Wrestling Friday / September 14

WWF Smackdown, live last night from Houston: A very emotional Smackdown opened with Vince Mc Mahon in mid-ring paying respects to those fallen in the tragedy on Tues. WWF stars, led by The Rock, paraded down the rampway towards the ring. Lillian Garcia sang the national anthem to choruses of USA chants in the Compaq Arena. Throughout the program, WWF stars offered personal accounts of how the tragedy had affected them. The match lineup: The Hardys, with Lita, d H Helms/ L Storm, with Ivory... WWF Hardcore champion Rob Van Dam d Spike, with Molly... C Jericho d Christian... The Rock d Shawn Stasiak, with Stacy... Cruiser/ Lightweight champion X-Pac/ Albert fought APA... Booker T d The Big Show... Lita d Ivory... Test/ The Dudleys d S 2 Hotty/ W Regal/ Tajiri, with Torrie Wilson... ME: Kurt Angle d Rhyno.

Wrestling Thursday / September 13
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com

Email: cdavidroberson@hotmail.com