Pro Wrestling Friday / January 6

WWE taped for television in Wilkes-Barre (Courtesy of The Wrestling Observer).... Dark Match: Sylvan pinned Tommy Suede after a TKO... WWE Velocity: The Dicks beat Fred Sampson & Scotty Charisma... Lashley pinned Supreme Lee Great... Mexicools beat FBI... Jamie Noble forced Scotty 2 Hotty to submit... WWE SmackDown!... JBL pinned Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere match. This match started 6 rows in front of me, and ended on JBL's limo. After the match, The Boogeyman came out and grabbed Jillian Hall, before taking a handful of worms and shoving them down her panties... Mark Henry beat 3 jobbers in an elimination match. After the match Michael Cole interviewed Melina. I have no idea what she said because everyone was chanting slut at her.... In the back Randy Orton blamed Sharmell for the loss in Match 5.... Mr. Kennedy came out and announced that he will change the way SmackDown is announced. He then joined Cole & Tazz for the next match.... Kid Kash pinned Juventud with the Dead Level... Orlando Jordan once again petitoned Booker T to let him wrestle in the Best of 7 series. Sharmell and Booker ran him down. Orlando said he would remember that.... In Match 6 of the Best of 7 series, Chris Benoit defeated Randy Orton by DQ. Right after the bell sounded to start the match, Sharmell tripped Benoit with a crutch. Orton told the ref, and had Sharmell thrown out, while Booker remained for comentary. Later in the match, Orton was about to nail an RKO, when out of the crowd comes Orlando Jordan, who beat up Booker, and then nailed Benoit with a crutch, DQing Orton.... Simon Dean came out and said he's ready for some competition. He challenged any tag team to a match. Out came London & Kendrick. Dean said the match was not against him, it was against his new team The Gyminizers! Out came The Shane Twins/The Johnsons, who beat the hell out of London & Kendrick. There was never a match.... Lashley does a promo in which he states that he will be in the Royal Rumble.... MNM beat Batista & Mysterio in a Cage Match. After about 10 minutes of back and forth action, Mark Henry comes down. After what seems like another 10 minutes Henry pulls off the cage door, and enters and attacks Batista and Mysterio. Mercury then pins Mysterio to win the match. TNA Impact spoilers from Orlando (Courtesy of The Wrestling Observer)... Team 3-D b Lex Lovett & Buck Quartermain (this may have been a dark match or Xplosion match, or could be the TV opener for Saturday)... For Saturday January 7 .... The Naturals b Apolo & Homicide via DQ when Konnan interfered. Very quick match. Crowd loved Homicide to the point when the James Boys made the save, they were chanting for Homicide... Ron Killings b Bobby Roode in seconds Roode wanted a rematch, and Killings pinned him in seconds again... Alex Shelley & Austin Aries & Roderick Strong b A.J. Styles & Chris Sabin & Christopher Daniels. Shelley & Aries & Strong have been put together as a heel group with a push. Shelley pinned Sabin with a shiranui... Next came the segment where Jeff Jarrett's group was to make fun of Sting. To say this died live would be an understatement. As soon as Jarrett came out, the "boring" chants were so loud you couldn't make out what he was saying. What we could figure out is Eric Young came out as the 1988 Sting, Chris Harris came out as the 1997 Sting, and then Monty Brown came out wearing a wig, golf shirt and baby carraige, as the 2006 Sting. The chants were so loud nobody knows much, but the chants got creative as this segment went 15:00 and "seemed" beyond awful (it may play a lot better if you can hear the dialogue). People were leaving in droves as it went on, with chants of "Wrap it up," "We Want Wrestling," "This is lame," and more. For January 14th... Abyss b Jay Lethal... A.J. Styles was given the award as Mr. TNA for the third straight year. This segment backfired because of the loud chants of "Joe got screwed." Styles was visibly unhappy with the reaction. Shannon Moore stole the award to set up their angle... Samoa Joe b Cassidy Riley with a choke... Eric Young & A-1 & Petey Williams b Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt & Matt Bentley when Shelley tripped Sabin leading to the Canadian Destroyer by Williams on him for the pin.... Christian & Rhino b Chris Harris & James Storm in a non-title match when Christian pinned Harris. Crowd was dead for everything after the Sting segment. No Sting on television apparently. Although after the main guys came out to brawl, Sting's voice makes an appeareance, saying the mind games have begun and plugging him being there "tomorrow night" for Final Resolution.... Xplosion matches... Naturals b A-1 & Bobby Roode. Andy Douglas may have injured his knee here... Lance Hoyt & Ron Killings & Matt Bentley b Simon Diamond & Elix Skipper & David Young......

Friday / Thursday / Wednesday Headlines ..........

Babes, Etc ..........

Pro Wrestling Tuesday / January 3
WWE Divas
Wrestling Bodyslam . Com
David Roberson . Com
