Wrestling Daily / Sun Feb 18

David Letterman's Top Ten from Fri night were the rejected XFL Team names..... This Wed in Jonesboro, Ark, Memphis Ch Wrestling has HHH vs Angle in the ME. J Lawler/ Kat take on Bobby Eaton, Victoria and Brandon Baxter in the semi-ME..... NWA Flo this Tue in Tampa : Rapada vs Corino for the NWA Title. Also: Dan Severn/ Horace Hogan meet Cyborg/ Brian Blair. Steve Keirn takes on Jack Hart ( Barry Horowitz )..... Combat Zone Wrestling returns to Sewell, NJ on March 10..... The Warlord was arrested in Flo on an outstanding warrant from 1997 involving steroid distribution..... Eric Bischoff is talking with New Japan about talent for the New WCW..... Here's the WCW scenario as I understand it: WCW will "go dark" for either 2 or 3 weeks, supposedly beginning Mon April 2. After that period, a New WCW will be revealed, with a totally new look. Some have speculated that the annonuncing teams will change, also. There will be no WCW ppv in April. The next one, as of yet unnamed, will be on May 6....... On the subject of ECW, Paul Heyman's talks with Rainbow Sports have been exaggerated, perhaps to put Paul back into the news. ECW, minus more people everyday, barring a last-minute cash flow, looks to be history....... Los Angeles 12, Las Vegas 9 in televised XFL action last night..... Complete coverage of WCW Superbrawl Revenge Here.... Kurt Angle and Vince Mc Mahon appear in a commercial for AT & T later this month..... A second volume of ECW Music, Anarchy Rocks, will be released on March 20..... Saturn and Terri are live tonight from WWF NY for Heat.

Today's Babe : The XFL Cheerleaders
Saturday February 17
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com