Rob's Journal

Friday, November 30, 2001.... I hope that your Thanksgiving was a good one. The day after found me at WalMart in Kernersville at 6 in the morning. From there, I went to Kohl's, Oak Hollow Mall, Hanes Mall, a few other places, and... the shopping's done !!!..... You've noticed the chat room, added to the main page. During the holidays, I will be in the room from time to time. To join in the conversation, just log in with a handle and a password. It's that simple. I'll keep you posted alongside the graphic as to when the chats will begin.... Classes at Winston-Salem State will begin for me in January, Mons and Weds, 5:30-7 pm, then continuing into the summer. If I teach Exceptional Children again next year, I will continue with the hours, to fulfill the certification process. The program is designed for three years, at six hours per year. I'm already thinking about getting my Master's Degree completed while I'm there.... Life is hectic....I appreciate the weekends more....And life is good. Thanks for being here. Take care.

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