August 13, 2007

by Sassy



YouTube versus TNA Wrestling reports YouTube has suspended  TNA’s account.  According to various reports, this is not the fault of TNA and has something to do with the Spike TV being owned by Viacom and Viacom is suing YouTube. We understand TNA’s YouTube account is up and running again.

Quiet Goodbye to Chris Benoit

Websites have picked up the news that Chris Benoit’s body has been cremated.  I understand that what Chris did is devastating but send my sympathy to Chris’s family.  No matter what happened, they suffered the loss of a father, a child and a grandchild.  Their pain is as great.

Et tu, Scott? is reporting that Scott D’Amore has been actively seeking a position with WWE and that he is attempting to secure TNA talent for WWE as well.  The site reports Scott does not have an active role in TNA at the present time.  This was taken from Scott’s bio on

Despite stepping away from the spotlight, rumor has it D'Amore is already planning his return to TNA television to manage another star to the top. The manager also runs the Can Am Wrestling School in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

So, Scott, are you on the way out or not?  Inquiring fans want to know.  I can’t believe TNA does not have a spot open for the ever obnoxious Scott D’Amore.  You can read what I read here:

Christy Hemme, Lance Hoyt and Budget Cuts?

Several sites report that Christy and Lance were told not to be at Hard Justice on Sunday.  The article implies that both TNA roster members may be on their way out due to budget cuts. 

Christian Cage The Thespian provides a link to the trailer from Christian’s new comedy movie “Dark Rising”.  As if Christian’s ego wasn’t massive enough, he is now working toward movie credentials. Will Christian worry as much about that championship belt if Oscar is sitting on his mantle? 


This is Test?        

Has anyone I TNA management sat down with Andrew Martin and explained drug testing?  According to Martin has posted on MySpace his defense of the use of steroids in wrestling.  Here is the link to Martin’s MySpace site: for the whole story in Martin’s own words.

He’s Baaaack!

If you missed Hard Justice, you missed seeing Ron “The Truth” Killings giving Pacman a verbal beat down.  Ron is looking good.  I was glad to see him even if it wasn’t in wrestling mode. TNA should be making efforts to put him in action in the near future.


Another Wrestler Obit:

Brian “Crush” Adams was found dead in his Tampa, FL home today.  According to several reports, he died in his sleep.  He retired from wrestling in 2003 after a spinal injury.  Some reports give his age as 43, others as 44.  No word yet on cause of death.

Last Week’s Bytes Follow Up:

Pacman’s Here -- I Think, Yes, No, Maybe?               

And I am still shaking My Head in Disbelief. reported earlier last week that a deal has been signed with Adam “Pacman” Jones.  According to Dixie Carter, Pacman will take something negative (like arrests, suspension from NFL) and turn it into something positive (money in the bank). He is taking this opportunity to show a different side of himself.  Being on your best behavior during a job interview does not necessarily change the spots on the leopard.  Jeff Jarrett is speaking up in favor of Pacman insisting that one of the building blocks in wrestling is controversy.  My suggestion would be to get the other roster members bulletproof vests -- just in case Dixie and Jeff are having a lapse in good judgment. Talk about controversy!   I will say that if the rest of the card for Hard Justice didn’t look so enticing,, I wouldn’t be tuning in to see Pacman. is reporting that perhaps the angle will be to embarrass Pacman.  Stay tuned?

The Pacman saga has become either a sideshow or a soap opera.

Pacman gets hired for TNA’s Hard Justice Pay-per-view, and

The Titans get a restraining order to prevent Pacman from being at Hard Justice, and

Jeff Jarrett and TNA disagree with said restraining order and go to bat (sorry, wrong sport) to remove said restraining order, and

Shortly before it’s time for Hard Justice, His Honor the Judge gives Pacman permission to be at Hard Justice.  He is allowed to BE there, but he is not allowed to be in any matches, do anything physical or be touched by anyone. 

And TNA did this because????

Your guess my dear readers would be as good as any guess the writer would make at this time.  I would like to think this was a deliberate play by Pacman or, more likely, his agent once the rumors started circulating that he could get his football playing backside kicked.   We all know Pacman wouldn’t want do anything illegal…


TNA House Shows

I am still crying in my beer that I missed the TNA house show at Memorial Hall in Kansas City last weekend.  I have not seen any recaps posted although I have been actively searching for one.  If anyone knows where a recap of that show may be found, please email the Webmaster.

Ins and Outs

I have seen no further news on The Naturals and WWE.  Neither have I found any more news about Sabu finding his way back to TNA. Matt Morgan has his foot in the door as we saw on last week’s iMPACT although we aren’t given a clue as to what his duties may be. I heard that Rikishi and Brian Christopher were unable to come to an agreement with TNA but hints that Rikishi and Brian Christopher will be on board after Hard Justice.  A-Train/Bernard may still be negotiations.  No news on Ricky Banderas and James Mitchell. No news on Ariel and Nidia.  Checked the Roster at looking for updates.  The Damaja is still listed as an active member as is Ron Killings.  Rumor had it last week that TNA was talking to Killings.  If Team 3D is on the way out the door, they are going to be at Hard Justice before they depart.




Konnan’s body has rejected the donated kidney.  The last I heard he was on his way to California for further treatment.  Konnan can be found on MySpace when he is able to use a computer.  We couldn’t find any other official website for him.  We pulled this from

As we previously reported, Konnan had his kidney transplant last month. Since the surgery, his body has been rejecting the kidney. He spent 7 days in a Tijuana hospital while they tried to give him anti-rejection drugs. He was released to go home for a day before heading out to San Diego where he will receive further treatment. Konnan released the following statement via his myspace page:

"Just so everyone knows i came home for one day decided to answer mail. My body is rejecting the kidney, i was in tiuana for 7 days and nothing really changed so i will be coming to san diego and see if they can fix me, thanx for the support and thank u chad. konnan s j"

No one understands how important donated organs can be until you or a loved one is in need.  Konnan was lucky enough to find a living donor match.  Not many people are willing to donate organs while they are still in use. Anyone who has not done so should check into the organ registry to ensure your organs can be harvested and donated in the event of your death and be certain your family understands your wishes. 



TNA News Bytes / August 6
TNA Wrestling . Com
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com