Rob's Wrestling Daily / Sun Dec 31

3:00 PM ET UPDATE..... WWF Smackdown taped last night in San Antonio: C Jericho d C Benoit by DQ. The Dudleys d RTC. The Rock d K Angle (non-title). M Hardy/ Lita d Saturn/Terri. Venis d Gunn. Phatu d Test. ME: Austin d 'Taker/ Kane....... WWF Heat, taped for next weekend: Raven d Tazz. A Singh/ LoDown d Kwik/@ 2 Cool. Molly d Jackie. Acolytes d Kaientai........... Antonio Inoki has been voted Wrestler of the Century by the Japanese fans..... Now online: The WWF Year In Review..... Announced last night on ECW's Hardcore TV program on MSG Network: 2 ME's for next weekend's Guilty As Charged: For the ECW Tag Titles, Roadkill/ Doring defend against Hot Commodity, and, in an I Quit Match, Tommy Dreamer faces C W Anderson........ 12:00 AM ET UPDATE....... Pro Wrestling presents Pandora....The WWF taped Smackdown last night in San Antonio; results will be up later today.....Stevie Richards and Ivory co-host WWF Heat on Jan 7. Trish Stratus co-hosts on Jan 14......No reason as to why Florida's Sunshine Net aired the same episode of ECW Hardcore TV for the third straight week.....NAPTE convention next month will see HHH, Chyna, Ivory, Kat, 2 Cool and J.R.....Next weekend on WWF Metal/Jakked: Kwik d Rios. D-Lo d Sexay. MSP d Schmidt/Valentino. Scotty 2 Hotty d Chaz.

Saturday December 30
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
