Rob's Journal

Wednesday Evening, May 29, 2002.... Sociological and Historical Foundations of Education. That's the title. Today was Day 1 of four weeks at Winston-Salem State University, Mon through Thur, 1-3:20 pm. The second session, which runs from July 3 until Aug 2, will also find me in class on Mon through Thur, 1-3 pm. The school year ended yesterday at North Rowan with me signing a contract extension for next year, cleaning out files and turning in final grades. Today, summer school began. The class has 30 people or so, the majority of which are already teaching, adding to certificates. Our study group of 5 includes Yexenia, who also taught at North Rowan High this past year, Barbara, from Mineral Springs Middle, Travis, who graduated from North Rowan High, Shannon, who is at Hanes Middle, and me. The instructor is Dr David Peay, a retired educator. The course looks to be interesting, hopefully not overwhelming, and definitely a different way to spend June.

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