Wrestling Thursday / November 15

Tonight on WWF Smackdown, taped Tues night in Albany : Rob Van Dam d Kane... Edge/ The Hardy Boyz, with Lita, d Test/ The Dudley Boyz, with Stacy... The Big Show slams D D Page... Tazz chokes out Paul Heyman, after Heyman verbally slams Vince Mc Mahon and the WWF... 'Taker d Booker T by DQ... Wm Regal/ Ivory d Tajiri/ Torrie Wilson... ME: Chris Jericho/ The Rock go to a No Contest with Steve Austin/ Kurt Angle when the locker rooms empty into the ring.

Wrestling Wednesday / November 14
Wrestling Bodyslam. Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com