Rob's Wrestling / Thu Nov 16

6:00 PM ET UPDATE........ Mick Foley on Conan tonight..... Juvie, on his website, apologizes profusely for the hotel incident..... a stage hand was the victim of pyro second-degree burns after part of Kane's intro struck him in the hand..... This afternoon on The Game Show Network, an early 1970's episode of To Tell The Truth aired featuring Lillian Ellison, aka The Fabulous Moolah..... Paul E disputes the internet rumors which have Rob Van Dam quitting ECW and talking with the WWF.....Thunder last night on TBS averaged a 2.3 over the 2 hours..... Vince Russo had an appointment today with his WCW-appointed neurologist. Nothing new to report. The concussion's still evident, and no date was set for his return to WCW..... Acclaim is developing a movie for HHH, called Bloodshot...... 12:00 AM ET UPDATE......... The deal with Canadian Score Television and the WWF is for 3 years, with options to extend 2 years. It will allow the WWF to broadcast the XFL, WWF Smackdown and WWF Metal.....Goldberg's "I'm Next" has been released. You can save $5 by ordering through, for $20.....The official WCW 'farm system" is now NWA Wildside, in Nashville.....The AP is reporting at this hour that Minn Gov Jesse Ventura will be introduced @ a press conference later today as a commentator for the XFL..... Rupert Murdoch, CEO of Fox Broadcasting, says that the network is interested in pursuing an equity stake in UPN.....NWA Flo has broken ties with the Funk Family Conservatory, due to "creative differences."

Wednesday November 15
