Rob's Journal

Sunday Evening, November 3, 2002..... I awoke yesterday morning around 5:00, because, as of late, I've been keeping some strange hours. It isn't unusual for me to take a nap after I eat, only to wake up at 2or 3 in the morning, wide awake. Yesterday morning, I awoke and decided to update the website. For those of you who are regular visitors, you know that I update the wrestling website at least twice a day, while the personal website, the journal in particular, isn't updated as often. And, too, I hope that you know that I feel badly about that, because I realize that not everyone appreciates the wrestling. Having said that, after spending the better part of twenty or so minutes typing information, I hit the save button only to have Angelfire not only lose the page, but I lost the homepages to David Roberson . Com and Wrestling Bodyslam . Com, as well. I went back to sleep, convinced that my days as a webhost had come to a halt. And then, I gt mad. The better part of yesterday afternoon was spent reconstructing both homepages. The counter had to be reapplied for, and, wouldn't you know it, it's time to renew the rights to Wrestling Bodyslam . Com. I think that's what really convinced me to keep going with the sites. There isn't a day which goes by anymore when I don't have someone new discover one, or both, of them. Plus, I truly enjoy the work that I do here. You may notice some subtle changes. I assure you that it is probably not intentional, but rather that I have left a link off. I would appreciate your imput as to how I can make the site better. Also, if anyone can definitively tell me how I can use my scanner to post pix on the site, I would love to. Personally, my life is, as I said in the previous post, rolling right along. Tomorrow and Tuesday are workdays for me; I have workshops to attend on both days. Needless to say, the staff and the students at North Rowan, and at other schools I'm sure, are counting down the days until Christmas Break. A reminder that if you log onto Yahoo chat and you see Flair4Life, that's me. Take Care. Thank you for being with me here at David Roberson .Com.

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