Wrestling Wednesday / March 28

The meeting between WCW employees and AOL executives lasted about 40 minutes this morning in the Power Plant. AOL declared their version of WCW to be dead. Almost all of the current WCW employees were terminated and asked to turn in phones, pagers, etc and to clear desks by the end of the day. Computers were turned off. Around 20 employees were retained for a transition period. These include legal beagle Diana Myers, Marketing's Aaron Blitzstein, Rob Garner in advertising/syndication and Steve Barrett in production. WWF Human Resources personnel were on hand to offer contracts for employment in the New WCW. These will be reviewed, then accepted or denied. Those laid off will receive 9 weeks of severence pay, plus 4 weeks of pay for every year accrued.

Today's Babe : Elizabeth
Wrestling Tuesday / March 27
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com