Pro Wrestling Thursday / October 7

WWE taped for television on Tue night in Boston...Dark Match... Shannon Moore d Akio... WWE Velocity... Luther Reigns d Mike Vega... Rob van Dam d Doug Basham... The Dudley Boyz d Nunzio/ Johnny Stamboli... WWE Smackdown... John Cena/ Carlito Cool challlenge... Rey Mysterio d Kenzo Suzuki... Hardcore Holly d JBL via countout... The Big Show d Mark Jindrak... Billy Kidman NC Charlie Haas... John Heidenreich reads a poem... ME: WWE US Title : Carlito Cool d champion John Cena TO WIN THE TITLE. (Note: This frees Cena to film the WWE-produced movie The Marine later this week).

Thursday Headlines ..........

Babes, Etc ..........

Pro Wrestling Wednesday / October 6
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
WWE Diva Torrie
David Roberson . Com
