Wrestling Tuesday / April 10

Mon night on WWF Raw, from Boston: Hardcore champ Kane d Big Show/ K Angle. Vince Mc Mahon & Steve Austin harass Jim Ross, who threatens to leave the WWF to join Shane's WCW. Rhyno d Crash/ Molly Holly. X Factor attacks Spike Dudley. 'Taker d The Big Show. Linda Mc Mahon confronts Vince in the ring, and asks for a divorce. The Dudley Boys d X-Factor. Chris Benoit NC Chris Jericho. Cutaway to Edge & Christian @ WWF NY. Val Venis d Raven. ME: The Hardy Boyz/ Lita d HHH/ Austin/ Stephanie when Lita pins Steph. HHH & Austin attack Lita & The Hardyz after the match.

My Favorite Web sites

Today's Babe : Ivory
Wrestling Monday / April 9
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com