Wrestling Saturday / March 17

Two takes on the WCW situation, from me: 1. Fusient could pitch the promotion to another network, then come back to make an offer , @ a lower price, or.... 2.The entire scenario could be a work. CEO Kellner has not released an official statement; all items are from the usual sources. And, of all the sources, Pro Wrestling Torch is not the most reliable. If it is a work, then it is a heinous measure to gain attention, in that people's lives would be in a "false" balance. At any rate, with Greed tomorrow, a taping in Gainesville on Mon, a house show in Mobile on Sun the 25th and Panama City on Mon the 26th the last items on the calendar, we should know something definite by the middle of next week. Until then, everything I read will be second-guessed.

Today's Babe : Stephanie
Wrestling Friday / March 16
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com