Wrestling Thursday / September 26

WWE Taping results from San Diego on Tues night: Dark Matches: Al Snow d Horseshoe.. Ivory d Molly.. WWE Velocity: Crash d Kidman.. S Moore d Damaja.. J Cena d D-Von.. WWE Smackdown: Rikishi d Chavo.. Nidia and Torrie in a bikini contest, with Billy and Chuck as the judges.. Billy/ Chuck d J Noble/ Tajiri.. B Lesnar d Funaki.. Edge d E Guerrero.. 'Taker d M Hardy.. ME: Triple Threat Match: Rey Mysterio d Kurt Angle/ Chris Benoit.

Wrestling Wednesday / September 25
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
Steph's Ready
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com