Wrestling Tuesday / May 21

WWE Raw, live from Memphis, broadcast last night on TNN : Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at ringside... Lilian Garcia, in her black mini, in the ring... The show opens with a video tribute to Davey Boy Smith, The British Bulldog... WWE champion The Undertaker attacks Rob van Dam... 'Taker addresses the house... van Dam gets revenge by executing the frog splash on 'Taker... The Hardy Boyz d The Big Show/ X-Pac... WWE champion Trish Stratus d Jackie...Rumor from Jim Ross: Hogan will announce his retirement this week on Smackdown... Tommy Dreamer goes to the barber shop and eats his own hair... WWE European champion Wm Regal goes to a No Contest with Bubba Dudley after Brock Lesnar interferes... Ric Flair, with Arn Anderson in mid-ring, calls out Steve Austin, then tells him he is benched...Austin gives both Flair and Anderson stunners for their efforts... The Hardy Boyz d Goldust/ Booker T...Austin and wife Debra enter Mugs bar...The nWo, Booker, X-Pac, and Big Show, along with Goldust, air their dirty laundry in mid-ring...Kevin Nash joins the group, runs Goldust out and proclaims himself the leader.... the group reunites... at the bar, Eddie Guerrero flirts with Debra, then sings karaoke... Jerry Lawler, in a match to further get him over in Memphis, d Raven... Austin sings karaoke, then confronts Guerrero, who attacks Austin.... ME: WWE champion The Undertaker d Rob van Dam after Ric Flair orders the match restarted after van Dam pinned 'Taker, who had his foot on the rope.

Wrestling Monday / May 20
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com