Wrestling Thursday / July 18

Tonight on WWE Smackdown, taped on Tue night in Wilkes-Barre: John Cena d Chris Jericho by DQ... Eric Bischoff talks with Hulk Hogan... Chavo Guerrero Jr d Hurricane Helms... Bischoff talks with Vince Mc Mahon... Edge/ Hogan/ Rkishi d Lance Storm/ Christian/ Test... Bischoff talks with The Rock... Billy Kidman d Tajiri... New Smackdown GM Stephanie Mc Mahon kicks Bischoff out of the building... ME: The Rock d Kurt Angle by DQ.

Wrestling Wednesday / July 17
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
Hangin With Lita
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com