Wrestling Tuesday / February 19

Last night on WWF Raw, live from Chicago: Steve Austin calls out the nWo. Hogan, Nash and Hall refuse to enter the ring. Kurt Angle comes to the ring, with security. Security escorts Austin out after he attacks Angle.... The Hardys, with Lita, d Christian and Lance Storm...The Undertaker challenges Ric Flair for Wrestlemania, and Flair declines the offer...Kane d Mr Perfect...The Rock challenges Hulk Hogan for Wrestlemania, and Hogan accepts...Rock gives Hogan the Rock Bottom... The nWo attacks Rock...Rock taken into an ambulance... Hogan commandeers a WWF semi, and repeatedly rams into the ambulance...Booker T d The Godfather, with 3 lovelies...Rob Van Dam and Edge d Wm. Regal and Goldust...ME: HHH d Kurt Angle to win a contender's match, and HHH will face Chris Jericho for the WWF Title @ Wrestlemania.

Wrestling Monday / February 18
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com