Rob's Journal

Saturday afternoon May 25, 2002..... Glenn Holt died on Thur May 16, after an illness over a period of time. Holt was 43. He was a famliy man, with two children. He was my eye doctor. He was a friend I met in college. He will be missed.... Graduation Day. Make your dreams come true. Be true to yourself. Assume responsibility. My thoughts go out to the Senoir classes at East Forsyth and South Rowan High Schools, both of which grduated last night, within minutes of each other. From East, I cannot but help think of Steve, Mike, Andrew, Katie, Alex, Season, Leslie, Sarah, Landi, Chrisopher, Heather, Ben and Lacy. This year's graduates of South Rowan were freshmen when I left there three years ago.... North Rowan's graduation was this morning at 10 in Keppel Auditorium on the campus of Catawba College in Salisbury. The class of 2002 saw 140 or so walk across the stage. As I watched the honor graduates receive their diplomas first, I wished that I had the opportunity to work with them. Then, one by one, as each name was called, I could feel the anticipation build until the Superintendent declared the group graduates of North Rowan... A few notes : good to see Mrs. Gaster, who left North in Feb to become the director of High Schools for the system... congrats to art teacher Mark Riley, who won a faculty award...after the program, I stepped behind the curtain and remembered my days at Catawba with the ACTS theatre group, working with Dr Epperson. On the way out, I noticed a box of programs from last night's South Rowan graduation. I took a couple of those programs, to go along with the one I had from North......

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