Rob's Journal

Friday Afternoon, September 8...... Yesterday, I pulled the Saturday, September 2 Salisbury Post out of my mailbox to see this headline: Fatalities Open Holiday Weekend. It's become a habit. Everytime I see an accident report on the front page of the Post or the Kannapolis Independent-Tribune, I automatically hold my breath and scan for the name, hoping that it isn't one of my kids. Yesterday, I was sure that it was. I went on the internet site and found that Laura Elizabeth Alexander was a senior at EAST Rowan, a co-captain of the dance team, and very active at the school. Coming from SOUTH Rowan, I breathed a sigh of relief. The Laura Alexander I remember from my Theatre 1 three years ago was very bright, but painfully shy. She was picked on unmercifully by some of the kids because she had a prominent nose. She would show me pictures of her sister and her mom and dad. She really loved her dad. Around her, I could get a rare sense of family. As I laid down to sleep last night, I still thought about little Laura, who broke her arm the year we were together, and pulled one of those travel bags through the hall. And I kept thinking of how cruel some of the kids were to her. This afternoon, I pulled the Sunday September 3 Salisbury Post out of my mailbox. There, on the front page, was an article about the Laura Elizabeth Alexander who died last weekend in a one-car accident. She was a stand-out senior at East Rowan, on the dance team and academically near the top of her class. There was also a picture. East's bright star was my little Laura. There was no mention in the article or the obituary of South Rowan. So, today, I'm feeling a bit of a loss............ just as a side note to clear up any confusion which may exist, the Laura mentioned here is not the Laura mentioned elsewhere in my journal.....

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