Wrestling Tuesday / June 19

WWF Raw, live from Tampa last night : Spike Dudley, along with Molly Holly, calls Steve Austin out. Austin insults Spike. Molly slaps him. Austin gives Molly the Stunner. In a KOTR qualifier, Kurt Angle defeats WWF Lightweight champion Jeff Hardy. Cutaway to Kane' playing games @ WWFNY. Another stalker video airs. Tazz defeats Hardcore Holly. Steve Austin talks things over with Yoshihiro Tajiri. In the second KOTR qualifier, Rhyno defeats Tajiri. Diamond Dallas Page debuts as Sarah's stalker. In the third KOTR qualifier, Edge defeats Saturn. A clip of Mick Foley is shown from Live with Regis. WWF European champion Matt Hardy, with Lita, defeats Albert. After the match, Justin Credible and X-Pac attack The Hardyz. Steve Austin confers with Vince Mc Mahon, and gives him the ultimatum: it's Linda or him. In the fourth KOTR qualifier, Christian defeats The Big Show. In the Main Event, Spike Dudley, Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho defeat The Dudley Boyz & Steve Austin when Benoit & Jericho force Austin into a double-submission.

Wrestling Monday / June 18
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com