Wrestling Thursday / November 29

Tonight on WWF Smackdown, taped Tues night in Wichita : Christian d Scotty 2 Hotty... Rob Van Dam d Bubba Ray Dudley... Kurt Angle d Edge... Trish and Jackie goes to a No Contest as Vince Mc Mahon invites Trish into the Butt Kissing club. Trish leaves the ring, after The Rock embarasses Mc Mahon. No, Trish does not do the deed... Kane/ Big Show d The Hardys to claim the #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles... 'Taker d Tazz... ME: Steve Austin d Wm Regal in a strap match.

Wrestling Wednesday / November 28
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com