Rob's Journal

Saturday, February 16, 2002....... A day to shop. With the ensemble looking too predictable, today I went to Kohl's. Since its arrival in the area, this has become my favorite place to shop for clothes. Today, I started with 3 new pairs of argyle socks.. black, tan and grey patterns, some colorful new underwear, a couple of pairs of black Dockers and a selection of crew-type shirts from the Knights sportswear collection. I really like these shirts; I already had three of them. They wear well and have a stylish look for the winter. A new belt, or two, and it was off to Carolina Tans for the twice-weekly maintenance session. It's time for a new cell Radio Shack @ Hanes Mall. I was able to upgrade my plan with Verizon and walk out with a Motorola Digital model, which is receiving its first battery charge as I write. While shopping, I ran into a couple of former students from East Forsyth who remembered me. I also saw a friend from years ago. A very good day today. Thank you for being here with me at David Roberson .Com.... a bit of a business note, if you will.... Positive Communications has thrown out my custom greeting for the voice mail feature on my pager. Until I can get it activated again, a reminder that the local and toll-free numbers are the same, and will work. You just don't get Dave telling you what they are... for now.

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