Wrestling Tuesday / April 17

Mon night on WWF Raw, from the Univ of Tenn: Mr Mc Mahon insults Debra, so Debra slaps him. WWF Tag Team champions Edge and Christian defend against Crash and Hardcore Holly. Buh Buh Ray Dudley defeats Justin Credible. Matt Hardy attacks Steve Austin, seeking revenge for Lita. Kane defends his Hardcore Title against Steven Richards. Kurt Angle wrestles Chris Jericho to a No Contest. Jericho and Chris Benoit defeat Angle and Wm Regal. The Radicals defeat the trio of Test, Billy Gunn and Raven. Big Show defeats Kaientai in a handicap match. Cutaway to Trish Stratus @ WWF NY. In the Main Event, WWF Intercontinental champion Jeff Hardy defeats HHH by DQ.

Today's Babe : Fyre
Wrestling Monday / April 16
Wrestling Bodyslam .Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com