Pro Wrestling Tuesday / July 8

WWE Raw, live last night from Montreal, on the NEW TNN...Co-GM Steve Austin introduces the program... Booker T d IC champion Christian to win the title... Tommy Dreamer is attacked in the dressing room... Rosie, with Theodore Long, d Hurricane. After the match, Rosie splits from Rodney Mack and Long... Rico is attacked, and names Kane as the culprit... Gail Kim/ Val Venis d Victoria/ S Richards... Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel features Shawn Michaels, who addresses the night in 1997 when he d Bret Hart in Montreal... Austin talks with Kane... Test d Kevin Nash. After the match, Test gets rough with Trish Stratus... Jericho d Mark Jindrak... Molly Holly d Trish...Rob van Dam/ Bubba Dudley d Ric Flair/ Randy Orton... Austin and Kane are in the ring. Kane thinks Austin is making fun of him, and attacks. Austin gives Kane the stunner, Kane sits up and chokeslams Austin to end the program.

Tuesday Headlines ..........

Babes, Etc ..........

Pro Wrestling Monday / July 7
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
Covergirl Torrie
David Roberson . Com
