WWE Raw, live last night on TNN, from Washington, DC... Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler call the action; Lilian Garcia, in gold, is the ring announcer... The program opens with a tech glitch, as the audio is in Espanol... Eric Bischoff is in San Antonio, in search of Steve Austin, while Chief Morley is in DC...Test and Stacy ask for an apology from Chris Jericho. Jericho diverts the two as Christian attacks. Test fends off Christian, then leaves with Stacy... 3 Minute Warning d The Dudley Boyz, with Rico as the special referee. After the match, Rico goes through a table... Batista, Randy Orton and Ric Flair attack Tommy Dreamer as HHH looks on. HHH then goes into an oration intended to intro his group, which will be called Evolution... Bischoff stops by Austin's house, only to be directed to a saloon in Bandera, Tx... WWE champion Victoria d Molly Holly. After the match, Jazz attacks Molly... World Tag Team champions Wm Regal and Lance Storm d Goldust and Booker T. Booker and Goldust agree to split up after losing the match... Bischoff stops by the bar, only to be diverted again... Kane NC Rob Van Dam as Jeff Hardy interferes in the match...Shawn Michaels talks with Jeff Hardy and asks him to make a decision regarding his career. Hardy takes a swing @ Michaels, only to receive a superkick for his efforts... D-Lo Brown d Maven... Eric Bischoff enters the Silver Dollar Saloon, only to find that Austin is not there. He attacks a fan on the way out, saying Screw Austin... Batista and Orton attack Goldust, throwing him into an electrical panel. Goldie is KO'd and said to have been electrocuted... ME: Contender's Match: Scott Steiner d Chris Jericho... To end the program, Vince Mc Mahon confronts Chief Morley and reminds him that he and Bischoff have one week to get the job done, or be fired.

The Headlines..........

Babes, Etc..........

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