December 6, 2007

Recap by Sassy

Comments by Sassy noted in italics.

ECW is airing on Thursday night this week instead of Tuesday night. Since I missed last week’s ECW, I’m glad I was paying attention and caught the change.

NOTE: At the present time, members of the WWE rosters are in Iraq to entertain the troops. I am not certain when that particular show will be airing.

Monday Night Raw will be a three hour special next week with many previous WWE superstars lined up to appear on the broadcast. See for more information.

ECW is being broadcast from Florence, SC on the Sci-Fi channel.

Ringside announcers: Joey Styles and Tazz

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

Tag Team Match

John Morrison, weighing 219 lbs., from Los Angeles, CA


The Miz, weighing 231 lbs., from Cleveland, OH

WWE Tag Team Champions


Brett & Brian Majors, the Major Brothers, at a combined weight of 435 lbs.

Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: John Morrison and the Major Brothers

Winners: John Morrison and The Miz

This has not been announced as a title match. The Majors Brothers did a great job in this match. They should be a tag team to watch in 2008. Morrison did a great job working this match but he is one of those guys that make his partner – and yes I am referring to Miz – look good.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a promo for Kofi Kingston who Styles tells us is the first superstar from Jamaica who is on his way to WWE. Not a very impressive promo.

Styles tells us that CM Punk has a choice to make tonight. He must face either The World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry or Big Daddy V who is usually accompanied by Matt Striker. Styles tells us that fans who went to decided by a two to one margin, CM Punk should choose Mark Henry as his opponent. CM Punk is backstage and on camera. Punk says he didn’t come tonight to make any choices; he came for action like he always does. Punk says that no matter who he chooses, it’s a no win situation. Punk says that that either the General Manager Armando Estrada or the little worm Striker can choose.

Mixed Tag Team Match

Kelly Kelly from Jacksonville, FL


Balls Mahoney, weighing 310 lbs., from Nutley, NJ

Commercial break before their opponents are introduced.


Kenny Dykstra



Audience favorites: Kelly Kelly and Balls Mahoney

My favorite: Victoria and Balls Mahoney

Winners: Balls Mahoney and Kelly Kelly

Kelly Kelly is not confident in the ring and he wrestling moves show that but you have to give the girl credit for trying. I don’t know why they would put her up against someone like Victoria.  Victoria is very good in the ring. Dykstra and Mahoney are almost total opposites as wrestlers but Mahoney will take chances and I understand he is a hardcore kind of wrestler. Dykstra is efficient and fast but outweighed in this match and Mahoney does throw some wicked punches.

I understand from reading several reports, the on screen romance between Mahoney and Kelly has been terminated at the order of Vince McMahon himself.

Shelton Benjamin, weighing 248 lbs., from Orangesburg, SC


Jimmy Wang Yang, weighing 206 lbs., from GA

Audience favorite: Jimmy Wang Yang

My favorite: I like them both

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Benjamin takes the mic as soon as he enters the ring. He is now a permanent member of the ECW roster and, of course, he is there for the ECW Championship belt. I would prefer any day of the week to see CM Punk against talent in his own size and weight group versus this constant Big Daddy V and Mark Henry push. A match between Benjamin and Punk would be a good match for ECW. Yang has quite a bit of talent, too, but since he is still on the Smackdown roster I’m not sure about a match between Yang and Punk. Both men did a great job in this match, but WWE in all of it’s brands tends to run short matches. Benjamin did have 40 lbs. On Yang.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Kevin Thorn, weighing 270 lbs.


Jeff Lewis, 205 lbs., from SC

Audience favorite: Jeff Lewis

My favorite: Kevin Thorn

Winner: Kevin Thorn

This is a match with Thorn taking on a local wrestler Thorn was away from ECW for a short time and now that he is back, it appears he is getting the lowest matches that are made. I’m not saying that it isn’t nice for a local wrestler to be in the WWE ring, but Thorn was a little better wrester than to be scheduled in these matches. Another short match.  I still prefer Thorn in his original gimmick. It was unique and different. This new haircut and change in outfits is run of the mill.

We see Big Daddy V, Mark Henry and Matt Striker (you can hardly see Striker behind the other two) on their way to the ring and we go to

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

V and Striker enter the arena and the ring first. Henry enters the arena and the ring second. Henry stops to argue with a few of the fans on his way to the ring. I don’t know who CM Punk has irritated in the WWE booking room but this doesn’t look good for him. Striker tells everyone Punk would not decide because either way he will lose so Striker is going to toss a coin and decide who will face Punk. Heads, it will be V, tails will be Henry. The coin comes up tails so Punk will face Henry. CM Punk enters the arena to the very loud cheers of the fans.

CM Punk, weighing 222 lbs., from Chicago, IL

ECW Champion


The World Strongest Man Mark Henry

Audience favorite: CM Punk

My favorite: CM Punk

Winner: CM Punk

ECW Champion

Punk is bouncing around the ring but I don’t think that’s going to last long. Punk may be able to outrun Henry in the ring if he can’t keep from getting trapped. That didn’t work, Punk tried for a waist lock but he wasn’t big enough to do it. Punk goes for Henry’s legs and then jumps on his back to apply a sleeper hold. Henry makes it to the ropes, steps over the top ropes to the floor but Punk doesn’t let go until Henry backs him into the corner post outside the ring. Punk is definitely in trouble now. He’s down on the mat with Henry standing over the top of him.

And my Tivo cut the match off. That means I’ll have to search the Internet to find out who the winner of this match was.  I read the recap on It appears V interfered in the match, giving Punk a win by disqualification. Henry, V and Striker were putting a beat down on Punk when Kane appeared to clear the ring and save Punk. Works for me.  Sorry I missed the end of Punk's match and Kane's appearance in the ring.




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