Rob's Wrestling Daily / Wed Feb 7

7:00 PM ET UPDATE.... is teasing a rematch between Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair..... New pix are up on the Nitro Girls website.... Wrestling-Online has pictures of The Rock's Mummy Returns poster.... WWF : The Music Vol 5 will be released @ midnight on Feb 20..... The racial discrimination suit against WCW is in the hands of a judge and may be dismissed..... Jim Ross has been elevated to the position of lead announcer for the XFL..... This Sun night on WWF Heat: 'Taker / Kane d Kaientai. Haku d 2 Hotty. Albert d Crash. Angle d Rios...... Tomorrow night on WWF Smackdown: Benoit/ Saturn d Hardyz. Phatu d Snow. Edge/ Christian d The Dudleys by DQ. Raven d H Holly. RTC d APA. HHH d C Jericho. ME: The Rock d The Big Show............ 12:00 AM ET UPDATE...... She's Gorgeous, George..... Tonight on WCW Thunder: Kaz Hayashi d Shane Helms. Sean O'Haire d Norman Smiley. The Cat d Elix Skipper. Brian Adams d Lex Luger. Rey, Jr d The Wall. Kwee Wee beats up a planted "fan." Konan d Mike Sanders. ME: Kevin Nash/ D D Page d R Steiner/ J Jarrett.

Tuesday February 6
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
