An entry on Chris Benoit's Wikopedia page listed Nancy Benoit's death hours before the sheriff's department arrived on the location and found the three dead bodies. WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt says that the company has no idea who posted the information, from someone located in Stanford, Ct, the home of WWE .... 10 empty beer cans were found in the Benoit house, along with a half-empty bottle of wine, alongside Chris Benoit's body.... unnamed sources say that Chris and Nancy argued over whether Chris should cut back on his travel schedule to help Nancy take care of Daniel... Chris sent text messages, using both his phone and Nancy's, to Chavo Guerrero and to William Regal, between 3:53 and 3:58 AM on Sunday morning, indicating his address and accessibility.... POSTED FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 @ 3:00 PM ET.

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