with Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt. Lethal calls her John Stossel and Lethal is upset that Sonjay kissed SoCal Val at the Christmas party. Sonjay says that he only gave her a peck on the cheek but Lethal says it was on the lips. Sonjay offers to give Lethal a kiss but Lethal says “I don’t swing like that Adonis”.

Christian Cage appears and tells Crystal he is there to tell Tomko that he is proud of him and Christian understands that Tomko wants to be his own man. Christian wants to know what AJ is going to do and when he is going to decide whom he will side with.

X Division Gauntlet Match

Referees: Shane Sewell and Rudy Charles on the floor

The Guru Sonjay from Bomay, India


Petey Williams




The bell rings and Sonjay and Petey lock up in the middle of the ring. (sorry everyone, TNA really waited till AFTER the commercial break to start the match...they just held it up to get the commercial break over with -- they couldn't do that before they started the introductions?)


Shark Boy


Prime Time Elix Skipper

ELIMINATED: Elix Skipper by Elix Skipper (don’t ask)


Johnny Devine

ELIMINATED: Shark Boy by Johnny Devine



ELIMINATED: Johnny Devine by Senshi, Sonjay and Petey

ELIMINATED: Sonjay Dutt by Senshi

Winners of the gauntlet match

Senshi and Petey Williams

One on one match



Petey Williams

Referee: Rudy Charles

Winner: Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams

As much as I hated the gauntlet to get to this point, this wasn’t a bad match when we got down to the two wrestlers. Both of them are quick and play well against each other. Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer and gets the cover and the three count. Petey is very well defined as he has pointed out to us in recent weeks, however, I thought Sonjay Dutt was looking a little more defined than he had in the past.

Crystal is backstage with Cowboy James Storm and Miss Jackie Moore. Storm claims he is the number one beer drinker in the United State and Miss Jackie says that she is number two but Crystal reminds them that Eric Young is the champ. Storm says they will have a two out of three DCS – Drinking Championship Series – between Storm and Eric at Final Resolution.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Final Resolution this Sunday on pay per view.

JB is still in GA with AJ’s children and dogs and sister and JB says that AJ has not made a decision and he introduces the priest and JB says that AJ was formerly an altar boy and the priest says that he was an altar boy and that he was a wonderful young man. JB wants to know what advice the priest has given AJ and the priest says that he personally had chosen Christian. AJ opens the door and tells his Uncle Jimmy and his sister that they are Baptist. The priest points at AJ and says that he isn’t AJ Snipes.

Tenay and West give us a rundown of the matches for Final Resolution on pay per view this Sunday.

Women’s Championship Match, No Disqualification

Awesome Kong versus Gail Kim, TNA Women’s Champion

Mixed Tag Team Match

Robert Roode and Miss Brooks versus Booker T and Sharmell

TNA World Tag Team Match

Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash versus Tomko and AJ Styles, TNA World Tag Team Champions

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Christian Cage versus Kurt Angle, TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Crystal is backstage with Booker T and Sharmell. She wants to know about their match at Final Resolution. Booker T says that he didn’t come to TNA to put Sharmell in the wrestling ring. Booker says that he is going to Cornette’s office and find out what he is thinking to make a match like that. Sharmell interrupts to tell Booker that she wants to fight. Booker says that now Sharmell is mad.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Main Event

Heavyweight Division  Gauntlet Match

Matt Morgan is at ringside to watch the match.

Referees: Rudy Charles, Earl Hebner and Shane Sewell on the floor

Booker T from Houston, TX


Cowboy James Storm, TN


Robert Roode


Showtime Eric Young






Back from commercial break, added to the match during the commercial break:




Black Reign


Wildcat Chris Harris



Back from commercial break.


Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner.

ELIMINATED: Cowboy James Storm by Chris Harris and Kaz

ELIMINATED: Robert Roode by Scott Steiner


Judas Mesias

ELIMINATED: Wildcat Chris Harris by Scott Steiner

ELIMINATED: Kaz by Judas Mesias


Kevin Nash


The Monster Abyss

ELIMINATED: Scott Steiner by Judas Mesias

ELIMINATED: Showtime Eric Young by Judas Mesias

Lights out in the iMPACT Zone and when the lights come on, Abyss is behind Judas Mesias.

ELIMINATED: Judas Mesias and Abyss by Abyss


Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe


The Instant Classic Christian Cage

ELIMINATED: Booker T by Black Reign

Christian Cage has been announced and Angle appears going up the entrance ramp to wait for Christian to enter the arena. Christian does not appear, however, leaving Angle to wait for him to show up. Angle turns around to ask Matt Morgan where Christian as Christian comes through the tunnel to attack Angle from behind.

ELIMINATED: Rellik by Kevin Nash

ELIMINATED: Black Reign by Kevin Nash

Angle and Christian are fighting on the floor and security hits the arena to break up the two men on the floor. Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe are in the ring and Earl Hebner enters to referee the match between the two winners of the gauntlet. Nash shakes Joe’s hand and then Nash steps over the top rope and exits the ring but Christian comes in behind Joe and goes for a roll up to get the three count.

Winner: The Instant Classic Christian Cage

– who bails out of the ring and goes out through the audience to get away from Joe and possibly Nash.

Back to JB who is still with AJ, sort of, and AJ opens the door when JB says they need an answer tonight. AJ says he is going with Christian and then AJ changes his mind and says he is going with Angle and then says he is going with Cangle and then he can’t decide which side he will be on.

AJ says he will give everyone his answer at Final Resolution.

Promo for TNA’s pay per view, Final Resolution, this Sunday, January 6, 2008.

Matches also scheduled for Final Resolution that were not mentioned by Tenay earlier  are:

Judas Mesias versus Abyss

Ultimate X Match: Team 3D and Johnny Devine versus the Motor City Machineguns and Black Machismo Jay Lethal

Kaz versus Black Reign

Rock ‘n Rave Infection (Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave) versus LAX (Homicide and Hernandez)

I don't understand the gauntlet thing anymore now than I did when it began. I do understand that TNA has talent they are not using in the ring and I don't understand why. Homicide and Hernandez (as a team or as individuals) are very talented. Jimmy Rave and Sonjay Dutt are very talented. Why toss these three in matches where they aren't allowed to use that talent?  How do I know these men are talented? I have seen them work outside of the TNA ring.







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