Rob's Wrestling Daily / Wed Dec 20

12:00 PM ET UPDATE....... The Complete WCW Syn Rundown, Courtesy of The Wrestling Observer.... Tomorrow night on WWF Smackdown: Dudleys d Lowdown. Ivory d Jackie. The Hardys/ C Jericho d The Radicals. Wm Regal NC B Holly. The Hollys d Kaientai. Blackman d Raven. B Gunn d S Richards. ME: Edge / Christian d Rock / 'Taker To WIN THE WWF TAG TEAM TITLES..... This Sun night on WWF Heat: Scotty "Santa" 2 Hotty d Tazz. Mean Street Possee win a squash. Dennis Knight d The Bossman. Joey Abbs d "Shake." Malenko/ Terri d M Hardy/ Lita. Val Venis d K Kwik. Farooq d Albert...... 12:00 AM ET UPDATE...... Here's Kim, From Pro Wrestling.... DAWN MARIE, in the Holiday mood, with new pix on diary entry is up on Foley is taking some time off to write and to see the birth of child # 3, due at any time. Foley will return in Jan or Feb, and is rumored to face Vince Mc Mahon @ Wrestlemania X-7.....DD Page, bloodied but unbowed, scheduled for Yahoo !! chat tonight @ 6 pm ET....This weekend on WWF Jakked/ Metal: Raven, Essa Rios and Scotty 2 Hotty win squashes and Lowdown d Road Dogg/ K Kwik.

Tuesday December 19
Wrestling Bodyslam
